One Word Substitution list PDF

June 4, 2016    


  • A judge's private room, without the press or the public being present - In camera
  • A period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful - Halcyon
  • A tax or levy - Cess
  • An abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word - Acronym
  • An ability to do several things at the same time - Multitasking
  • An ability to express oneself well in speech - Oracy
  • An ability to make good judgements and take quick decisions - Acumen
  • An ability to see what will or might happen in the - Foresight
  • An ability to stay calm in difficult or dangerous situations - Sangfroid
  • An ability to use one's hands skillfully or an ability to think quickly and effectively - Dexterity
  • An ability, talent, or special skill needed to do something - Knack
  • Able to become strong, healthy, or successful again after something bad happens - Resilient
  • Able to do many different things - Versatile
  • Able to exist together without trouble or conflict going together well - Compatible
  • Acceptable according to the law, fair or reasonable - Valid
  • Accepting and closely following the traditional beliefs and customs of a religion - Orthodox
  • An act of burying a dead person - Interment
  • An act of carefully watching someone or something especially in order to prevent or detect a crime - Surveillance
  • An act of causing two people or groups to become friendly again after an argument or disagreement - Reconciliation
  • An act of committing a serious crime such as murder or rape - Felony
  • An act of destroying or damaging something deliberately so that it does not work correctly - Sabotage
  • An act of ending the employment of a worker or group of workers - Layoff
  • An act of explaining something - Exposition
  • An act of getting money back from people it has been paid to - Clawback
  • An act of going or travelling to a place along a way that is different from the usual or planned way - Detour
  • An act of identifying a disease, illness, or problem by examining someone or something - Diagnosis
  • An act of illegally copying someone's product or invention without permission - Piracy
  • An act of no longer caring for, using, or doing something, failure to do one's job or duty - Dereliction
  • An act of officially charging someone with a crime - Indictment
  • An act of printing a statement about somebody that is not true and that gives people a bad opinion of them - Libel
  • An act of punishing or harming somebody in return for what they have done to you your family or friends - Vengeance
  • An act of remembering or telling about past experiences - Reminiscence
  • An act of returning something that was lost or stolen to its owner - Restitution
  • An act of sending someone to another person or place for treatment, help, advice, etc. - Referral
  • An act of treating a holy place or object in a way that does not show proper respect - Sacrilege
  • An act of trying to impress someone by saying the names of well-known people that one knows or has met - Name-dropping
  • An act or fact of having a romantic or sexual relationship with someone other than one's husband, wife, or partner - Infidelity
  • An act or means of sealing off a place to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving - Blockade
  • An act or remark that is calculated to gain an advantage - Gambit
  • An act that is part of a usually religious ceremony - Rite
  • An act, activity, or process of finding the way to get to a place when one is travelling in a ship, airplane, car - Navigation
  • An action of making amends for a wrong or injury - Atonement
  • An action of marrying a person of a superior caste or class - Hypergamy
  • An action of regaining or gaining possession of something in exchange for payment, or clearing a debt - Redemption
  • An action or event that is a signal for somebody to do something - Cue
  • An action or offence of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things; profane talk - Blasphemy
  • An activity or art of copying the behavior or speech of other people - Mimicry
  • An activity or excitement that is unusual and that often is not wanted or necessary - Fuss
  • An activity in that more and more people are becoming involved - Bandwagon
  • Actor or actress - Thespian
  • Add notes to (a text or diagram) giving explanation or comment - Annotate
  • An additional fact or piece of information about a story that occurs after the main part - Postscript
  • Advantages or gains secured as a result of corrupt practices - Graft
  • An advice and future prediction based on the date of a person's birth and the positions of the stars and planets - Horoscope
  • Agreed to by everyone - Unanimous
  • An agreement between enemies or opponents to stop fighting, arguing, etc., for a certain period of time - Truce
  • An alcoholic liquor especially when it is cheap or made illegally - Hooch
  • All the plants that live in a particular area, time, period, or environment - Flora
  • All the things that a person is able to do - Repertoire
  • Allowed to know about (something secret) - Privy
  • Always or often happening or existing - Inveterate
  • An amount (such as an amount of money) that is more than the amount that is needed - Surplus
  • An amount of moneygiven to a retiring soldier or employee - Gratuity
  • An amount of money paid for a service - Honorarium
  • An amount of money that a company or the government pays to a person who is old or sick and no longer works - Pension
  • An amount of money that is given to someone in return for providing help in a secret and dishonest business deal - Kickback
  • An amount of money that is paid at one time - Lump sum
  • An amount of money that is spent - Outlay
  • An amount of money that must be paid and that is collected by a government or other authority - Levy
  • An amount of something that is produced by a person or thing - Output
  • An amount of time that a person holds a job, office, or title - Tenure
  • Amusing and very strange - Wacky
  • An angry and unpleasant woman, sexually attractive woman - Vixen
  • An argument that is complicated and continues over a long period of time - Wrangle
  • An invigilator at a university or college examination - Proctor
  • An ancient text in the form of a book, official listof medicines or chemicals - Codex
  • Anger caused by something that is unfair or wrong - Indignation
  • An angry and usually long speech or piece of writing that strongly criticizes someone or something - Diatribe
  • An angry woman who often complains about and criticizes other people - Virago
  • An animal or plant that lives in or on another animal or plant and gets food or protection from it - Parasite
  • An animal that has four feet - Quadruped
