A Unique way to learn Vocab: Peace on the horizon in Colombia

August 30, 2016    

A very good morning to all,…

Here we are with our next article based on current news which contains some difficult words, we will highlight and explain those words in order to improve your vocabulary skills and to have a good command on English language section. Hope this will help you with your preparation. From now on we are going to provide the link of the article. You can go through the article by clicking on the link. Below here you will get the 10 important words from the article which will help you to excel in the exam.

Article : Peace on the horizon in Colombia

Click here to read article from THE HINDU

Peace on the horizon in Colombia(Challenging Wordlist)

Meaning of the words highlighted in the article

1. Protracted (adjective) (दीर्घ) – lasting for a long time or longer than expected or usual

Synonyms – dragging, distant

Ex: Finally, after a protracted wait, Marsellus spoke to his friend.

2. Scepticism (noun) (अविभाज्य)– a sceptical attitude; doubt as to the truth of something

Synonyms – doubt, lack of Conviction

Ex: The mark of these technologies is that they are greeted with universal skepticism at first.

3. Pessimism (noun) (निराशावाद)– a tendency to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen

Synonyms – cynicism, gloom

Antonyms – confidence, trust

Ex: Pessimism, therefore, depends upon the individual point of view, and the term is frequently used merely in a condemnatory sense by hostile critics.

4. Pitted (adjective) (गुठलियों हटाना) – having a hollow or indentation on the surface

Synonyms – contend, vie

Antonyms – agree, go along

Ex: The town wall was pitted and riddled with holes.

5. Guerrillas (noun) (छापामारों)– a member of a small independent group taking part in irregular fighting, typically against larger regular forces

Synonyms – commando, mercenary

Ex: Even in civilized corporate offices, professionals in business attire say their work tasks place them “down in the trenches” or that a certain “campaign” requires “guerrilla” marketing.

6. Amnesty (noun) (आशावाद)– an official pardon for people who have been convicted of political offences

Synonyms – forgiveness, reprieve

Ex: This he put to account when the amnesty of 1866 enabled him to return to Germany.

7. Resonate (verb) (समझ में आना)– produce or be filled with a deep, full, reverberating sound

Synonyms – vibrate, oscillate

Ex: The speaker hopes her inspirational story will resonate with audience members and spur them to chase their dreams.

8. Disillusioned (adjective) (मोहभंग)– disappointed in someone or something that one discovers to be less good than one had believed

Synonyms –debunked, shattered

Antonyms – enchanted, encouraged

Ex: But the defeat of his plans disillusioned him, and he turned to reform.

9. Massacre (noun) (नरसंहार)– an indiscriminate and brutal slaughter of many people

Synonyms –carnage, genocide

Ex: Reports of massacres by government troops.

10. Rehabilitation (noun) (पुनर्वास)– act of restoring something to its original state

Synonyms –improvement, overhaul

Antonyms – damage, injury

Ex: Darwin’s theory had as one of its results the reformation and rehabilitation of teleology.

Word of the Day


Meaning (English) – secrets or mysteries

Meaning (Hindi) – रहस्य

Synonyms – invocation, orison

Antonyms –refusal, execration

Example – The European monarch craved the formula or arcanum for the philosopher’s stone, the magical compound that would turn base metal into gold.

उदाहरण –यूरोपीय सम्राट लोहे को स्वर्ण में बदल सकने वाले पारस पत्थर के जादुई यौगिक के फोर्मूले या रहस्य की चाह में था।

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A Unique way to learn Vocab: Peace on the horizon in Colombia 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu August 30, 2016 A very good morning to all,… Here we are with our next article based on current news which contains some difficult words, we will highlight...

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