Big Bank Theory: Understanding Monetary Policy

August 10, 2016    

Dear aspirants,

In continuation with our “Big Bank Theory” initiative, today we will discuss an important topic of banking i.e. “Monetary Policy”

Many times you have heard about bi – monthly monetary policy review announces by Reserve Bank of India. Recently, RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan has announced 3rd bi- monthly policy review on 9th August 2016. The key policy rates are unchanged.

Earlier, RBI announced the monetary policy review on a quarterly basis (on after 3 months). A panel headed by RBI deputy governor Urjit Patel had recommended that the central bank monetary policy committee meet every two months (bi – monthly) to review rates.


Monetary Policy 

Monetary policy is conducted by Reserve Bank of India. It is the process by which central bank controls the money supply in the economy by controlling key policy rates. The whole things is done only because to control or maintain the level of the inflation in the economy.

With the help of monetary policy, RBI manages liquidity in the market. When RBI lowers policy rates (Repo/ CRR/ Bank rate/ SLR) it increases liquidity in the market. Which means, the availability of cash is more in the market.

For example – The consumer will get loans on cheaper rates and will pay less EMI to the bank. Thus, having sufficient money with themselves.

When RBI increases policy rates (Repo/ CRR/ Bank rate/ SLR) it decreases liquidity in the market. Which means, the availability of cash is less in the market.

For example – The consumer will get loans on higher rates and will pay more EMI to the bank. Thus, having insufficient money with themselves.

Instrument of Monetary Policy – There are several direct and indirect instruments that are used in the implementation of monetary policy.

Open Market Operations (OMOs): It refers to buying and selling of government securities by RBI in the open market. It controls the money supply in the economy. When RBI sells govt. securities to banks, the lendable resources of the latter are reduced and banks are forced to reduce or contain their lending, thus curbing the money supply. When money supply is reduced, it result increase in the interest rates tends to limit spending and investment.

On the other hand, when RBI buys Govt. securities from banks, their lending resources are higher which in turn encourage banks to lend more in the market and lending leads to increase in money supply. When money supply is increased, it result decline in the interest rates tends to promote spending and investment.

Liquidity Adjustment Facility: In 1998, Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF) was introduced on recommendations of Narsimham committee on banking sector reforms. In April 1999, an interim LAF was introduced to provide a ceiling and the fixed rate repos were continued to provide a floor for money market rates.Under LAF the Reserve Bank would conduct auctions periodically, if not necessarily daily. The Reserve Bank could reset its Repo and Reverse Repo rates which would in a sense provide a reasonable corridor for the call money market.


What is Liquidity? In a simpler term, liquidity is a flow of money in the market. How easily you get your money, whenever you need it.

Repo Rate – It is the rate at which RBI lends money to commercial banks in the event of any shortfall of funds. It is the rate of interest which RBI implements on the short term loans, i.e., from a period ranging between 2 days to 3 months (90 Days). It is used by monetary authorities to control inflation.

Whenever RBI reduces the Repo rate, Commercial bank get the funds at a cheaper rate and when central bank increases the Repo rate, the banks get loans in a higher rate.

Reverse Repo Rate – It is the rate at which the RBI borrows money from commercial banks. Banks are always happy to lend money to the RBI since their money is in safe hands with a good interest.

If there is an increase in reverse repo rate, the commercial Banks can funds more money to RBI to earn higher returns on idle cash. RBI uses this tool to drain excess money out of the banking system.

Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR): It is the amount of funds that the banks have to keep with the RBI. Current CRR is 4%.

For ex – When a bank’s deposits increase by Rs1000, and if the cash reserve ratio is 4%, the banks will have to hold additional Rs 40 with RBI and Bank will be able to use only Rs 960 for investments and lending / credit purpose. Therefore, higher the ratio (i.e. CRR), the lower is the amount that banks will be able to use for lending and investment.


Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR): It is the amount of ratio that the bank has to maintain in form of gold, cash or other approved securities with themselves.

Note: If SLR increases, banks need to keep more liabilities (deposits) with them and provides less loans to people. If SLR decreases, banks need to keep fewer liabilities (deposits) with them and provides more loans to people.

Marginal Standing Facility (MSF): The Reserve Bank of India introduced MSF in 2011 for banks and primary dealers to reduce the volatility in the inter-bank call money market. Under this facility, the commercial banks can borrow funds overnight from the RBI for the short term against the collateral of government securities. Banks borrow money from RBI at MSF rate when there is an acute cash shortage or acute asset-liability mismatch.

Bank Rate: Bank rate is the rate of interest implemented by RBI when it lends money to a public sector bank on a long term basis, i.e. from a period ranging from 90 days to 1 year. Bank rate is also referred to as the discount rate and is the rate of interest which a central bank charges on the loans and advances to a commercial bank.

There is a difference between Bank Rate and Repo Rate viz – the Repo Rate is a short-term measure and refers to short-term loans used for controlling the amount of money in the market, whereas Bank Rate is a long-term measure and is governed by the long-term monetary policies of the RBI.

Current Policy & Reserve Rates:

Big bank monetary

Thanks, that’s all for today. 

You may read previous articles – 

1. Big Bank Theory (RBI Grade B Officer Exam) – Inflation

2Big Bank Theory (RBI Grade B Officer) – Sarfaesi Act

3. RBI Grade B Exam: A Spotlight on Loans & Advances


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Big Bank Theory: Understanding Monetary Policy 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu August 10, 2016 Dear aspirants, In continuation with our “ Big Bank Theory” initiative , today we will discuss an important topic of banking i.e . “Mone...

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