Economy and Banking Awareness Quiz - International Economic Organizations - Part 2

July 27, 2016    

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  1. One of the following countries was not a member country of the Colombo Plan. Identify it ?
    1. India
    2. Iran
    3. USA
    4. France
    5. None of these
  2. In which month of 1945 was the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) set up ?
    1. August
    2. September 
    3. October
    4. November 
    5. None of these
  3. IN 1951 the FAO was transferred from its temporary headquarters in Washington, DC to ?
    1. Rome
    2. New York
    3. Ottawa
    4. Geneva
    5. None of these
  4. The FAO come into formal being in 1945 with the signing of its constitution at a conference held in ?
    1. Washington, DC
    2. Virginia
    3. Quebec City
    4. New York
    5. None of these
  5. An affiliate of the World Bank, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) became effective in ?
    1. 1956
    2. 1960
    3. 1962
    4. 1964
    5. None of these
  6. The International Bank for Reconstitution and Development (IBRD), known as World Bank, began its operations in ?
    1. 1944
    2. 1945
    3. 1946
    4. 1947
    5. None of these
  7. The main function of the World Bank is to :
    1. Encourage capital investment for the reconstruction and development of its member countries 
    2. Grant long-term loans at little or no interest for projects in developing countr9ies 
    3. Reduce trade barriers and establish rules of free trade
    4. Facilitate poor countries to trade at concessional rates 
    5. None of these
  8. At what rate of interest does the World Bank provide loan to underdeveloped countries ?
    1. 7.5%
    2. 6.5%
    3. 5.5%
    4. 4.5%
    5. None of these
  9. The highest percentage of the World Bank's total loans have been made for the development of ?
    1. Industry 
    2. Agriculture 
    3. Energy 
    4. Transport 
    5. None of these
  10. The World Bank normally gives 
    1. Short-term loans
    2. Medium-term loans
    3. Long-term loans
    4. Medium and Long term loans
  11. In which of the following ways does the World Bank give loans to members ?
    1. By granting or participating n direct loans out of its own funds
    2. By granting loans out of funds raised in the market
    3. By guaranteeing loans made by private investors through investment channels
    4. All of the above 
    5. None of these
  12. How many governments have contributed to the capital of the World Bank ?
    1.  189
    2. 144
    3. 150
    4. 154
    5. None of these
  13. An affiliate of the World Bank, the International Development Association (IDA) was set up in ?
    1. 1950
    2. 1956
    3. 1960
    4. 1962
    5. None of these
  14. Where are the headquarters of the IDA ?
    1. Washington, DC
    2.  London
    3. Geneva
    4. New York
    5. None of these
  15. The IDA gives development credits to the developing countries for a period of at least 
    1. 10 years
    2. 15 years
    3. 20 years
    4. 25 years
    5. None of these
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Economy and Banking Awareness Quiz - International Economic Organizations - Part 2 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 27, 2016 sponsored links One of the following countries was not a member country of the Colombo Plan. Identify it ? India Iran USA France ...

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