Expected Data Interpretation for IBPS PO Preliminary Exam

July 20, 2016    

Study the following Line graph carefully and answer the questions given below :

1. In which year is the percent increase in the profit from that in the previous year the highest?

  1. 2000
  2. 2002
  3. 2004
  4. 2006
  5. 2001
2. If the expenditure in the year 2005 was Rs. 80 crores, What per cent is the expenditure in income ?

  1. 78
  2. 98 
  3. 66.66
  4. 76.88
  5. 76.87
3. If the income in the year 2001 was Rs. 60 crores and the expenditure in that year equals the expenditure in the year 2003, what was the income of the company in crore rupees in they year 2003?

  1. 75 
  2. 60 
  3. 55
  4. 65
  5. 98
4.What is the approximate percent increase in the profit in the year 2007 from that in the previous year?

  1. 12 
  2. 7
  3. 15 
  4. 20
5. What is the approximate percent profit in the year 2004, if the income in that year was Rs. 120 crores?

  1. 51 
  2. 47 
  3. 63
  4. 85 
  5. 71

Answers and Solutions :

By observing the graph you can find this question answer
Profit in 2003=40
Income=Exp+Profit=80+40=120 cr.
Per cent = 80*100/120 = 66.66%
Expenditure in 2001=Expenditure in 2003 =60-25=35
∴ Income in 2001=35+40=75
Profit in 2005=75
Profit in 2004=70
% increase = (75-70)*100/70 = 7%
Profit =50
Req. Percent = 50*100/70 = 71%
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Expected Data Interpretation for IBPS PO Preliminary Exam 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 20, 2016 Study the following Line graph carefully and answer the questions given below : 1. In which year is the percent increase in the profit fr...

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