Errors Spotting in English language - 5

July 18, 2016    


Directions :

In each of the following questions,find out which part of the sentence has no error. if there is no mistake, the answer is "No error'.
1. The statement made by the writer (a) / appears to be incorrect (b) / as Gandhiji  was never born in  Ahemdabad (c). / No error (d).
2. The crew were on board (a) / and they soon busied  themselves (b) /  in preparing  to meet the storm (c) /No error (d). 
3.  The manager called the clerk  and said whether (a) / he was  in the habit of (b)/  sleeping at home as well (c) / No error (d).
4. A lot of travel delay is caused (a) / due to the  inefficiency and lack of good management (b) / oh behalf  of the  railways (c) / No error (d).
5. The signpost at the rate (a)/ of the garden read  : (b) / 'Trespassers  will be persecuted'. (c) / No error (d).
6. Everyone felt that (a) / the big  glittering diamond (b) / was most unique (c) / No error (d).
7. I advised my son (a) / to engage  two coolies instead of one (b)/ because  the luggage was too much  heavy  for a single coolie (c) / No error (d).
8. After toiling  very  hardly(a) / over a long period  of time  (b) / he found  that people recognised him  as a successful person (c) / No error (d).
9. The angry man walked hurriedly (a) / into the  crowded room (b) / and shouted loud at the guest (c) / No error (d).
10. The tried both the  dresses (a) / and finally  decided (b) / to buy  expensive one (c) / No error (d).
11. He ultimately decided (a) /to  willingly and cheerfully  accept (b) /  the responsibility entrusted  to him (c) / No error (d).
12. Being the only people there (a) / their presence was (b) / most important (c) / No error (d).
13. It is the duty  of every citizen  to do his utmost (a)/  to defend the hardly-won (b)/  freedom of the  country (c) / No error (d).
14. Even though it was (a) raining bad (b)/ I went out  (c) / to get  some  medicines (d) / No error (e).
15. In spite of working (a) / very neat and careful (b) / he could not win  (c) / even the third prize (d) / No error (e)

solutions :

1. Replace 'never' by 'not'
2. Replace 'meet' by 'face'
3. Replace 'said'  by 'asked' Whether' is not preceded by 'said'
4. Replace 'on behalf' by 'on the part of Behalf' means 'in place of someone'
5. Replace 'persecuted ' by 'prosecuted'
6.  Remove ' most'
7. Remove 'much'
8. Replace 'hardly' by 'hard'
9. Replace 'loud'  by 'loudly'
10. Add 'more' before 'expensive'
11. No error
12. Remove 'most'
13. Replace ' hardly' by 'hard'
14.  Replace ' bad' by 'badly'
15. The correct  form is 'very neatly and carefully'
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Errors Spotting in English language - 5 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 18, 2016 Directions : In each of the following questions,find out which part of the sentence has no error. if there is no mistake, the answer is ...

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