Expected Descriptive Topics for SBI PO Mains 2016:

July 18, 2016    

Expected Descriptive Topics for SBI PO Mains 2016:
Dear Readers, Here we have given some Expected Descriptive Topics for SBI PO Mains Examination 2016. Candidates those who are all going to attend the examinations can use this topic for your preparations.

·        Women Entrepreneurs in India
·        Importance of Investment
·        Essay on SME
·        Banks play a vital role in day to day life
·        Entrance Exam – An evil
·        Pros n cons of winning lottery
·        Women Bill
·        Women security at the workplace a deep concern
·        Inclusive growth
·        Cottage Industries
·        Socialism
·        Blessings of science
·        Dowry deaths
·        My Motherland
·        ’Banks are manufacture of money’’
·        Features of economic recession.
·        A day when everything went wrong.
·        The risks of trading at the stock market
·        The impact of interest rate changes on the economy.
·        Responsibility of media in moulding public opinion.
·        Mergers and Indian Banks
·        Science and technology
·        Right to Education
·        Women Empowerment
·        How technology can benefit Banking Industry
·        Blessings of science
·        Socialism
·        Features economic recession
·        Banks are manufacturers of money
·        Black money

·        Financial literacy
·        Reservation
·        Role of the media
·        Knowledge is power
·        Role of civil society in in democracy
·        Politics of out sourcing
·        Disaster management
·        Female Foeticide
·        The dark side if globalisation
·        National integration and communal harmony
·        Social media Activism
·        Women discrimination
·        Impact of interest rate change on economy
·        Risks in Stock market trading
·        Banks are manufacturers of money
·        Global Warming
·        Privatization of Public Sector
·        Non-Performing Assets (NPA)
·        Women Safety
·        Monetary Policy
·        FDI
·        Non- Banking Finance Companies (NBFC)
·        Small Banks and Payment Banks
·        India: An Emerging Market
·        Banking in India
·        Agriculture: The Backbone of Indian economy
·        India’s relations with its neighbours
·        Terrorism
·        Sanitation and Cleanliness in India
·        Benefits of Yoga in Daily Life
·        Future of Banking Industry



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Expected Descriptive Topics for SBI PO Mains 2016: 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 18, 2016 Expected Descriptive Topics for SBI PO Mains 2016: Dear Readers, Here we have given some Expected Descriptive Topics for SBI PO Mains Exam...

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