SBI PO Prelims Exam: Overall Analysis & Expected Cutoff – 9th July 2016

July 9, 2016    

Dear Aspirants,

Today, SBI has conducted the Preliminary exam for the post of  Probationary Officers (PO).

The exam is being conducted in 4 slots on various shifts i.e 9 am, 11.30 am, 2 pm, 4.30 pm. Most of you have appeared for the same. The overall level of today’s exam was of moderate to tough level.

The pattern of the exam is as follows:

Below is the detail analysis of all the sections 

I. English Language (30 Qs)

Level – Moderate 

1. Reading Comprehension – 10 Qs

1st slot – RC was based on Boys & Girls – Education Preference

2nd slot – RC was based on Financial facility for Women

2. Cloze test – 5 Qs (Easy) based on Technology

3. Parajumble – 5 QS (Moderate) based on Technology

4. Spotting Error – 5 Qs (Moderate) 

5. Fill in the blanks – 5 Qs (Easy)

Note: No Sentence Improvement Question asked in all 4 shifts of today’s exam.

II. Reasoning Ability (35 Qs)

Level – Moderate to Tough

1. Puzzle – 5 Qs -(Moderate to Tough)

1st slot –  5 Qs – (Moderate to tough) 7 people  7 different planets

2nd slot 5 Qs -(Tough) 7 people, 3 different  standards & 7 different likes

2. Puzzle – 5 Qs (Moderate) –  boxes with different shapes

3. Linear Puzzle – 5 Qs –  (Tough) 8 people sitting and facing North South in same line

5. Puzzle –

1st slot – 5 Qs  – 7 subjects and 3 institutes (Moderate)

3rd slot 5 Qs  Comparison  Puzzle on books (Easy)

6. Inequality – 5 Qs (direct)

7. Direction – 3 Qs (Easy t0 moderate)

8. Blood Relation – 2 Qs (Moderate) 

Note: No syllogism & Coding Decoding asked in all 4 shifts of today’s exam.

III. Quantitative Aptitude 

Level – Moderate

1. Number Series – 5 Qs (Moderate) 

2. Data Interpretation – 2 set (10 Qs)  – One Bar Grpah DI was easy & Table graph based DI is moderate 

1st slot – 2 set (10 Qs)  – One Bar Grpah (company & production) DI was easy & Table graph(Dance) based DI is moderate 

2nd slot 2 set (10 Qs)  – One Bar Grpah (percentage & ratio) DI was easy & Table graph (sports and students) based DI is moderate 

3. Approximation – 5 Qs (Easy)

4. Quadratic Equation – 5 Qs (Easy)

5. Miscellaneous –  10 Qs (Moderate)

Note: No Missing DI asked in all 4 shifts of today’s exam.

Some of the Questions are shared below which was asked in today’s exam!

I. English Section 

Reading Comprehension – 

RC asked in today’s exam

RC was based on Women Empowerment

Economic empowerment is the capacity of women and men to participate in, contribute to and benefit from growth processes in ways which recognise the value of their contributions, respect their dignity and make it possible to negotiate a fairer distribution of the benefits of growth. Economic empowerment increases women’s access to economic resources and opportunities including jobs, financial services, property and other productive assets, skills development and market information. Women’s economic participation and empowerment are fundamental to strengthening women’s rights and enabling women to have control over their lives and exert influence in society. It is about creating just and equitable societies. Women often face discrimination and persistent gender inequalities, with some women experiencing multiple discrimination and exclusion because of factors such as ethnicity or caste. The economic empowerment of women is a prerequisite for sustainable development, pro-poor growth and the achievement of all the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Gender equality and empowered women are catalysts for multiplying development efforts. Investments in gender equality yield the highest returns of all development investments Women usually invest a higher proportion of their earnings in their families and communities than men. A study in Brazil showed that the likelihood of a child’s survival increased by 20% when the mother controlled household income.2 Increasing the role of women in the economy is part of the solution to the financial and economic crises and critical for economic resilience and growth. However, at the same time, we need to be mindful that women are in some contexts bearing the costs of recovering from the crisis, with the loss of jobs, poor working conditions and increasing precariousness. The gender equality focus of bilateral aid to all sectors combined (including social) is notably higher, amounting to one third (USD 18 billion per year) of all aid allocated by sector in 2007-08. DAC members placed comparatively less emphasis on gender equality and women’s empowerment in the economic and productive sectors than they did in their support for other sectors. The largest share of bilateral aid to gender equality and women’s empowerment in the economic and productive sectors was committed to agriculture/rural development (USD 1.9 billion). 5 Large shares of aid also targeted gender equality and women’s empowerment in the sectors of banking/business, public financial management and urban development. Only small shares of aid, however, targeted gender equality and women’s empowerment in mining, construction, transport/storage (including road building), energy, communications and trade These figures represent aid commitments and point to areas where donors could increase their investments to women’s economic empowerment.

