Indian Polity Quiz for SSC Exams
1. Which article of the Indian Constitution deals with the suability of the State of India?
(a) Article 100
(b) Article 200
(c) Article 300
(d) Article 330
2. The Chairman of which of the following parliamentary committees is invariably from the …Read More
Quantitative Airthmetic Quiz for SSC Exams
Q1. Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 20 minutes and 30 minutes respectively. If both pipes are opened together, the time taken to fill the tank is:
a) 50 minutes
b) 12 minutes c) 25 minutes d) 15 minutes
Q2. A swimming…Read More
English Quiz for SSC Exams
Dear SA'ians,
Here we are providing the Quiz based on synonyms topic of English section , which is mostly asked in the SSC exams.As we all know SSC Exams Phase will be start soon..!!!
1. Tacit a) Witty b) Cunning c) Lucid d) Understoo…Read More
General Science Quiz
1. A noise level of 100 decibel would correspond to
a) just audible sound
b) ordinary conversation
c) sound from a noisy street
d) noise from a machine shop
2. Which of the following statements is false?
a) A body can have zero velocity an…Read More
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