A very good morning to all,…
Here we are with our next article based on current news which contains some difficult words, we will highlight and explain those words in order to improve your vocabulary skills and to have a good command on English language section. Hope this will help you with your preparation.
Article : Discovery with Juno
Source : The Hindu Article
In yet another remarkable achievement, the National Aeronautics (वैमानिकी) and Space Administration’s Juno spacecraft has successfully entered the orbit around Jupiter without being knocked down by the planet’s intense (तीव्र) magnetic field and radiation. That the spacecraft, which had travelled 2.8 billion km since its launch on August 5, 2011, passed through a spot that was originally planned for, when it came closest to the planet, provides a measure of the level of success of the mission. Juno, with a diameter of 11.5 ft, is not the first spacecraft to enter into orbit around Jupiter. But unlike its predecessor (पूर्वज), the Galileo spacecraft that explored the planet between 1995 and 2003, Juno will study Jupiter much more thoroughly given the array of nine scientific instruments that it carries on board. The most important difference between the two missions is Juno’s ability to see below the dense cloud cover of Jupiter; only a probe of Galileo entered the planet’s atmosphere. Getting as close as 5,000 km from the cloudtops and being able to see through the clouds will make it possible for Juno’s camera, Junocam, to take close-up photos of the poles and other points of interest. The main objectives of the mission are to understand the origin and evolution (क्रमागत उन्नति) of Jupiter, to find out if the planet, like Earth, has a solid rocky core, to uncover the source of its intense magnetic field, to measure water and ammonia in deep atmosphere, and to observe the auroras (अरोड़ा).
Though the nine instruments will be turned on by the end of the week, the first full set of observations will not take place before the end of August when the spacecraft comes close to Jupiter on its first orbit; science experiments will begin in full earnest (बयाना) in mid-October when it gets into a 14-day orbit. Juno will orbit the planet from pole-to-pole, minimising the amount of radiation exposure (अनावरण), but the orbit will ultimately shift due to Jupiter’s intense gravitational field, making the spacecraft pass through more intense regions of radiation. Though shielded (परिरक्षित) by a titanium vault (मेहराब), the radiation from Jupiter will slowly but surely compromise the instruments by the time it finishes its mission in February 2018. But before this happens, scientists expect to collect enough information to further our understanding of how the giant planet was formed some 4.5 billion years ago, and of the origins of the solar system. The amount of water it contains and the nature of its core will provide clues about where the planet formed early in the system’s life span. After orbiting the planet 37 times and returning invaluable scientific information, Juno will incinerate (जला देना) in Jupiter’s atmosphere in early 2018 as the Galileo spacecraft did.
Meaning of the words highlighted in the article
1.Aeronautics (noun) – the science or practice of building or flying aircraft.
Synonyms – aviation, flight
Ex: The senior officer said Your wires man has a son who was an aeronautical engineer, who specializes in electronics.
2.Intense (adjective)– of extreme force, degree, or strength.
Synonyms – excessive, intensive
Antonyms – moderate, shallow
Ex: Our work schedule encompassed five intense days, Monday through Friday.
3.Predecessor (noun) – a person who held a job or office before the current holder.
Synonyms – ancestor, prior
Antonyms – derivative, successor
Ex: No one ever spoke to his predecessor that way.
4.Evolution (noun) – the process by which different kinds of living organism are believed to have developed from earlier forms during the history of the earth.
Synonyms – progression, expansion
Antonyms – shrinkage, reduction
Ex: The doctrine of evolution in its finished and definite form is a modern product.
5.Auroras(noun) – a natural electrical phenomenon characterized by the appearance of streamers of reddish or greenish light in the sky, especially near the northern or southern magnetic pole.
Synonyms – dawn, eos
Ex: The ” Aurora ” proceeded westward close along the Antarctic circle.
6.Earnest (adjective) – resulting from or showing sincere and intense conviction.
Synonyms – eager, keen
Antonyms – frigid, dispassionate
Ex: The tears started in earnest as she reached the laundry room.
7.Exposure(noun) – the state of having no protection from something harmful.
Synonyms –publicity, hazard
Antonyms – secret, safety
Ex: They are easily oxidized to the corresponding fatty acid, in many cases simply by exposure to air.
8.Shielded (verb) – protect from a danger, risk, or unpleasant experience.
Synonyms –shelter, defend
Antonyms – reveal, disregard
Ex: The sudden brightness blinded her, and she shielded her eyes.
9.Vault(noun) – a roof in the form of an arch or a series of arches, typical of churches and other large, formal buildings.
Synonyms –cavern, grave
Antonyms – attic
Ex: Her gaze went to the safe where her vault was locked.
10.Incinerate (verb) – destroy (something, especially waste material) by burning.
Synonyms –ignite, consume
Antonyms – extinguish, quench
Ex: The thieves decided to incinerate the building after leaving fingerprints on the wall.
Word of the Day
Meaning (English) – a piece of cloth put in or over a person’s mouth to prevent them from speaking.
Meaning (Hindi) – झूठ
Synonyms – crack, quip
Example – The burglars gagged the home owner and tied him to a chair.
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