English Vocabulary in 365 Days - Lesson 33

July 28, 2016    

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Hello everyone, in our Lesson 32, we learnt about the prefix HyperHyper represent the meanings excessive; over; aboveToday we shall see the prefix hypo. Happy Reading :)

Day 33 : Hypo

  • hypo- under; below normal
Let's try to understand this with some examples
  • hypodermic (noun) = an injection under the skin
    • hypo - Prefix = under
    • derm (derma) - Root = skin
    • ic - Suffix = connected with
  • hypothetical (adjective) = imagined but not necessarily real or true 
    • hypo (hupo) - Prefix = under
    • thet - Root = subject 
    • ical - Suffix = connected with
Let's have a look at some more words with hypo prefixes, for better understanding
  • hypothesis = guesses and ideas that are not based on certain knowledge 
  • hypoglycaemia = the condition of having too low a level of blood sugar
  • hypothermia = condition of having a ‘low’ body temperature
  • hypoventilation = a breathing ‘under’ the normal rate
  • hypochondriac = one who is ’under’estimating his current health status as poorer than it really is
  • hypocrisy = behaviour in which someone claims to have certain moral principles or beliefs but behaves in a way that shows they are not sincere
  • hypothyroidism = disease when the thyroid gland is functioning ‘under’ its normal output of thyroxine
  • hypotenuse = side of a right triangle that is stretched ‘under’ the right angle
  • hypocritical = being ‘under’ critical of oneself when pretending to be something one is not
Home Work :
Try to guess the meanings of the following elements.
  1. -alter
  2. -cede
  3. -anim
  4. -creat
a. other
b. to produce
c. breathe
Shraboni Chakraborty
Asstt. Professor
English and Foreign Languages University,

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English Vocabulary in 365 Days - Lesson 33 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 28, 2016 sponsored links Hello everyone, in our Lesson 32 , we learnt about the prefix Hyper .  Hyper represent the meanings excessive; over; ab...

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