Power Pack Strategy for SBI PO Pre based on Analysis of 2nd & 3rd July

July 5, 2016    

Hello Readers,

Here we are with the Power Pack Strategy for SBI PO Pre based on Analysis of 2nd & 3rd July. This strategy will help you to score good marks in the exam which is going to be held on 9th & 10th July.

Power Pack Strategy

The level of SBI PO Prelims Exam held on 2nd & 3rd July 2016 was a shocking experience, the whole paper was dominated by only one section i.e Reasoning. Since IBPS PO 2015, reasoning had played an dominating role in the exams. So now we can say Reasoning Rocks..!!

It is expected that SBI will follow the same pattern on 9 & 10th July, so we are providing detailed analysis and strategy based on the analysis to help you with your preparation.

Pattern of the Exam


Below is the detail analysis of all the sections 

I. English Language (30 Qs)

Level – Moderate 

1. Reading Comprehension – 10 Qs

1st slot – RC was based on South Asia  

2nd slot – RC was based onWomen work on various companies

2. Cloze test – 5 Qs (Easy) Technology

3. Parajumble – 5 QS (Moderate) – based on – Health Advancement in India

4. Spotting Error – 5 Qs (Moderate) 

5. Fill in the blanks – 5 Qs (Easy) Double filler

Note: No Sentence Improvement Question asked in exam.

II. Reasoning Ability (35 Qs)

Level – Moderate to Tough

1. Puzzle – 5 Qs -(Moderate to Tough)

1st slot – 7 cities, 7 persons, 3 colleges

2nd slot – 7 people 3 countries 7 different likes

2. Puzzle  – 5 Qs ( Moderate) box upon box, inside box note books etc.

3. Linear Puzzle – 5 Qs –  (Tough) 8 people sitting and facing North South in same line

5. Puzzle  – 5 Qs ( Easy) – 8 people likes different colours

6. Inequality – 5 Qs (direct)

7. Ranking & Direction puzzle (A, B, C score marks)- 3 Qs (Easy t0 moderate)

8. Blood Relation – 2 Qs (Moderate) 

Note: No syllogism & Coding Decoding asked in exam.

III. Quantitative Aptitude 

Level – Moderate

1. Number Series – 5 Qs (Moderate) 

2. Data Interpretation – 2 set (10 Qs)  – One Bar Grpah DI was easy & Table graph based DI is moderate 

1st slot – One Bar Grpah DI was easy & Table graph(5 colleges, 5 courses) based DI is moderate

2nd slot 2 set (10 Qs)  – One Bar Grpah DI was easy & Table graph(coaching institute) based DI is moderate

3. Approximation – 5 Qs (Easy)

4. Quadratic Equation – 5 Qs (Easy)

5. Miscellaneous –  10 Qs (Moderate)

Note: No Missing DI asked in exam.

Some of the Questions are shared below which was asked in today’s exam!

I. English Section 

Reading Comprehension – 

RC asked in 4th slot

RC was based on Women Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is crucial to economic development and to promoting social integration and reducing inequalities. OECD Entrepreneurship at a Glance presents an original collection of indicators that measure the state of entrepreneurship, providing an important reference for policy insights and policy making.Perceived risks are higher for women. One important determinant of entrepreneurship relates to the relative risk involved, or rather assessment of risk. This is to a large extent determined by risk of failure but also reflects other factors, such as social security safety nets, access to finance, access to child-care, and indeed potential rewards; which helps to explain the significant differences across countries on how the entrepreneurial risk is perceived. One pattern, however, is remarkably consistent women, the world over, are less prone to taking the entrepreneurial plunge. Germany is no exception to this pattern with 42% of men but only 23% of women expressing a preference for starting their own business rather than working for someone else. These values are much lower than in the United States and Canada. Moreover, the gender gap in perception of risk is one of the highest in the OECD countries.Most countries in the OECD area exhibit a significant gender gap with regards to access to training to create and grow a start-up, a characteristic that is also true for Germany, with 54% of men and 38% of women declaring that they would have access to training to set up a business.
Similar gender gaps exist across the world regarding access to finance. Although the share of German women declaring that access to money is not a barrier to starting a business (32%) is above the OECD average (27%), it is well below the equivalent share for men (49%)Potential rewards are also an important determinant of risk assessment in most countries. Earnings from self-employment are typically lower for women then for men. In 2011-12, German women entrepreneurs earned 43% less than their male counterparts, while the OECD average was 33%. Between 2006-7 and more recent years the gender gap in self-employment earnings in Germany has increased by 1 percentage pointThese findings should not be understood as a general a version of women towards entrepreneurship. Indeed, as in many other OECD countries, in Germany, too, more women
than men see entrepreneurs as positive role models for the youth Self-employment rates are often used as an important indicator of entrepreneurialism. The shares of employed German women who are self-employed with employees (2.4%) or are own-account workers (4.6%) are respectively above and below the OECD average Differences across countries partly reflect ‘push’, notably limited paid employment opportunities, as well as ‘pull’ factors. However, in most OECD countries the gap between the proportions of male and female entrepreneurs with employees (3.5 percentage points on average) is similar to the gender gap between the shares of own-account workers (4.1 percentage points on average). German women entrepreneurs work predominantly in the services sector, as is also the case in most other OECD countries. In many countries, though, evidence for young female
entrepreneurs points to considerable diversity of the activity sector.