  • Annoy (someone) by often complaining about his or her behavior, appearance - Nag
  • Annoyance or distress at having failed or been humiliated - Chagrin
  • An annual calendar containing important dates and statistical information such as astronomical data and tide tables - Almanac
  • Any one of the large parts that some countries are divided into - Province
  • Any one of the lines that go from the North Pole to the South Pole on maps of the world - Meridian
  • Appearing, happening,, or arriving soon - Forthcoming 
  • An area around or near a particular place - Vicinity
  • An area in a desert where there is water and plants - Oasis
  • An area of land that has a particular quality or appearance - Landscape
  • An area of sea water that is separated from the ocean by a reef or sandbar - Lagoon
  • An area of soft, wet ground; situation that is hard to deal with or get out of - Quagmire
  • An area that is not close to any cities or towns - Hinterland
  • An area with people who are different in some way from the people in the areas around it - Enclave
  • An area within which someone or something has authority, influence, or knowledge - Purview
  • Argue loudly about things that are not important - Squabble
  • Argue with someone in a friendly way - Spar
  • An arrangement of events or dates in the order of eir occurrence - Chronology
  • An arrangement of leaves, flowers, fruits, etc., in the shape of a circle that is used for decoration - Wreath
  • An arrangement to meet somebody at a particular time and place - Rendezvous
  • Arrival of a large number of people - Influx
  • An art of growing ornamental, artificially dwarfed varieties of trees and shrubs in pots - Bonsai
  • An art, science, or profession of teaching - Pedagogy
  • As compared with; as opposed to - Vis-a-vis
  • Asking for or demanding and taking (something) for one's use - Requisition
  • At or near the end of a piece of writing - Ad fin
  • Attacking on the reputation and integrity of someone or something - Aspersion
  • Attractive in a sexual way with large breasts and hips - Voluptuous
  • An attractively arranged bunch of flowers,especially one presented as a gift or carried at a ceremony - Bouquet
  • Average or ordinary - Run-of-the-mill


  • Back in which the spine is curved in an abnormal way - Hunchback
  • Bad or immoral behaviour or habits - Vice
  • Bad or immoral behaviour that involves sex, drugs, alcohol, etc. - Debauchery
  • Bad or unfavorable; not good - Untoward
  • Based on random choices or personal whims,rather than any reason or system- Arbitrary
  • Based on what is known or seen when something is first considered or dealt with - Prima facie
  • Basic equipment and structures (such as roads and bridges) that are needed for a country,region, or organization to function properly - Infrastructure
  • Be a sign of (something that is beginning to happen or will happen soon) - Herald
  • Be angry or upset about something and to refuse to discuss it with other people - Sulk
  • Be deprived of a close relation or friend through their death - Bereave
  • Be repeated several times as it is reflected off different surface - Reverberate
  • Beat or whip (someone) severely - Flog
  • Beautiful woman; the most beautiful woman in a particular place - Belle
  • Beginning or first appearance of something - Dawning
  • Beginning or origin of something - Genesis
  • Beginning to develop or exist - Incipient
  • Beginning to exist; recently formed or developed - Nascent
  • Behaviour that is accepted as socially or morally correct and proper - Propriety
  • Behaviour that shows low morals and a great love of pleasure, money, fame, etc - Decadence
  • Behaviour in which somebody pretends to have moral standards or opinions that they do not actually have - Hypocrisy
  • Behaviour, in particular sexual or legally dubious behaviour; considered improper but not seriously so - Hanky-panky
  • Beliefs or ideas that are very important to a group - Tenet
  • Beliefs or opinions that do not agree with the official belief or opinion of a particular religion - Heresy
  • Beliefs that particular events happen in a way that cannot be explained by reason or science - Superstition
  • Belonging or relating to heaven - Celestial
  • Belonging to a foreign country, supposedly from another world; unfamiliar and disturbing or distasteful - Alien
  • Belonging to a particular place rather than coming to it from somewhere else - Indigenous
  • Belonging to the basic nature of someone or something -  Inherent
  • Belonging to the middle class - Bourgeois
  • Below or beneath (something) - Underneath
  • Bending down or over; doing something that is not honest, fair, etc. - Stoop
  • Benefits which one enjoys or is entitled to on account of one's job or position - Perquisite
  • Best or most important part of something; the point of greatest success or achievement - Pinnacle
  • Best or most important person or thing - Numero uno
  • Best or most important thing owned or produced by a particular organization - Flagship
  • Better than all others - Par excellence
  • Blaming or insulting (someone) in strong or violent language - Vituperate
  • Block of stone or wood that is used as the base for a pillar, statue, etc. - Plinth
  • Body of remedial substances used in the practice of medicine - Materia medica
  • Books, articles, etc., that discuss a subject carefully and thoroughly - Treatise
  • Border or line that separates two things, such as types of work, groups of people or areas of land - Demarcation
  • Boring or unpleasant work that does not require special skill and usually does not pay much money - Menial
  • Bottom edge of a dress, skirt, or coat - Hemline
  • Break off (a meeting, legal case , or game) with the intention of resuming it later - Adjorn
  • Brief and direct in a way that may seem rude or unfriendly - Terse
  • Brief and usually unplanned fight during a war - Skirmish
  • Brief time when an action or activity stops - Lull
  • Brief trips taken for pleasure - Jaunt
  • Brief trips that people take for fun usually as a group - Outing
  • Brief written messages or reports from one person or department in a company or organization to another - Memorandum
  • Bringing (someone who is unconscious, not breathing, or close to death) back to a conscious or active state again - Resuscitate
  • Broken parts of a vehicle, building, etc., that has been badly damaged or destroyed - Wreckage
  • Brother or sister - Sibling
  • Building and the area of land that it is on, statement or idea that is accepted as being true and that is used as the basis of an argument - Premise
  • Building in which grain is stored - Granary
  • Building in which the bodies of dead people are burned - Crematorium
  • Building or chamber above or below the ground in which a dead body is kept - Tomb
