English Vocabulary from "The Hindu News Paper" - 28th September 2016

September 29, 2016    

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Hai  Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu dated 28th September 2016. Happy reading :)
Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials

Topic 1 : "Debating America"
  • Debating - argue about (a subject), especially in a formal manner
  • Lived up to something - to be as good as what was expected or promised
  • Hype - to repeatedly advertise and discuss something in newspapers, on television, etc. in order to attract everyone's interest
  • Nominee - a person who is nominated as a candidate for election or award
  • Brash - behaving and talking in a loud and confident way that annoys other people
  • Tycoon - a rich and powerful person who is involved in business or industry
  • Numerous - many
  • Anonymous - f someone is anonymous, no one knows their name
  • Moderator - 1 someone who is in charge of a discussion, meeting etc between people with different opinions
  • Anchor - someone who presents a television or radio programme, especially the news
  • Ended up - to be in a particular place or state after doing something or because of doing it
  • Birther  - birthers are opponents of US President Barack Obama, who claim that he is not a 'natural born citizen' (not born in the USA)
  • Proximity - how near something is to another thing, especially in distance or time
  • On the back foot - in a worse situation than other people
  • Turned out - to happen in a particular way or to have a particular result, especially an unexpected one
  • Emerged - to come to the end of a difficult period or experience
  • Brawl - a noisy fight in a public place
  • Poise - a controlled and relaxed way of behaving, even in difficult situations
  • Tempo - the speed at which something happens
  • Baits - something that is offered in order to persuade someone to do something
  • Forensically - in great detail
  • Racist - someone who does not like or respect people who belong to races that are different from their own and who believes their race is better than others
  • Destabilisation - to make a government, area, or political group lose power or control
  • LGBT - lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender
  • Dented - to have a bad effect on something
  • Sheer - used to emphasize how very great, important, or powerful a quality or feeling is
  • Showmanship - skill in making people feel entertained
  • Elucidation - to make something easier to understand by giving more information
  • Worrisome - causing you to feel worried
  • Disenchantment - disappointment (no longer enthusiastic about someone or something)
  • Dysfunction - a failure to work well
  • Metaphorical - intended to represent particular aspects of something else
  • Partisan - showing strong and usually unfair support for one particular person, group, or idea
  • Bickering - to argue about things that are not important
  • Logjam - a situation in which one problem is stopping anything else from being done
  • Bitterly - in a way that shows strong negative emotion such as anger or disappointment
  • Polarised - to form two very different groups, opinions, or situations that are completely opposite to each other
  • Electorate - all the people who are allowed to vote in an election
  • Distaste - a feeling of dislike for someone or something that you do not approve of

Topic 2 : "Troubled waters"
  • Troubled waters - a difficult situation or time
  • Treaty - a written agreement between two or more countries, formally approved and signed by their leaders
  • Intent - the intention to do something
  • IWT - Indus Water Treaty (India and Pakistan)
  • Drew up - to prepare something, usually something official, in writing
  • Optimise - to make something as good as possible
  • Abrogating - to end a law, agreement, or custom formally
  • Juncture - a particular point in time
  • Ill-considered - made or done without careful thought
  • Instincts - a natural ability to know what to do in a particular situation
  • Tributary - a small river that flows into a larger river
  • Brokered - to arrange the details of a deal, plan etc so that everyone can agree to it
  • Conflict - angry disagreement between people or groups
  • Revoking - to officially say that something is no longer legal, for example a law or a document
  • Threaten - to be likely to cause harm or damage to something or someone
  • Stability - a situation in which things happen as they should and there are no harmful changes
  • Credibility - qualities that someone has that make people believe or trust them
  • Dramatically - sudden and surprising or easy to notice
  • Geopolitical - relating to politics, especially international relations, as influenced by geographical factors
  • Consequence - a result or effect of something
  • Elicit - to make someone react in the way that you want
  • Flourish - to be very successful
  • Amplified - to increase the size or effect of something
  • Frenzied - uncontrolled and excited behaviour or emotion that is sometimes violent
  • Rhetoric - speech or writing intended to be effective and influence people
  • Rational - based on clear thought and reason
  • Pragmatic - dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations
  • For instance - for example
  • Bilateral - involving two countries
  • Shore up something - to support or improve an organization, that is not working effectively or that is likely to fail
  • Provocation - an action or statement that is intended to make someone angry
  • Neighbour - someone who lives near you
  • Prone - likely to suffer fro something unpleasant

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English Vocabulary from "The Hindu News Paper" - 28th September 2016 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 29, 2016 sponsored links Hai  Friends I'm Kani . Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu dated 28th Septe...

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