RC asked in 1st Slot based on Boys & Girls – Education Preference

RC asked in 3rd Slotbased on Financial facility for Women

RC asked in 4th Slot – based on US Economy

Cloze Test – In all shifts cloze test was based on Technology 

Para- Jumble  – asked in 1st slot-

1) Earlier this year BMW advertised on WeChat, a popular messaging app in China with around 550m monthly users.
2) But its ads were shown only to those whose profiles suggested they were potential buyers of expensive cars.
3) Others were shown ads for more affordable stuff, such as smartphones. The campaign bruised a few egos.
4) Some of those not shown the BMW ad complained, referring to themselves as diao, or (putting it politely) losers.
5) The carmaker’s experience shows the complexities of advertising today, when it is so easy for dissatisfied customers to make their voices heard

II. Quantitative Aptitude 

Number Series Questions asked –

1. 150…102…70…46…26… ?

2. 10…14…28…52…134…?

3. 4500…900…90…6…?…0.012

4. 24…11…10…14…27….?

5. 8…7…12…33…128….?

Some pattern of Number Series

1. Differnce
2. Differnce
3. Divide /5 then /10 then /15 ………..
4. *0.5 *1 *1.5 ….
5. *1-1 *2-2 *3-3

Miscellaneous Questions –

Qs asked in 2nd slot (memory based)

1. 120 l of mixture. Milk and water ratio 11 : 4. 45 litres of mixture withdrawn and 5 litres of milk added . Find the percentage of water in final mixture.

2. A is 5 years younger than B. 20 years hence B’s age will be twice A’s age 5 years ago. Find B’s age 8 years hence.

3. A gave 20% salary to mother. Out of remaining half in insurance and PPF in ratio 5 : 3. If total of what he gave to mother and what invested in PPF is 12,600. Find A’s salary.

4. C is 20% more efficient than A. A and B together can do work in 16 days. B and C together in 15 days. Find in how many days A alone can complete work.

5. A invested Rs 16,000. After 6 months b and C joined with Rs 12000 and 18000 resp. and A added additional Rs 4000. After a year, difference between shares of A and B is Rs 6000. Find total profit.

6. A invested Rs P in a scheme that offers 12% rate of interest for 3 yrs. He also invested Rs (P+400) in scheme which offers 10% at compound interest. The difference between the amounts received from both investments is Rs 304. Find P.

7. 8 blue balls and 7 red balls. 3 balls chosen. Prob. that 2 are blue and 1 red.

Do’s & Don’t

Please plan sectional timing properly & attempt the exam in following sequence, you can follow your own strategies also…

1. Quant – 20 min 

2. Reasoning : 25 mins

3. English Lang – 15 min

1. English Section 

English was quite moderate & doable, with lengthy Reading Comprehension & typical Parajumble question. Rest of the questions like Cloze test, fill in the blanks were easy. Don’t start section with Parajumble question. You can easily attempt 20 – 22 questions with 99% accuracy.

2. Quantitative Aptitude –

This section was of moderate level. Quadratic Equation & Approximation  questions was quiet easy, try to attempt these questions first to clear the sectional cutoff.

One DI was easy, was of simple bar graph.

Other DI was of moderate level on Table chart and based on – sports and students

The Number series questions was of easy level, you can attempt 5 questions. Some Miscellaneous questions was of moderate & time consuming, so don’t waste time on these question. You can easily attempt 20 – 22 question in this section. 

2. Reasoning Section

This time the level of the Reasoning section was of moderate to tough level. There were 5 puzzle, mostly puzzle was of time consuming. To clear the sectional cutoff of this section, don’t start with puzzle questions. You can start questions with Inequality, Blood relation, Direction test, etc. Try to attempt questions with 100% accuracy. If you can manage to attempt 15 -16 questions, you can easily clear the section cutoff of this section.

Good Attempts –

1. English Language – 20 – 22

2. Reasoning Ability – 15 – 20

3. Quantitative Aptitude – 22 – 25

Section-wise Expected Cut off 

1. English Section 5.25 – 7

2. Reasoning5 – 7

3. Quantitative  Aptitude 6 -8

Overall Expected Cut off

The expected overall cutoff of SBI PO Prelims Exam will vary between 41-47 marks for general category. 

Also read – 

1. SBI PO Prelims Exam Analysis – 1st slot 

2SBI PO Prelims Exam Analysis – 2nd slot 

3. SBI PO Prelims Exam Analysis – 3rd slot 

4. SBI PO Prelims Exam Analysis – 4th slot 

All The Best!!

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SBI PO Prelims Exam: Overall Analysis & Expected Cutoff – 9th July 2016 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 9, 2016 Dear Aspirants, Today, SBI has conducted the Preliminary exam for the post of  Probationary Officers (PO). The exam is being conducted in ...

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