  • Building or room in which images of stars, planets, etc., are shown on a high, curved ceiling - Planetarium
  • Building that is used for Jewish religious services - Synagogue
  • Building where aircrafts are kept - Hangar
  • Business of making fashionable and expensive clothes for women - Haute couture
  • Businesses that make money through illegal activities, loud, unpleasant noise - Racket
  • By or for each person - Per capita


  • Caption to a photograph or other illustration - Cutline
  • Card from the pack that has been chosen as the most valuable for a particular card game - Trump
  • Care or maintenance of buildings, equipment,etc - Unkeep
  • Careful and persistent works or efforts - Diligence
  • Careful plans or methods for achieving a particular goal usually over a long period of time - Strategy
  • Cause (a material) to be filled or soaked with something - Impregnate
  • Cause (someone or something) to receive or take in a large amount of things at the same time - Inundate
  • Cause (someone) to fall down or be turned over - Upend
  • Cause (things or people) to separate and go in different directions - Scatter
  • Cause of pain or harm - Affliction
  • Centre of public attention - Limelight
  • Ceremony held for a dead person - Funeral
  • Ceremony held in a university or college when students receive their degrees - Convocation
  • Ceremony in which a crown is placed on the head of a new king or queen - Coronation
  • Certain to die - Mortal
  • Certain to work properly or succeed - Infallible
  • Changing (something good) so that it is no longer as what it was or should be - Pervert
  • Charging an important public figure with a serious crime - Impeach
  • Changing (something) slightly in order to improve it; to make small adjustments to (something) - Tweak
  • Changing an earlier statement, opinion or promise because of pressure from somebody/something - Backtrack
  • Changing direction quickly or suddenly - Veer
  • Changing from one state or condition to another - Transition
  • Changing moods quickly and often - Mercurical
  • Character and atmosphere of a place - Ambience
  • Cheerful friendliness; geniality - Bonhomie
  • Chemical processes that occur within a living organism in order to maintain life- Metabolism
  • Claim or a piece of evidence that one was elsewhere when an act, typically a criminal one , is alleged to have taken place; excuse or pretext - Alibi
  • Clear message or request for people to do something - Clarion call
  • Clever trick or plan that is used to get someone to do something or to gain an advantage over someone - ploy
  • Climb or moving with difficulty or a lot of effort, using one's hands and feet - Clamber
  • Close friend one has worked with, been in the military with, etc. - Comrade
  • Close relationship with someone or something - Communion
  • Close-knit group of interrelated families, large family, or a group of people who are connected because of a particular thing - clan
  • Clothes, especially fine or formal ones - attire
  • Collecting or forming into a mass or group- Agglomerate
  • Collectable object such as a piece of furniture or work of art that has a high value because of its age and quality- Antique
  • Collection of different things - Potpourri
  • Collection of historical documents or records providing information about a place, institution, orgroup of people - Archive
  • Collection of things (such as photographs, stories, facts, etc.) that have been gathered together and presented as a group especially in the form of a book - Compendium
  • Collection of things, which may be similar or different - Collage
  • Collection of weapons and military equipment - Arsenals
  • Collection of written or spoken texts - Corpus
  • Combination of events, state of affairs - Conjuncture
  • Come at a later time; to happen as a result - Ensure
  • Comparing between one thing and another, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification - Analogy
  • Compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others - Charisma
  • Competition for young women in which their beauty, personal qualities and skills are judged - Pageant
  • Complete change of attitude or opinion - Volte - Face
  • Complete control of the entire supply of goods or of a service in a certain area or market - Monopoly
  • Complete freedom to act as one wishes - Carte blanche
  • Complete lists of items, typically one in alphabetical or other systematic order - Catalogue
  • Complete range of different opinions,people, etc. - Spectrum
  • Completely unwilling to change - Intransigent
  • Complex disputes or arguments - Imbroglio
  • Complicated and confusing system of connected passage - Maze
  • Complicated or unpleasant situations that is difficult to get out of or to move through - Morass
  • Comprising or relating to all sorts or varieties - Omnifarious
  • Conceal the nature or existence of (a feeling or situation) - Disguise
  • Concentrated artillery bombardment over a wide area : large number of something, such as questions or comments, that are directed at somebody very quickly, one after the other, often in an aggressive way - Barrage
  • Conclusion or opinions that are formed because of known facts or evidence - Inference
  • Condition in which a part of one's body becomes red, swollen, and painful- Inflammation
  • Condition in which someone is not able to think normally because of being drunk, drugged, tired, etc. - Stupor
  • Confused struggles or fights involving many people - Melee
  • Confusing or difficult problem - Conundrum
  • Confusing or meaningless words or activities - Mumbo-jumbo
  • Connected with particular circumstances- Circumstantial
  • Connected with young people who are not yet adults - Juvenile
  • Consequences or after-effects of a significant and unpleasant event - Aftermath
  • Consisting of or using both letters and numerals - Alphanumeric
  • Consisting of things or people that are all the same or all of the same type - Homogeneous
  • Contests, disputes, competitions, etc., in which neither side can gain an advantage or win - Stalemate
  • Continual increase in the price of goods and services - Inflation
  • Continuing without stopping - Incessant
  • Continuous rattling sound as of hard objects falling or striking each other - Clatter
  • Control or affect (something, such as a game or election) in a dishonest way in order to get a desired result - Rig
  • Controlling or influencing a situation in a skilful but sometimes dishonest way - Manoeuvre
  • Controlled breeding and rearing of fish. - Pisciculture
  • Conversations in which clever statements and replies are made quickly - Repartee
  • Correcting something that is unfair or wrong - Redress
  • Corrupt behaviour in a position of trust, especially in public office - Malversation
  • Courage or bravery - Valour
  • Courtesy and considerate behaviour towards others - Comity
