Quant Quiz- Profit & Loss and Discount

August 14, 2016    

1. Profit after selling an article for Rs 736 is the same as loss after selling the article for Rs 638. What is the cost price of the article?
1. Rs 687
2. Rs 649
3. Rs 597
4. Rs 674

2. The profit after selling a pair of trousers for Rs 863 is same as loss incurred after selling the same pair of trousers for Rs 631. What is the cost price of the trousers?
1. Rs747
2. Rs 800
3. Rs 763
4. Cannot be determined

3. Amit sold an article for Rs 630 and earned a profit of 20%. Find the cost price for Amit.
1. Rs 555
2. Rs 535
3. Rs 552
4. Rs 525

4. The selling price of 30 items is equal to the purchasing price of 25 items. What is the profit percent?
1. 25%
2. 20%
3. 16.67%
4. 20.33%

5. The labelled price of a product is Rs 750. If it is sold at a 20% discount, the dealer earns a 25% profit. What is the cost price?
1. Rs 550
2. Rs 450
3. Rs 435
4. Rs 480

 6. A gold bracelet is sold for Rs 14500 at a loss of 20%. what is the cost price of the gold bracelet?
1. Rs 18125
2. Rs 17400
3. Rs 15225
4. Rs 16800

7.Mohan brought a cycle for Rs 425 and then sold it at a loss of 8% of the cost price. For how much did he sell the cycle?
1. Rs 453
2. Rs 419
3. Rs 441
4. Rs 437

8. A trader sells 145 m of cloth for Rs 12325 at the profit of Rs 10 per metre of cloth. What is the cost price of 1 m of cloth?
1. Rs 65
2. Rs 75
3. Rs 95
4. Rs 85

9. Manish purchased 25 kg of rice @ Rs32 per kg and 15 kg of rice @ Rs 36 per kg. He mixed the two varieties of rice and sold it @ Rs 40.20 per kg. What is the percent profit earned?
1. 25
2. 40
3. 30
4. 20

10. Nandu purchased a mobile phone and got a discount of 5% from dealer. he sold that mobile phone at a profit of 10% on his purchase price. What is the percentage profit on actual price of the mobile phone?
1. 2%
2. 3%
3. 4%
4. 4.5 %

Note- Explanation provide soon
6- 1
10- 4

1. Cost price of the article= (736+638)/2 = Rs 687

2. C.P of pair of trousers= (863+631)/2= Rs747

3.C.P = 630(100/100+20)= Rs 525

4.If selling of x articles is equal to the cost price of y articles then profit percentage= x-y/x *100%
here x= 30 and y = 25
prefit percentage= 30-25/30 *100= 16.67

5. S.P of product = 80/100* 750= Rs 600
Profit = 25%
C.P= 100/125 * 600= Rs 480

6. C.P = 100/80* 14500= Rs 18125

7. S.P of cycle= 92/100* 475= 437

8.Let cost of 1 m of cloth be x.
(x+10) * 145= 12325
x= Rs 75

9. Total C.P= 25*32 + 15*36 = Rs 1340
S.P= (25+15) * 40.20= Rs 1608
profit %= (1608-1340)/1340*100= 20%

10. Let the actual price of mobile phone be Rs 100
purchase price= 100-5= Rs 95
Selling price= 95 * 100+10/100= 95*11/10
% profit= (95*11/10)/100*100= 4.5%

Quant Quiz- Profit & Loss and Discount 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu August 14, 2016 1. Profit after selling an article for Rs 736 is the same as loss after selling the article for Rs 638. What is the cost price of the articl...

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