A Unique way to learn Vocab: 500 and counting

September 22, 2016    

A very good morning to all,…

Here we are with our next article based on current news which contains some difficult words, we will highlight and explain those words in order to improve your vocabulary skills and to have a good command on English language section. Hope this will help you with your preparation. From now on we are going to provide the link of the article. You can go through the article by clicking on the link. Below here you will get the 10 important words from the article which will help you to excel in the exam.

Article : 500 and counting

Click here to read article from THE HINDU

Meaning of the words highlighted in the article


1. Milestones (noun) (मील के पत्थर) – a stone set up beside a road to mark the distance in miles to a particular place

Synonyms – discovery, landmark

Ex: We passed the milestone this summer.

2. Legacy (noun) (विरासत)– an amount of money or property left to someone in a will

Synonyms – endowment, tradition

Ex: book as it is my legacy.

3. Germane (adjective) (सार्थक) – relevant to a subject under consideration

Synonyms – pertinent, akin

Antonyms – irrelevant, unrelated

Ex: The president will only respond to media questions that are germane to the economic crisis.

4. Vibrant (adjective) (जीवंत)– full of energy and life

Synonyms – vivacious, dynamic

Antonyms – dispirited, sluggish

Ex: There had to be millions of lost souls to create that vibrant of a glow.

5. Bequeathed (verb) (विरासत) – leave (property) to a person or other beneficiary by a will

Synonyms – endow, impart

Antonyms – receive, keep

Ex: He bequeathed his art collection to the town.

6. Indomitable (adjective) (अदम्य)–impossible to subdue or defeat

Synonyms – obstinate, willing

Antonyms – flexible, unstable

Ex: It was possible only to a leader of indomitable will.

7. Rivalry (noun) (होड़)– competition for the same objective or for superiority in the same field

Synonyms – clash, strife

Antonyms – agreement, harmony

Ex: There always has been intense rivalry between the clubs.

8. Seldom (adverb) (कभी कभी)–not often; rarely

Synonyms – rarely, whimsically

Antonyms – frequently, usually

Ex: Lisa had no trouble understanding why she seldom had company.

9. Momentous (adjective) (सब से अहम)– of great importance or significance, especially in having a bearing on future events

Synonyms – pivotal, grave

Antonyms – trivial, immaterial

Ex: A period of momentous changes in East–West relations.

10. Robust (adjective) (मजबूत)– (of an object) sturdy in construction

Synonyms – wicked, stout

Antonyms – lethargic, flabby

Ex: The robust athlete quickly recovered after his knee surgery.

Word of the Day


Meaning (English) – the character and atmosphere of a place

Meaning (Hindi) – माहौल

Synonyms – ambient, atmosphere

Example – Many restaurants and malls have noisy ambience due to stone flooring, cement walls and concrete ceilings as compared to few that have carpeting and wooden panels to absorb the noise.

उदाहरण – गिने चुने रेस्तराओं और शॉपिंग केन्द्रों में जहां कालीन और लकड़ी की पट्टियां लगी होती हैं वहां आवाज़ दब जाती है और शोर नहीं होता लेकिन ज्यादातर ऐसी जगहों में पत्थर के फर्श, सीमेंट की दीवारें और कंक्रीट की छतें होती हैं और उनसे माहौल अत्यंत शोरगुल से भर जाता है।


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A Unique way to learn Vocab: 500 and counting 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 22, 2016 A very good morning to all,… Here we are with our next article based on current news which contains some difficult words, we will highlight...

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