  • Course of action leading nowhere - Blind alley
  • Covered passages with arches along one or both sides - arcade
  • Covered with decoration - Ornate
  • Created or done for a particular purpose as necessary - Ad hoc
  • Crime of getting money from someone by the use of force or threat - Extortion
  • Crime of trying to overthrow one's country's government or of helping one's country's enemies during war- Treason
  • Crimes or other morally wrong acts : illegal or immoral behavior especially by young people - Delinquency
  • Cruel and unfair treatment by people with power over others - Tyranny
  • Cry very loudly and noisily - Squall
  • Curved paths along which something (such as a rocket) moves through the air or through space - Trajectory
  • Curved paths followed by a planet or an object as it moves around another planet, star, moon, etc- Orbit
  • Customs or a way of acting or doing things that is widely accepted and followed - Convention
  • Customers of a shop, bar, or place of entertainment - Clientele
  • Cut made in something - Incision


  • Dance or musical performance - Recital
  • Dangers or problems that are hidden or not obvious at first - Pitfall
  • Dark and dirty : not fresh or clean - Dingy
  • Dark and underground prisons in castles - Dungeon
  • Date or time when something must be finished : the last day, hour, or minute on that something will be accepted - Deadline
  • Days when day and night are of the same length - Equinox
  • Dead bodies of animals - Carcass
  • Dead persons who leave the grave at night to bite and suck the blood of living people - Vampire
  • Decayed mixture of plants (such as leaves and grass) that is used to improve the soil in a garden - Compost
  • Decayed with usually a very bad or disgusting smell - Putrid
  • Deceiving or to trick (someone) to persuade (someone) by telling lies - Con(v)
  • Deep unconscious state, usually lasting a long time and caused by serious illness or injury - Coma
  • Deep, wet sand into which heavy objects sink easily - Quicksand
  • Deeply religious : devoted to a particular religion - Devout
  • Defeating (someone or something) easily and Throughly - Trounce
  • Defeating and gaining control of (someone or something) by the use of force - Subjugate
  • Defeating or tricking (someone) by being more intelligent or clever - Outsmart
  • Delay doing something until a later time because one does not want to do it, because one is lazy - Procrastinate
  • Describing (someone or something) as unimportant, weak, bad, etc - Disparage
  • Designed or intended to teach people something - Didactic
  • Desire to cause harm to another person - Malice
  • Determined not to change one's opinion or attitude; difficult to deal with, remove, etc. - Stubborn
  • Developing friendlier relations between countries or groups of people who have been enemies - Rapprochement
  • Dictionary of the special terms in a particular field or job - Glossary
  • Die because one is unable to breathe - Suffocate
  • Difference between two opposite things : a division into two opposite groups - Dichotomy
  • Difference especially between things that should be the same - Discrepancy
  • Difficult and unpleasant to do or deal with - Onerous
  • Difficult to handle, control, or deal with because of being large, heavy, or complex - Unwieldy
  • Difficult to understand : having or seeming to have a hidden meaning - Cryptic
  • Dilemma or difficult circumstances from which there is no escape because of mutually conflicting or dependent conditions - Catch-22
  • Direct descent from an ancestor; ancestry or pedigree - Lineage
  • Disappointing end to an exciting or impressive series of events- Anticlimax
  • Disease or disorder that involves a particular group of signs and symptoms - Syndrome
  • Disease that spreads over a whole country or the whole world - Pandemic
  • Disguising of military personnel, equipment, and installations by painting or covering them to make them blend in with their surrounding - Camouflage
  • Dishonest or immoralpersons - Sleaze
  • Displaying wealth, knowledge, etc., in a way that is meant to attract attention, admiration, or envy - Ostentatious
  • Distance of a place east or west of the Greenwich meridian, measured in degrees - Longitude
  • Distance of a place north or south of the equator (= the line around the world dividing north and south), measured in degrees - Latitude
  • Doing activities for fun or enjoyment - Play-off
  • Doing better than (someone or something) : to be more successful than (someone or something) - Outdo
  • Doing something that is not allowed : to disobey a command or law - Transgress
  • Doctor's opinion about how someone will recover from an illness or injury - Prognosis
  • Done or given because one wants to and not because one is forced to - Voluntary
  • Dramatic works in which all or most of the words are sung to music; works of this type as an art form or entertainment - Opera
  • Drawing or pictures that show only the shape of an object - Outline
  • Dull and ordinary - Mundane
  • Dull or socially ineptperson, especially someone who is excessively studious - Spod


  • Eager to own and collect things - Acquisitive
  • Easily affected, influenced, or harmed by something - Susceptible
  • Easily annoyed or angered and likely to argue - Truculent
  • Easily hurt or harmed physically, mentally, or emotionally : open to attack, harm, or damage - Vulnerable
  • Easily managed or controlled : willing to learn or be guided by another - Tractable
  • Eating both plants and animals : eager to learn about many different things - Omnivorous
  • Economic situations where there is high inflation (= prices rising continuously) but no increase in the jobs that are available or in business activity - Stagflation
  • Effective from a particular date in the past - Retrospective
  • Elaborate or glib speeches or stories, typically those used by a salesperson - Spiel
  • E-mails that are not wanted : an e-mail that is sent to large numbers of people and that consists mostly of advertising - Spam
  • Embarrassing social mistake - Faux pas
  • Ending a romantic relationship with (someone) in a sudden and painful way - Jilt
  • Ending an organization or group (such as a club) - Disband
  • End or failure of an institution, an idea, a company, etc. : death of a person - Demise
  • Enjoy (something) for a long time - Savour
  • Enjoying oneself or celebrating in a noisy or boisterous way - Roister
  • Enjoyable in a lively or noisy way - Rollicking
  • Enjoyments that someone gets from being violent or cruel or from causing pain - Sadism
  • Entering (someone) as a member of or being a participant in something - Enroll
  • Entering or appearing somewhere suddenly and with a lot of force - Irrupt
  • Enthusiastic and vocal supporters of someone or something - Cheerleader