RC asked in 1st Slot – based on South Asia

RC asked in 3rd Slot – based on Women

RC asked in 4th Slot based on Women Entrepreneurship

Cloze Test – In all shifts cloze test was based on Technology 

Cloze test asked in exam (based on this paragraph) – 

Another session, the very same day, analyzed how exactly the opposite is true and how new technologies actually cause stress and suffering, because of a concept referred to as “Infobesity.” During this session, Delphine Remy-Boutang — the founder and CEO of The Social Bureau — and Christophe Aguiton — researcher at the Orange Labs — argued that due to the acceleration of our lives led by the acceleration of technology, we have changed the way we consume and generate information. People are trying to live 10 lives at once and a lot of stress and anxiety occurs from that. The two speakers even argue that we are suffering from digital bulimia, meaning that we take in a lot of information at once, without really processing it for ourselves, and in turn create a lot of new information. Thus, as Christophe Aguiton says, “We are at the same time creators and victims of information overload.”Thus, it is obvious that technological advancement has failed at its mission of making everybody’s life easier, as many people are reacting negatively to it. As Dolphine Remy-Boutant put it: “It is really a paradox: On the one hand, the technology we are surrounding ourselves with is designed to give us more time for ourselves — which is something we all want. However, today, while technology is as developed as ever before, we are living in a time with the biggest scarcity of time.”

Antonym & Synonym asked in exam

1. caters
2. faded
3. implausible
4. benign
5. stunts

Reading Comprehension – 

RC asked in 1st slot

Women Empowerment Passage morning shift.

With 50% of Asian billionaires being female(5), and one third of all CEOs in Thailand being female, Asia is home to a new generation of ambitious and financially empowered women. In fact, Asia boasts the highest ratio of female to male CEOs in the world(6).

Through our proprietary research we found that Chinese generation X are the most likely of any generation in any market to be the major breadwinner in the household, with 65% of generation X surveyed agreeing(7). Yet for all their financial prowess, success for women in China is still defined by marriage for 28% of women we surveyed, versus 21% global average.

Of all the qualities that women could embody, women in China were significantly more likely to suggest ‘aggressive’ as a key trait – four times more likely than the global average in fact – and this was felt most strongly amongst millennials and baby boomers!

Intriguingly, there was also strong agreement with ‘maternal’ as a core trait – in fact ‘aggressive’ (50%) and ‘maternal’ (50%)(8) were the stand out values women felt they should embody – perhaps explaining the cult of the Tiger Mother.

This new spirit of independence and empowerment has inspired Asian beauty brands to rethink their engagement strategy, redefining beauty as power, and adopting a less passive tone of voice.

RC asked in 2nd Slot – Women & Men Gender gap

RC asked in 3rd Slot – Women work on various companies

RC asked in 4th Slot – Indian Labour Organisation report on women maternity leave..

