Computer Aptitude Quiz - Set 3

July 24, 2016    

Directions (Q.1- 5): Read the following information and answer the questions that follow: 
In a coded binary language, the symbol for '0' is '@' and for '1' is '%'. There are no other symbols for numbers greater than 1 (one). The numbers greater than 1 (one) are to be written only by using the two symbols given above. The value of symbol for '1' doubles itself every time it shifts one place to the left. Study the following examples:
0 is written as @,
1 is written as %,
2 is written as %@,
3 is written as %%,
4 is written as %@@ and so on, 

1. Which of the following numbers will be represented by this code (%@%% + %@ x %@@%)?
e) None of these 
2. Which of the following codes will give 11 as the answer?
a) %%@%% + %@@@@
b) %@@@@ + %%@%%
c) %%@%% - %@@@@
d) %%@%% x %@@@@
e) %@@@@ - %%@%% 
3. Which of the following is the answer of code (%@%@ - %@@)?
e) None of these 
4. Which of the following codes will give the value (7 x 3 - 4 ÷ 5 + 2.4 x 2)?
e) None of these 
5. Which are the Remainder and Quotient when 59 is divided by 5?
a) %@@%, %@
b) %@%@, %%
c) %@%%, %@
d) %@%%, %%
e) None of these 


1. a) 29 

(%@%% + %@ x %@@%)
= [{(1x23)+(0x22 )+(1x21)+(1x20)}+{(1x21)+(0x20)}*{(1x23)+(0x22 )+(0x21)+(1x20)}]
= [11 + 2 * 9]
= [11 + 18]

2. c) %%@%% - %@@@@ 

%%@%% - %@@@@
= (1x24)+(1x23)+(0x22 )+(1x21)+(1x20) - (1x24)+(0x23)+(0x22 )+(0x2 1)+(0x20)

3. c) %%@ 

(%@%@ - %@@)
= (1x23)+(0x22 )+(1x21)+(0x20) - (1x22 )+(0x21)+(0x20)
We can write 6 in binary form as:
= (1x22 )+(1x21)+(0x20)

4. a) 52 

(7 x 3 - 4 ÷ 5 + 2.4 x 2)
= 21 – 0.8 + 4.8
= 20.2 + 4.8
We can write 25 in binary form as:
= (1x23)+(1x22)+(1x21)+(1x20)

5. d) %@%%, %% 

When 59 is divided by 5
Quotient is = 11
Remainder = 4
11 = (1x23)+(0x22 )+(1x21)+(1x20)
3 = (1x21)+(1x20)
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Computer Aptitude Quiz - Set 3 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 24, 2016 Directions (Q.1- 5): Read the following information and answer the questions that follow:  In a coded binary language, the symbol for ...

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