  • Enthusiastic clapping by an audience as a sign of their approval - Ovation
  • Error in the way a law, rule, or contract is written that makes it possible for some people to legally avoid obeying it - LOOPHOLE
  • Events causing great and usually sudden damage or suffering; a disaster - catastrophe
  • Events involving destruction or damage on a catastrophic scale - apocalypse
  • Events marked by festivities or celebration - fiesta
  • Event or a short period of time that is important or unusual - episode
  • Events or situations in which many people are killed and many things are destroyc espicially by fire- holocaust
  • Events that may or may not happen - contingency
  • Exact or very close copy of something - Replica
  • Examinations intended to qualify successful candidates for higher education -Baccalaureate
  • Examples that represent or express something very well - Epitome
  • Excessive emotional or psychological reliance on a partner - Codependency
  • Exchanging goods, property, services, etc. for other goods, etc. without using money - Barter
  • Excluding (someone) from a group - Ostracize
  • Existing as a basic part of a person's nature or character - Inbred
  • Existing from the beginning of time : very ancient - Primordial
  • Existing or continuing in the same way for a long time - Perennial
  • Existing or happening in the same time period - Contemporary
  • Existing, but not yet very noticeable, active or well developed - Latent
  • Experiences that are very unpleasant or difficult - Ordeal
  • Experienced or felt by watching, hearing about, or reading about someone else rather than by doing something yourself - Vicarious
  • Expressing doubts about whether something is right, honest, etc. - Impugn
  • Expressing severe disapprovals of (someone or something), especially in a formal statement - Censure
  • Expressing feelings or opinions in a very loud or forceful way - Vociferous
  • Expressing opinions or criticism in a very forceful and often annoying or unpleasant way - Strident
  • Expressions designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly : an indirect or passing reference - Allusion
  • Expressions of strong anger or disapproval by many people - Outcry
  • Extensive groups of islands - Archipelago
  • Extra vote given by a chairperson to decide an issue when the votes on each side are equal - Casting vote
  • Extracting money from (someone) by fine or taxation - Mulct
  • Extreme anger : a strong feeling of unhappiness because of something bad, hurtful, or morally wrong - - Outrage
  • Extreme physical or mental sufferings - Agony
  • Extreme self-confidence or audacity (usually used approvingly) - Chutzpah
  • Extremely easy tasks - Cinch
  • Extremely excited and enthusiastic about doing something - Gung ho
  • Extremely good and deserving to be admired and copied - Exemplary
  • Extremely or unusually small - Diminutive
  • Extremely strong dislikes or fears of someone or something – Phobi


  • Facts or the process of ending or being brought to an end - Cessation
  • Failing to show proper respect and courtesy - Impudent
  • Failure to fulfil an obligation : something that happens or is done when nothing else has been done or can be done - Default
  • Familiar or humorous names given to a person or thing instead of the real name - Nickname
  • Families of rulers who rule over a country for a long period of time - Dynasty
  • Famous persons, especially in entertainment or sport - Celebrity
  • Farmers in the past who owned a small amount of land : very good, hard, and valuable work that someone does especially to support a cause, to help a team, etc. - Yeoman
  • Features (such as mountains and rivers) in an area of land - Topography
  • Feeling a strong desire or wish for something or to do something - Yearn
  • Feeling nervous because the ending is not known until the final moment - Nail-biting
  • Feeling or showing great sadness because someone has died - Mourn
  • Feeling sorrow or regreting for (something) - Rue
  • Feeling of being sorry for doing something bad or wrong in the past - Remorse
  • Feelings of deep anxiety or dread, typically an unfocused one about the human condition or the state of the world in general - Angst
  • Feelings of doubt or uncertainty about whether Qualm one is doing the right thing
  • Feelings of enjoyment and enthusiasm - Zest
  • Feelings of foolish or very strong love or admiration for someone or something - Infatuation
  • Feelings of great happiness and excitement - Euphoria
  • Feelings of guilt or regret - Compunction
  • Feelings of like or dislike for someone or something especially when it is not reasonable or logical - Prejudice
  • Feelings of sadness mixed with pleasure and affection when one thinks of happy times in the past - Nostalgia
  • Feelings of strong dislike or disapproval of someone or something you think does not deserve respect - Disdain
  • Feelings or beliefs that bad things will happen in the future - Pessimism
  • Feelings or belief that good things will happen in the future - Optimism
  • Feelings or expressing overwhelming happiness or joyful excitement - Ecstatic
  • Feelings or a particular quality that is very noticeable and seems to surround a person or place - Aura
  • Feelings or showing a lack of courage or confidence - Timid
  • Feelings that someone or something gives you - Vibe
  • Female ballet dancers - Danseuse
  • Fictitious or factual works describing a series of events - Chronicle
  • Fights between women - Catfight
  • Fights, briefly and usually not very seriously - Scuffle
  • Figures shaped like a human body that is used for making or displaying clothes - Mannequin
  • Filled with or showing sexual desire - Lascivious
  • First time an actor, musician, athlete, etc., does something in public or for the public - Debut
  • Fixed sum of money paid to someone each year, typically for the rest of their life - Annuity
  • Flat cases for carrying documents or drawings, investments that are owned by a person or organization - Portfolio
  • Fleet of warships - Armada
  • Flowing out of something in a fast and forceful way - Spew
  • Following, watching, and bothering (someone) constantly in a way that is frightening, dangerous, etc. - Stalk
  • Food that a person or animal usually eats- Diet
  • Food that is cooked in a particular way, style of cooking - Cuisine
  • Foolish talks or ideas.- Guff
  • Foolish, confused, or meaningless words - Gibberish
  • For an intervening or temporary period of time - Ad interim
  • Forcing someone to go somewhere with you, often using threats or violence - Abduction
  • Forceful or angry speeches - Harangue
  • Forming An opinion about something without definitely knowing the truth - Surmise
  • Form of punishments or tortures that involved caning the soles of someone's feet - Bastinado