Cloze Test – In all shifts cloze test was based on technology theme

Cloze test asked in exam – 

Another session, the very same day, analyzed how exactly the opposite is true and how new technologies (1) cause stress and suffering, because of a concept referred to as “Infobesity.” During this session, Delphine Remy-Boutang – the founder and CEO of The Social Bureau – and Christophe Aguiton – researcher at the Orange Labs – argued that due to the acceleration of our lives (2) by the acceleration of technology, we have changed the way we consume and (3) information. People are trying to live 10 lives at once and a lot of stress and anxiety occurs from that. The two speakers even argue that we are suffering from digital bulimia, meaning that we take in a lot of information at (4), without really processing it for ourselves, and in turn create a lot of new information. Thus, as Christophe Aguiton says, “We are at the same time creators and (5) of information overload.

Answers :
1. actually
2. led
3. generate
4. once
5. victims

II. Quantitative Aptitude 

Number Series Questions asked –

1. 5 7 17 55 225 ?

2. 250 235 205 160 ?

3. 20 ? 29 40 58 85

4. 10 6 8 15 34 ?

Some pattern of Number Series

1)0.5+1, 1+2, 1.5+3…..

2)3*2, 3*3, 3*5,3*8…..

3)14*1, 14*2, 14*3,….

Miscellaneous Questions –

Qs asked in exam(memory based)

1. Initial ratio of milk and water was given , then some mixture was taken out and replaced with water. Then initial quantity of mixture?

2. Red and green balls were given, and the probablity of atleast one ball to be red when 2 balls were picked was asked.

3. 12 red bals nd 4 green ball… 2 balls are drawn at random. Find the prob that atleast one green ball is drawn.

4. Aju is twice the age tan biju and three years elder tan chitu. Three years hence biju’s and chitu’ age ratio 5:3… find age aju three years hence.

Number Series Questions asked in exam

1. 7 5 7  17  63  ?

Solution – Ans 309

7 x 1 – 2 = 5

5 x 2 – 3 = 7

7 x 3 – 4 = 17

17 x 4 – 5 = 63

63 x 5 – 6 = 309

2. 50 ? 61  89  154  280

Solution – Ans 52

50..50+(1^3+1) = 52




154 + (5^3+1) = 280

3. 17, 19, 25, 37, ……,87

Solution – Ans 57

17 + 1 x 2 = 19

19 + 2 x 3 = 25

25 + 3 x 4 = 37

37 + 4 x 5 = 57

57 + 5 x 6 = 87

4. 11, 14, 19, 28, 43, ?

Solution – Ans  66


5. 26 144 590  1164  ?

Solution – Ans 1182

26 x 6 – 12 = 144

144 x 4 + 14 = 590

590 x 2 – 16 = 1164

1164 x 1 + 18 = 1182

Number Series Questions asked in exam–

1. 9 16 25 38 ?

2. 25 ? 36 64 129 255

Miscellaneous Questions –

Qs  asked in exam (memory based)

1. Ratio of height of cylinders 3:5, ratio of their volume is 27:80. What will be the ration of their radius?

2. A Vassal contain some litters of pure milk. If 25 litter of water added to the vessel, ratio becomes milk to water 12:5, 17 litters of mixture is drawn from the vessel & 10 litters of water is added. Find the new ratio between milk & water.

3. Ratio between height of 2 cylinder in the ratio 3:5. Their volumes are in the ratio 27:80. Find ratio between their radius.

4. Sum of money is invested in Scheme A, 15% per annum, After 2 years amount is received, that amount invested in scheme B at 20% per annum for compound interest. If the interest received at the end of 2 years is 1430. Find the sum. (Answer: 5000)

5. 4.6 consective odd numbers and average difference between average of squares of last three no. & Product of first and second number .Find the (1st) or (last)

6. A box contains 10 red ball 6 green ball if 2 balls are drawn randomly what is the probability of getting non green ball ?

7. 2 persons are invested in ratio 4:6, after 6 months 2nd person withdraw his amount at the time 3rd person invested 12x. At the end of the year total profit is 33150. Find share of 3rd person.

8. 3 person age A, B, C. A is 4 years younger than B. B is 12 years younger than C. 4 years hence the ratio between C&A is 9:5, Find the age of B.

