Dear Readers
As you all know SBI PO Prelims 2016 Exam Result is out. A big congratulation to those who cleared the exam and set to hit the next hurdle SBI PO Mains. Wish you all the best.
Also many of you are feeling depressed as your SBI PO Pre exam didn’t go well. My dear readers this is not the end, this is the beginning, a beginning with full strength and momentum to thrash all the hurdles in the path of your Success. Remember Sir Confucious said,
“Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fail.”
In order to boost up your confidence level here we providing you this motivational story.
So many candidates and so less vacancy. We have to fight with all of them, with them who may be more faster than you in solving problems, more accurate in answering English questions, who may be much senior than you. So many people and where you exist there in the race. This thinking is not uncommon. This are the same type of questions which came in the mind of SIR LAXMAN RAO when he was going through the hard phase of his life. Does this questions really matters ? What is win, victory, pass ? let us ask to our Sir..
Sure we need a platform to prove ourself. Sir Laxman Rao also build his own platform ‘on road’.
Sir Laxman Rao (Lekhekje)
He was born in Amravati district, Maharashtra. He came to Bhopal with only Rs.40.
In Bhopal, where Rao first went to look for work, he was a domestic servant in a house doing all chores from sweeping and mopping the floor to doing the dishes.
Rao came to Delhi in 1975 and picked up whatever work came his way. For many years, he worked as a labourer in a construction site and as a dishwasher in road-side dhabas.
I wanted to see the world. Learn things. Read and write books,” he says.
But Rao’s world revolves around the world of books. “I used to spend my entire Sundays in the flea-market in Daragunj selecting books to read,” he says. Reading exposed him to not only Indian writers but also to Shakespeare, Sophocles and Bernard Shaw.
But for others, Rao is just another chaiwalla sprawled out on the Delhi pavement with his tin-pot kettle and crusty tea-glasses.
He developed a keen interest in reading and writing. While selling tea side by side he started writing books. He thought I am just a road side tea-seller with no such big educational background, who will listen to me, who will read my book. But with litte hope he went to many publishing offices. The only words everybody said is “GET OUT”.He was insulted at many places. A publisher insulted him badly and summarily dismissed him from his office without looking at his manuscript.
From that day, he decided to break all the hurdles, he don’t need any support ,no platform to make people believe in him and decided to publish, market and promote his books on his own. He started selling tea and paan on roadside day and night to earn more money. Rao writes in the night in his one-room tenement .The stall is open-air and make-shift. It has the bare minimum which includes the rusty kerosene stove, two-three tea utensils, a plastic mug, and a few styrofoam cups. When it rains, Rao has to abandon his stall and rush to the boundary wall behind him – push a plastic cover between the wall and his cycle and improvise some sort of a shelter for himself and his books.He use to cycle over 60 kilometres every morning from one end of Delhi to another to promote his books. To make ends meet he sells tea for one rupee a cup. And while doing so he has to keep an open eye out for the MCD evacuation squad which has displaced his make-shift stall once already.
When there is a will there is always a way !
Nobody can stop you to win, to win to the max.
He published his first book in 1979. He has been a tea seller since the last 25 years.
Ironically, Rao, the author of nearly 20 books in Hindi, sells tea on the pavement outside Hindi Bhawan, the repository of Hindi literature.
He is indeed a sad commentary on the value of the artist in the country. Rao’s situation also reveals the great disparity between the rich and famous writers writing in English and those Hindi or vernacular writers like him living in abject poverty and oblivion. Those who buy his books seldom realise he is the author.
There are many people who don’t need an excuse to chat up Rao over a cup of tea. These are people who have read his books. Many people from different offices in Vishnu Digambar Marg know about Rao’s books and come around during recess or before and after office to talk with him over tea. But it’s not only the office-goers in Vishnu Digambar Marg who visit Rao. Some like Sushil Sharma makes it a point to drop by Rao’s after his office.
“My office is in Safdarjung Enclave and I drive my scooter here especially to Rao’s shop. The idea is not to have tea but to spend some quality time with someone. I exchange news, views and opinions with Rao and go home a richer man,” says Sharma, a manager in a private office.
He finally got his degree at the age of 42.
Looking at me no one can tell that I write books. They look at my ramshackle cycle, my worn out clothes smudged with dirt and sweat and think I am just another peddler. I don’t tell anyone it’s my book until they inquire about the author
Awards and Recognition:
- He is an author of 24 books.
- His novel Ramdas even won the Indraprastha Sahitya Bharti Award.
- He has a registered publishing house called Bhartiya Sahitya Kala Publications with an ISBN number to boot.
- Over 400 schools have bought his books and stock it in their library.
- Those who know him call him Lekhekje and this makes Laxman Rao a very happy man.
What is win, victory, pass ?
And when Rao reveals his identity to an inquisitive buyer they are shocked and quickly offer Rao a chair and tea.
The person who does not get books to read, wrote a book……
Team GradeUp
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