  • Formal acts or the process of placing someone into a new job, position, government office, - Induction
  • Formal ceremonies or series of acts that are always performed in the same way - Ritual
  • Formal meetings in which representatives or experts discuss important matters, make decisions, etc. - Congress
  • Formal processions ofpeople walking, on horseback, or riding in vehicles - Cavalcade
  • Formally choosing (someone) as a candidate for a job, position, office, etc. - Nominate
  • Formations of clear and distinct sounds in speech - Articulation
  • Fortresses, typically one on high ground above a city - Citadel
  • Formal and serious promises to tell the truth or to do something - Oath
  • Fraudulent or dishonest acts or practices - Rort
  • Fraudulent practices of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information - Phishing
  • Freedom from being required to do something that others are required to do - Exemption
  • Freedom from punishment, harm, or loss - Impunity
  • Freedom to do something the way you want to do it - Leeway
  • Friendly relationships - Rapport
  • Friendly remarks and jokes - Banter
  • Full and wide view of something - panorama
  • Full of anger, arguments and bad feelings - Acrimonious
  • Full of clever tricks : very clever - Wily
  • Full of hate or anger, extremely or excessively harsh or strong - Virulent
  • Funny and clever - Witty
  • Funny plays or movies about ridiculous situations- Farc


  • General laws, rules, principles, or criteria by which something is judged - Canon
  • General or basic quality or meaning of something - Tenor
  • Generous and friendly treatment of visitors and guests - Hospitality
  • Genuine, real or legal; not false - Bona fide
  • Girlfriends of criminals - Moll
  • Giving a brief summary of something - Recapitulate
  • Giving or being a sign of (something that will happen or develop in the future) - Presage
  • Giving somebody a signal using your finger or hand, especially to tell them to move nearer or to follow you - Beckon
  • Giving up (something) : to give (something, such as power, control, or possession) to another person or group - Relinquish
  • Giving help or support to the main group of workers - Auxiliary
  • Going in a direction that is away from a group or from the place where one should be - Stray
  • Going on someone's land without permission - Trespass
  • Goods that are bought and sold - Merchandise
  • Government departments that control public money - Exchequer
  • Governments formed by two or more political parties working together - Coalition
  • Government officials who are the representative of his or her country in a foreign country - Consul
  • Government orders that limit trade in some way - Embargo
  • Gradual increase in noise : the loudest point of a period of continuous noise - Crescendo
  • Gradual reduction in the size of a business, activity, etc. - Runown
  • Great and often wild or uncontrolled activities - Frenzy
  • Great disaster or complete failure - Debacle
  • Great number of things or people - Multitude
  • Great technical skill and brilliance shown in a performance or activity - Bravura
  • Great work : the greatest achievement of an artist , or a writer - Magnum opus
  • Groups of animals or plants that are similar and can produce young animals or plants - Species
  • groups of members of the public who listen to the facts of a case in a court and decide whether or not somebody is guilty of a crime - Jury
  • Groups of military ships commanded by the same person - Fleet
  • Groups of musicians who play usually classical mt sic together and who are led by a conductor - orchestra
  • Groups of officials led by an ambassador who represent their government in a foreign country :building in which an embassy works - embassy
  • Groups of people or businesses that work together - Syndicate
  • Groups of people who are doing something together - Platoon
  • Groups of people who are the leaders of an action or movement in society, politics, art, - Vanguard
  • Groups of people who are together for a particular - Posse
  • Groups of people who go with and assist an important person - Entourage
  • Groups of people who have gathered to watch or listen to something (a play, concert, somebody speaking, etc.) - Audience
  • Groups of people who have the same job, interests, etc. - Fraternity
  • Groups of people who operate a ship, airplane, or train - Crew
  • Groups cf people who share a common feature or aspect of behaviour - Cohort
  • Groups of people with shared concerns within a political party or larger organization - Caucus
  • Groups of people, companies, etc., that agree to work together - Consortium
  • Groups of people, countries, organizations, etc., that are joined together in some activity or effort - Confederation
  • Groups of people, especially traders or pilgrims,travelling together across a desert in Asia or North Africa - Caravan
  • Groups of separate companies that agree to increase profits by fixing prices and not competing with each other - Cartel
  • Groups of singers or dancers performing together in a supporting role in a musical or opera - Chorus
  • Groups of vehicles or ships that are travelling together usually for protection - Convoy
  • Groups or organization of nations or people united for a purpose - League
  • Groups within a larger group that have different ideas and opinions than the rest of the group - Faction
  • Guiding beliefs of a person, group, or organization - Ethos


  • Happening after death, medical examination of the body of a dead person to determine the cause of death - Post-mortem
  • Happening as a result of something - Consequent
  • Happening at the same time - Concurrent
  • Happening often but not regularly : not constant or steady - Sporadic
  • Happening or appearing again and again - Recurrent
  • Happening or appearing in many places and not unusual : very common or ordinary - Common place
  • Happening or popular at a particular time - Du jour
  • Happening, done, or published after someone's death - Posthumous
  • Happy and enjoyable scenes or experience - Idyll
  • Happy and lively in a way that is attractive - Vivacious
  • Harming (someone) through sexual contact to touch (someone) in a sexual and improper way - Molest
  • Harsh and angry words - Vitriolic
  • Harsh criticisms that show a lack of respect or approval for someone or something - Scorn
  • Harsh discordant mixture of sounds - Cacophony
  • Harsh or critical statements about someone - Obloquy
  • Having (something) as a part, step, or result - Entail
  • Having a speech problem that causes one to repeat the beginning sound of some words - Stutter
  • Having A dull 01 uninteteiting appearance not attractivc, or stylish - Dowdy
