Errors Spotting in English language - 3

July 5, 2016    

error spotting

Directions :

In each of the following questions,find out which part of the sentence has no error. if there is no mistake, the answer is "No error'.

1. In the course of time (a) /  the winged reptiles  growing  bigger and bigger (b) / and better and better at flying (c) /  No error (d)
2. Although  er reached his house on time (a) / he was left (b) /  for the airport (c) / No error (d).\
3. We wanted to purchase (a)/  something  but all the  three stores (b) / in that area (c) / were closed on that day (d) / No error (e).
4. Children who have had (a) / good pre-school  education (b) / are most likely to out do (c) / other children  at school (d) /  No error (e).
5. Sunita  was popular (a) / with her classmate that (b) / she always had someone or (c) / the other  coming to her house (d) / No error .(e).
6. People  should decide (a) / to not give (b) / or take dowry (c) /  No error (d).
7. Being a well known  physicist (a) / he was invited (b) / to deliver (c)/  a lecture on Laser technology (d)   No error (e).
8. The lawyer told his client (a) /  that he would  represent him (b) / only if  he pays up his fee (c) /  No error (d).
9. Never I have listened to such beautiful  music (a)/ as the piece we heard (b) / on the radio last night (c) / No error (d).
10. The serial  which appeared quite  interesting initially (a) / turned out to be boring (b) / in its latter parts (c). No error (d).
11. what sort of  a drug this is (a) /  that no  one seems to be able  to predict  its long-term effects (b) / with any certainly ? (c) / No error (d).
12. You will come (a) / to my  party tomorrow, (b) /  isn't it ? (c) / No error (d) .
13. I can't (a)/ afford  to pay (b) / that much for it (c) / No error (d).
14 .He was not only involved (a) /  in her kidnapping (b) / but also in her murder (c) / No error (d) .
15. Women are now working (a) /  in every fields (b) / like teaching , medicine , law, business, etc. (c) / no error (d) .


1. Replace ' growing' by 'grew'
2.  Replace ' was' by 'had'
3. Replace 'That' by 'the'
4.  No error
5. add 'so' before 'popular'
6. The correct  from is ' ..... not to give ....'
7.  No error
8.  Remove ' up'
9.  The correct from is '. ..... I would have died of shame '.
10.  The correct  from is '...... towards the end '
11.  Replace 'this is'  by 'is this'
12.  Replace 'isn't it ' by 'won 't  you ' ?
13. No error
14. The correct  from is 'He  was involved not only  in ......'
15. Replace ' every '  by 'all'
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Errors Spotting in English language - 3 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 5, 2016 Directions : In each of the following questions,find out which part of the sentence has no error. if there is no mistake, the answer is ...

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