English Vocabulary from "The Hindu" - 26th July 2016

August 30, 2016    

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Hai  Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu dated 26th July 2016. Happy reading :)
Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials. 
Topic 1 : "Islamic State in Afghanistan"
  • Injured - hurt or physically harmed
  • Escalation - the process of becoming greater or more serious
  • Conflict - an active disagreement between people with opposing opinions or principles
  • Chaotic - happening in a confused way and without any order or organization
  • Province - an area that is governed as part of a country
  • Flaunted - to deliberately try to make people notice your possessions, beauty, abilities etc, because you want them to admire you
  • Reckon - to believe or accept that something is true or exists
  • Chink - a small narrow crack or opening
  • Armour - strong covering that protects something
  • Fray - an energetic and often not well-organized effort, activity, fight, or disagreement
  • Worse - more unpleasant or bad than something else or than before
  • Potential - possible when the necessary conditions exist
  • Sustained - continuing for a long time
  • Variously - in different ways, by different people or at different times
  • Territory - areas of countries
  • Amidst - in the middle of or surrounded by something
  • Chaos - a situation in which everything is confused
  • Exploited - make full use of and derive benefit from a situation
  • Uncertainty -  not knowing what to do or believe, or not able to decide about something
  • Substantially - by a large amount or degree
  • Mountainous - covered with mountains
  • Foothold - a strong first position from which further progress can be made
  • Sectarian - caused by disagreements among people from different religious groups
  • Narrative - a particular way of explaining or understanding events
  • Ethnic - relating to a particular race of people
  • Rivalry - a situation in which people, businesses, etc. compete with each other for the same thing
  • Whip up - to encourage strong emotions or behaviour in people
  • Persecuted - to treat someone extremely badly
  • Conflict - an active disagreement between people with opposing opinions or principles
  • Ideology - a set of beliefs or principles, especially one on which a political system, party, or organization is based
  • Coalition - a temporary union of different groups who agree to work together to achieve a shared aim
  • Consequences - results or effects of something
  • Disastrous - causing a lot of damage or harm

Topic 2 : "Adding injury to insult"
  • Adding injury to insult - to make a bad experience even more painful
  • Democracy - a country in which power is held by elected representatives
  • Reflected - to show / express something
  • Robustness - strength
  • Texture - appearance
  • Discourse - communication in speech or writing
  • Tasteless - likely to upset someone
  • Indefensible - not able to be protected against attack
  • Provoked - to cause a negative reaction
  • Vulgarity - jokes, actions etc with a sexual meaning that is considered to be rude or offensive
  • Partymen - people belonging to a political party
  • Coarse - rude
  • Analogy - comparison between things that have similar features
  • Prostitution - engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment
  • Smacked of something - a sign of something bad
  • Deep-seated - very difficult to change or get rid of
  • Sexist - refering to women's bodies, behaviour, or feelings in a negative way
  • Bias -  the action of supporting or opposing a particular person or thing in an unfair way
  • Ostensibly - appearing to be one thing when it is really something else
  • Alleged - claimed to be true, even though this has not been proved
  • Unpardonable - extremely bad or offensive
  • Slur - a remark that is intended to insult someone or to damage their reputation
  • Bereft - not having something or feeling great loss
  • Nuance - a slight difference that may be difficult to notice but is fairly important
  • Firmness - the quality of being forceful and making people do what you want
  • Desire - to want something, especially strongly
  • Curb - to control or limit something that is not wanted
  • Fallout - the unpleasant results or effects of an action or event
  • Sizeable - large
  • Expelled - to force someone to leave an organization, or country
  • On the back foot - in a worse situation than other people or groups
  • Battling - fighting
  • Protests - an occasion when people show that they disagree with something by standing somewhere, shouting, carrying signs, etc
  • Outrage - a feeling of anger and shock
  • Brutal - cruel, violent, and completely without feelings
  • Assault - physical attack
  • Self-styled - given a name or title by yourself without any official reason for it
  • Activists - people who takes part in activities that are intended to achieve political or social change, especially the members of an organization
  • Prejudice - an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when formed without enough thought or knowledge
  • Regrettably - making you feel sad and sorry about something
  • Detractor - someone who criticizes something or someone, often unfairly
  • Derogatory - showing strong disapproval and not showing respect
  • Squandered - wasted
  • Decorum - behaviour that is controlled, calm, and polite
  • Overreaction - to react in an extreme, especially an angry or frightened, way
  • Irony - a strange situation in which things happen in the opposite way to what you would expect
  • Theatrics - behaviour that is intended to get attention
  • Sway - to move slowly from side to side
  • Borne - to accept, tolerate, or endure something, especially something unpleasant
  • Reins - control of a company, government, or organization
  • Stature - the amount of public respect or popularity
  • Alter - to slightly change something
  • Lexicon - all the words used in a particular language or subject
  • Heartland - the central part of a country or area
  • Fritter - waste time, money, or energy on unimportant matters
  • Torrent - a large amount of something, especially something unpleasant
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English Vocabulary from "The Hindu" - 26th July 2016 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu August 30, 2016 sponsored links Hai  Friends I'm Kani . Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu dated 26th July ...

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