  • Having a god or helpful result especially after something unpleasant has happened - Salutary
  • Having a pleasant, spicy taste interesting and exciting - Piquant
  • Having a strong and unpleasant smell or taste front no longer being fresh - Rancid
  • Having a strong, sharp taste or smell - Pungent
  • Having a very appealing taste or smell - Luscious
  • Having a very noticeable quality that attrats a lot of attention - Flamboyant
  • Having an obstinately uncooperative attitude towards authority or discipline - Recalcitrant
  • Having complete or unlimited power - Omnipotent
  • Having fair hair and a light complexion - Blonde
  • Having many twists and turns : compliLated. long, and confusing - Tortuous
  • Having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone - Ambivalent
  • Having no legal power - Nutt
  • Having no useful purpose - Otiose
  • Having or relating to two sides affecting both sides, involving two parties, especially countries - Bilateral
  • Having or showing a desire to hurt someone who has hurt or caused problems for you - Vindictive
  • Having or showing a lot of courage or determination - Plucky
  • Having or showing a lot of violence and blood - Gory
  • Having or showing an ability to understand difficult ideas and situations and to make good decisions - Sagacious
  • Having or showing courage : very brave or courageous - valiant
  • Having or showing knowledge that is learned by studying - erudite
  • Having people of different types or from different countries, and influenced by their culture : showing an interest in different cultures, ideas - cosmopolitian
  • Having the letters q, w, e, r, t, and y arranged in a ,Oweitt row in the top row of letter keys - querty
  • Having the qualities or appearance considered to be typical of men - Masculine
  • Having very fixed beliefs and being unlikely or unwilling to change them - Hardliner
  • Heavy automatic guns that fire shells from an aircraft or tank - Cannon
  • Height of an object or point in relation to sea level or ground level - Altitude
  • Helping someone or something pay for the costs of (something) - Subsidize
  • Highest point in the development of something :a climax or culmination - Apogee
  • Highest point of a mountain : the top of a mountain - Summit
  • History of the family members in a person's or animal's past especially when it is good or impressive - Pedigree
  • Hitting (someone or something) very hard with a stick, whip, etc - Thrash
  • Hitting (someone) on the buttocks with one's hand as a form of punishment - Spank
  • Hitting or beating something or someone and make a loud, deep sound - Thump
  • Hitting something with a loud, dull sound - Thud
  • Honor or fame given for some achievement - Laurel
  • Honor or respect that is felt for or shown to (someone or something) - Reverence
  • Hopeful or romantic in a way that is not practical - Quixotic
  • Houses or part of a house in which the women of a Muslim household live - Harem
  • Houses where men visit prostitutes - Brothel
  • Humour that shows the weaknesses or bad qualities of a person, gOvernment, society, etc. - Satire
  • Humorous in a clever and often ironic way - Wry
  • Humorous rhyming poem of five lines - Limerick
  • Hundredth anniversary of a significant event - Centenary
  • Husband's (or wife's) provision for a spouse after separation or divorce : maintenance -Alimony


  • Ideas about doing something that is far removed from normal reality - Fantasy
  • Ideas or beliefs that people are born again with a different body after death - Reincarnation
  • Ideas or inventions which are considered to be a particular person's creation - Brainchild
  • Ideas or sets of beliefs that guide the actions of a person or group - Credo
  • Idea or a set of principles or religious beliefs - Creed
  • Ideas or theories that are not proven but that leads to further study or discussion - Hypothesis
  • Ideas suggested by a word in addition to its main meaning - Connotation
  • Ideas or statements that are often false or exaggerated and that are spread in order to help a cause, a political leader, a government, etc. - Propaganda
  • Ideas or stories that are not true but that many people have heard or read - Folklore
  • (Illness) persisting for a long time or constantly recurring - Chronic
  • Imaginary places in which the government, laws, and social conditions are perfect - Utopia
  • Imaginary sea creatures that have a woman's head and body and a fish's tail instead of legs - Mermaid
  • Impartial advisers to a court of law in a particular case - Amicus curiae
  • Important, real, or meaningful - Substantive
  • Impossible to defeat or discourage - Indomitable
  • Impossible to defeat or overcome - INVINCIBLE
  • Impossible to harm, damage, or defeat - INVULNERABLE
  • Impossible 'to solve or get control of : impossible to overcome - INSURMOUNTABLE
  • Impressive display or range of a particular type of thing - ARRAY
  • In a careless and unplanned way - WILLY NILLY
  • In a confused and careless way - HELTER - SKELTER
  • In a state of tremulous excitement - AFLUTTER
  • In a very bad condition and needing to be repaired - RAMSHACKLE
  • In an uncertain or undecided state or condition - LIMBO
  • In great disorder or confusion - TOPSY - TURVY
  • In preparation or progress happening or beginning to happen - AFOOT
  • In a very bad condition because of age or lack of care - DILAPIDATED
  • Including many different things : full of variety - VARIEGATED
  • Increased effectiveness that results when two or more people or businesses work together - SYNERGY
  • Indefinite and very long period of time - AEON
  • Independent persons or a body officially appointed to settle a dispute - Arbitrator
  • Indirect and usually bad results of an action or event that may happen some time afterwards - Repercussion
  • Influence or control over another country, a group of people - Hegemony
  • Influence or power , especially in politics or business - Clout
  • Informal ways of spreading information or rumors through conversation - Grapevine
  • Information about a person and about what they have done in their life - Biodata
  • Inscriptions on a building, statue, or coin - Epigraph
  • ill Institutions,places, or persons strongly maintaining particular principles, attitudes, or activities - Bastion
  • Insulting remarks made in public - Brickbats
  • Intense military campaign intended to bring about a swift victory - Blitzkrieg
  • Introduction to a book or speech - Preface
  • Introduction to a book, play, etc. - Prologue
  • Involving a chance that something bad or unpleasant could happen - Dicey
  • Involving a lot of violence, confusion, or disorder - Tumultuous
  • Involving death or violence in a way that is strange, frightening, or unpleasant - Macabre
  • Involving only one group or country - Unilateral