9. B is 20% efficient than A. B started the work & do it for x days. And then B is replaced A . And A completed the remaining work in x+8 days. Ratio of work done by A & B is 2:3. In how many day A & B working together to complete the whole work?

10. If three metallic spheres of radii 6 cms, 8 cms and 10 cms are melted to from a single sphere, the diameter of the new sphere will be:

Sol (10) 4/3 pie (6^3 + 8^3 + 10^3 ) = 4/3 pie R^3
=> (216+512+1000) = R^3
=> R^3 = 1728
=> R = 12
thus, D= 2 x 12 = 24

Qs asked in exam (memory based)

1) A water tank is hemispherical below and cylindrical at the top. If the radius is 12m and capacity is 3312*pi cubic metre the height of the cylindrical portion in metres is:

2) If three metallic spheres of radii 6 cms, 8 cms and 10 cms are melted to from a single sphere, the diameter of the new sphere will be:

3) Sixty men can build a wall in 40 days, but though they begin the work together, 5 men quit every ten days. The time needed to build the wall is:

4) Shyam is travelling on his cycle and has calculated to reach point ‘A’ at 2 PM If he travels at 10 kmph. he will reach there at 12 noon if he travels at 15 kmph. At what speed must he travel to reach point ‘A’ at 1 PM:

5) An aeroplane travelling at 700 km. p. h. in level flight drops a bomb from a height of 1000 metres on a target. The time taken from releasing the bomb to hitting the target is nearest to the figure:

6) In a History examination, the average for the entire class was 80 marks. If 10% of the students scored 95 marks and 20% scored 90 marks. What was the average marks of the remaining students of the class?

7) A certain amount of money has to be divided between two person P and Q in the ratio 5:7. But it was divided in the ratio 2:5 and thereby Q loses Rs.33. find the total amount.

8) A is 4 years younger than B. B is 12 years younger than C. 4 years hence the ratio between C & A is 9:5, Find the age of B?? –

Sol (7) Q=X*7/12=5X/7+33
60 X- 49X/84=252

Quadratic Equation –

1. 6x^2 – 11 x+4=0

30 y^2 – 23 y +3=0

2. 7x^2 +10 x+3=0
2y^2 +11 y+14=0

III. Reasoning Ability 

Puzzle asked in exam

No. Of projects fa PQRSTU

R is the third highest.

S is less than P and Q but higher than T.

T is not the lowest.

P is not the highest.

T has done 7 projects. And P has done 34 projects.


1. K is 40m to the east of J.

L is 20 m to the south of J. J is 25m to the north of M. From M a girl walked 40m and take left and walk 35m and stops at S.

Blood Relation

2. P is the mother of J.

J is the mother of T. T is the only daughter of J.K is tha brother of T. N is the father of T. M is the brother of N. Q is the mother of M.

Don’t be confuse with Box puzzle –

It is similar to floor puzzle. Each box contains something like  books, eraser. You have to place the materials in each box as the direction given in the puzzle as you used to do in floor puzzle i.e arrange each person with their respective floor.

Puzle asked in 1st slot 

Eight persons – H, I, J, K, L, M, N and O – are standing in a straight line at equidistant. Some of them are facing north while others are facing south. M is standing third to the right to H. M is standing at one of the extreme ends. L is standing third to the left of H. The immediate neighbours of J face north. N is not an immediate neighbour of H. The persons standing at the extreme ends face the same direction (both are facing either North or South). The immediate neighbours of H face just opposite direction as that of M. The immediate neighbours of O face opposite direction with respect to each other. One of the immediate neighbour of L is K who is facing north. I is standing between J and M. Not more than four persons are facing north.

Do not confused with Box puzzle –

In puzzle there were Colored boxes and seven people lives in different floor and likes different colour boxes. It is same puzzle as building floor color with 7 person and they like 7 different colors..

