English Vocabulary from Indian Express dated 5th August 2016

August 6, 2016    

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Hello Friends, I am Pratik Ankar. Here I am sharing the English Vocabulary from Indian Express dated 5th August 2016. Happy Reading :)

Indian Express August 5, 2016 : To Rio, without a plan.
  • Dishevel – Disarrange or rumple.
  • Marched – Walk quickly with determination.
  • Sartorial – Relating to tailoring, clothes, or style of dress.
  • Westernise – Make western in character.
  • Twain – Archaic term for two.
  • Corridor – A long passage in a building from which doors lead into rooms.
  • Reluctantly – Not eager, unwilling.
  • Tantrum – An uncontrollable outburst of anger and frustration, typically in young child.
  • Cringe – Bend one’s head & body in fear or apprehensive or in servile manner.
  • Excruciatingly – To an intense painful degree.
  • Intrigue – Curiosity or interest / Secret plan.
  • Prevailed – Prove more powerful or superior.
  • Foe – Enemy.
  • Jaunt – A short journey made for pleasure.
  • Collateral (Noun) – Keeping guarantee.
  • Collateral (Adjective) – Secondary.
  • Sneaky – Furtive; sly.
  • Truce – An agreement between enemies to stop fight.
  • Amateur – New to something; lacking professional skills.

Indian Express August 5, 2016 : Ready for takeoff.
  • Revolution – A forcible overthrow of government or social order in favour of a new system.
  • Exalted – Of high moral or intellectual level; elevated in nature or style.
  • Virtuous – Having or showing high moral.
  • Assiduous – Showing great care and perseverance.
  • Deft – Neatly skillful and quick in one’s movement.
  • Contour – An outline.
  • Harmonisation – Bring into consonance or accord.
  • Fillip (Noun) – Something which acts as a stimulus or boost to an activity.
  • Fillip (Verb) – Propel with a flick of the finger.
  • Proximity – Nearness in space, time, or relationship.
  • Buoyancy – Irrepressible liveliness and good sprit.
  • Insolvency – Lack of financial resources.
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English Vocabulary from Indian Express dated 5th August 2016 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu August 6, 2016 sponsored links Hello Friends, I am Pratik Ankar . Here I am sharing the English Vocabulary from Indian Express dated 5th August 2016 . ...

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