English Vocabulary in 365 Days - Lesson 41

September 26, 2016    

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Hello everyone, in our Lesson 40, we learnt about the prefixes Mega and MegaloMega; Megalo represent the meanings great; and largeToday we shall see the prefix meta. Happy Reading :)

Day 41 : Meta

  • meta - to change; beyond
Let's try to understand this with some examples
  • metabolism (noun) = a chemical process in living things that change food etc. into energy and materials for growth.
    • meta - Prefix = change, beyond
    • bol (ballein) - Root = to throw
    • ism - Suffix = the system of 
  • metathesis (noun) = a change in the order of sounds or letters in a word.
    • meta - Prefix = change
    • thesis (tithenai) - Root = to place
Let's have a look at some more words with meta prefixes, for better understanding.
  • metamorphic = formed by the action of heat or pressure
  • metacarpal = any of hte five bones in the hand between wrist and the fingers
  • metadata = information that is given to describe or help you use other information
  • metabolize = to use chemical processes in the body to turn food into energy, new growth, and waste products
  • metastasis = the spread of a disease, especially cancer, from the place where it started in the body to other areas
  • meta linguistic = the study of the relation between languages and the other cultural systems they refer to
Home Work :
Try to guess the meanings of the following elements.
  1. -fin
  2. -gam
  3. -fus
  4. -gyneco
a. pour
c. marriage
Shraboni Chakraborty
Asstt. Professor
English and Foreign Languages University,

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English Vocabulary in 365 Days - Lesson 41 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 26, 2016 sponsored links Hello everyone, in our Lesson 40 , we learnt about the prefixes Mega and Megalo .  Mega ; Megalo represent the meanin...

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