Box puzzle with colors (yellow,white orange,green pink,silver brown) M,N,O,P,Q,R, and S. 3 people between M and S, orange is below M, one person between R and Q, N is below R but not immediately below , O is not green, 2 persons between brown and silver. white is below yellow.. like these conditions are given

Ranking Qs – 

S taller than bothT & Q, but lower than R. R is not tallest T is not Lowest.Q is taller than both U&T.Second highest is 32 cm, T is 13 cm (Answer: U T Q S R P)


Reasoning Rocks:


1. Puzzle – 3 set of Puzzles (Moderate to Tough)

2. Linear Puzzle – 1 set –  (Tough)

3. Inequality – 5 Qs (Easy)

4. Ranking & Direction puzzle – 3 Qs (Easy t0 moderate)

5. Blood Relation – 2 Qs (Moderate) 

Topic wise Preference

  • First Attempt:  Inequality, Blood Relation, Ranking & Direction puzzle
  • Time consuming: Seating Arrangement, Puzzle


1. Try to practise more & more puzzles you can, to master in this section.

2. Solve those puzzles and seating Arrangement at the beginning which are comparatively easy than the other one.

3. Try to allot more time in Reasoning Section.

English Section

1. Reading Comprehension – 10 Qs – Moderate to Tough

2. Cloze test – 5 Qs (Easy) Technology

3. Parajumble – 5 QS (Moderate)

4. Spotting Error – 5 Qs (Moderate) 

5. Fill in the blanks – 5 Qs (Easy) Double filler

Quant Section

1. Number Series – 5 Qs (Moderate) 

2. Data Interpretation – 2 set (10 Qs) (Moderate) 

3. Approximation – 5 Qs (Easy)

4. Quadratic Equation – 5 Qs (Easy)

5. Miscellaneous –  10 Qs (Moderate)

Do’s & Don’t

Please plan sectional timing properly & attempt the exam in following sequence, you can follow your own strategies also…

1. Quant – 20 min 

2. Reasoning : 25 mins

3. English Lang – 15 min

1. English Section 

English was quite moderate & doable, with lengthy Reading Comprehension & typical Parajumble question. Rest of the questions like Cloze test, fill in the blanks were easy. Don’t start section with Parajumble question. You can easily attempt 20 – 22 questions with 99% accuracy.

2. Quantitative Aptitude –

This section was of moderate level. Quadratic Equation & Approximation  questions was quiet easy, try to attempt these questions first to clear the sectional cutoff.

One DI was easy, was of simple bar graph.

Other DI was of moderate level on Table chart and based on – 5 colleges, 5 courses

The Number series questions was of moderate level, you can attempt 2 or 3 questions out of 5 questions. Some Miscellaneous questions was of moderate & time consuming, so don’t waste time on these question. You can easily attempt 20 – 22 question in this section. 

2. Reasoning Section

This time the level of the Reasoning section was of moderate to tough level. There were 5 puzzle, mostly puzzle was of time consuming. To clear the sectional cutoff of this section, don’t start with puzzle questions. You can start questions with Inequality, Blood relation, Ranking/ Direction test, etc. Try to attempt questions with 100% accuracy. If you can manage to attempt 15 -16 questions, you can easily clear the section cutoff of this section.

Good Attempts –

1. English Language – 20 – 22

2. Reasoning Ability – 15 – 20

3. Quantitative Aptitude – 22 – 25

Section-wise Expected Cut off 

1. English Section 5.25 – 7

2. Reasoning5 – 7

3. Quantitative  Aptitude 6 -8

Overall Expected Cut off

The expected overall cutoff of SBI PO Prelims Exam will vary between 42-47 marks for general category. 

Also read – 

Analysis of 2nd July

1. SBI PO Prelims Exam Analysis – 1st slot 

2SBI PO Prelims Exam Analysis – 2nd slot 

3. SBI PO Prelims Exam Analysis – 3rd slot 

4. SBI PO Prelims Exam Analysis – 4th slot 

Analysis of 3rd July

1. SBI PO Prelims Exam Analysis – 1st slot 

2SBI PO Prelims Exam Analysis – 2nd slot 

3. SBI PO Prelims Exam Analysis – 3rd slot 

4. SBI PO Prelims Exam Analysis – 4th slot 

All The Best!!

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Power Pack Strategy for SBI PO Pre based on Analysis of 2nd & 3rd July 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 5, 2016 Hello Readers, Here we are with the Power Pack Strategy for SBI PO Pre based on Analysis of 2nd & 3rd July. This strategy will help you...

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