English Vocabulary from Indian Express dated 18th August 2016

August 24, 2016    

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Hello Friends, I am Pratik Ankar. Here I am sharing the English Vocabulary from Indian Express dated 18th August 2016. Happy Reading :)

Indian Express  August 18, 2016  Playing the Baloch card.

  • Hyphenate – To join words, etc. with a hyphen.
  • Gambit – An opening move in chess in which a pawn is sacrificed.
  • Delusion – A misleading opinion, idea or belief.
  • Abet – To incite or help a person in crime.
  • Retaliation – Make an attack in return for a similar attack.
  • Escalation -  To grow bigger by stages.
  • Prick – To puncture.
  • Predilection – Preference, liking.
  • Contemplate – To gaze upon.
  • Stoic – One who bears pain and discomfort without complaint.
  • Coherence – Logical or natural connection or consistency.
  • Subtle – Clever, ingenious.
  • Pragmatic – Concerned with practical results and values.
  • Repression – To control.
  • Foment – To apply a warm lotion to.
  • Resentment – Anger, bitterness.
  • Insurgent – Rising in revolt.
  • Condone – To overlook.
  • Subvert – To overthrow entirely.
  • Inimical – Hostile.
  • Denouement – Final stage where everything is made clear in the development of a play or story.
  • Grandeur – Magnificence.

Indian Express  August 18, 2016  Sharmila and Posterity.
  • Posterity – Succeeding generations.
  • Patriarch – Male head of a family.
  • Lineage – Direct descent from an ancestor.
  • Celibacy – Unmarried state.
  • Fratricide – The act of killing.
  • Chicane – To cheat.
  • Revere – To honour, to have deep respect.
  • Aura – Subtle emanation.
  • Whimsical – Full of sudden impulses.
  • Heckle – To tease with questions.
  • Perennial – Continuing throughout the  whole year.
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English Vocabulary from Indian Express dated 18th August 2016 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu August 24, 2016 sponsored links Hello Friends, I am Pratik Ankar . Here I am sharing the English Vocabulary from Indian Express dated 18th August 2016 ....

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