  • Items of additional material added at the end of a book or other publication - Addendu


  • Japanese art of folding paper into shapes that look like birds, animals, etc. - Origami
  • Japanese flower arranging, that has strict formal rules - Ikebana
  • Japanese form of self-defence and martial art that uses locks, holds, throws, and the opponent's own movements - Aikido
  • Jargon or slang of a particular group or class - Argot
  • Jobs, activities, etc., that are very suitable for someone - Niche
  • Journals or newspapers, especially the official one of .an organization or institution - Gazette
  • Journalists who are not on the regular staff of a newspaper but who write stories for that newspaper - Stringer
  • Journeys especially by a group of people for a specific purpose - Expedition


  • Killing (a person or animal) by squeezing the throat - Strangle
  • Killing (an animal) for food, kill (many people) in a very violent way - Slaughter
  • Killing (someone) illegally as punishment for a crime - Lynch
  • Killing of a large number of people - Carnage
  • Killing or wounding of people, typically on a large scale during a conflict - Bloodshed
  • Kindness shown to somebody when they are being punished : willingness not somebody so severely - Clemency
  • Knowing everything : having unlimited understanding or knowledge - omniscient
  • Knowing or using several languages - Polyglot


  • Lack of agreements between people, ideas, etc - Discord
  • Lack of order : a confused or messy condition - Disarray
  • Lack of respect or dislike for someone or something - Contempt
  • Lack of seriousness - Levity
  • Lack of solidity or substance; thinness - Tenuity
  • Lack of the usual social or ethical standards in an individual or group - Anomie (anomy)
  • Lacking confidence : not feeling comfortable around people, very careful about acting or speaking - Diffident
  • (Land) used or suitable for growing crops - Arable
  • (Language) used in conversation but not in formal speech or writing - Colloquial
  • (Legislative body) having two chambers - Bicameral
  • Language of ordinary speechs rather than formal writing - Vernacular
  • Language or behaviour that is nonsense and is intended to hide the truth from people - Hocus-pocus
  • Language that is intended to influence people and that may not be honest or reasonable - Rhetoric
  • Language that is used among people who speak various different languages - Lingua franca
  • Language used by a particular group of people - Parlance
  • Language used for a particular activity or by a particular group of people - Jargon
  • Large amount of money that has been given to a school, hospital, etc., and that is used to pay for its creation and continuing support : person's natural ability or talent - Endowment
  • Large amount of rain that suddenly falls in an area : large amount of things that come at the same time - Deluge
  • Large amount of something that is released suddenly - Torrent
  • Large and beautiful view of an area of land or Vista water
  • Large and very unpleasant amount of dirt - Filth
  • Large areas of land that have been farmed, too- much with the result that plants will not grow there - Badlands
  • Large buildings or group of buildings for soldiers to live in - Barracks
  • Large ,burial ground, especially Qne not in a churchyard - Cemetery
  • Large business that is made of different. kinds of companies - Conglomerate
  • Large cages, buildings, or enclosures for keeping birds in - Aviary
  • Large group of people or things of a particular kind - Bevy
  • Large group of people, especially' an organized group with a particular purpose - Battalion
  • Large group of people - Throng
  • Large notices or signs put up in a public place or carried by people - Placard
  • Large number of things that appear or happen in a short period of time - Spate
  • Large open-air fire used for burning rubbish or as part of a celebration - Bonfire
  • Large parties or celebrations - Fete
  • Large parties or celebrations - Jamboree
  • Large tents used for social or commercial functions . covered structures over the entrance to a building - Marquee
  • Large-calibre guns used in warfare on land - Artillery
  • Lasting for a very short time - Evanescent
  • Lasting for a very short time - Ephemeral
  • Late morning meals eaten instead of breakfast and lunch - Brunch
  • Laws or regulations made by a government - Ordinance
  • Laws or rules that limit or control something strong criticism - Stricture
  • Leaving (property) to a person or other beneficiary by a will - Bequeath
  • Legal agreements in which a person borrows money to buy property (such as a house) and pays back the money over a period of years - Mortgage
  • Legal right to be the only one to reproduce, publish and sell a book, musical recording, etc., for a certain period of time - Copyright
  • Letter or group of letters that is added at the beginning of a word to change its meaning - Prefix
  • Level of respect that people have for a succesitful person, organizatum, etc - Stature
  • Light that is placed somewhere to guide vehicies and warn them of danger - Beacon
  • Likely to change in a very sudden or extreme way likely to become dangerous or out of control - Volatile
  • Likely to have or produce good results Propitious
  • Limited to a small number of people - Esoteric
  • Lines in a newspaper naming the writer of an article - Byline
  • Lines notionally drawn on the earth equidistant from the poles - Equator
  • Lines on a weather map that join places that have the same air pressure at a particular time - Isobar
  • Lines on a weather map that join places that have the same temperature at a particular time - Isotherm
  • Lines that have a series of short, sharp turns or angles - Zigzag
  • Lists of items required, things to be done, or points to be considered, used as a reminder - Checklist
  • Lists of the books referred to in a scholarly work ,typically printed as an appendix - Bibliography
  • Lists of the foods that may be ordered at a restaurant - Menu
  • Lists of the people or things that belong to a particular group, team, etc. - Roster
  • Lists of the people who work for a company and the amount of money that the company has agreed to pay them - Payroll
  • Lists that show who must do a certain job - Rota
  • Lively or energetic quality - Vitality
  • Living in trees - Arboreal
  • Long and angry fights or quarrels between two people or two groups - Feud
  • Long and angry speechs - Tirade
  • Long and complicated series of events - Saga
  • Long and determined efforts to achieve something that one believes to be right or to stop something that one belives to be wrong - Crusade
  • Long journeys to a distant or unknown place especially over water or through outer space - voyage
  • Long poems that tell the story of a hero's adventures - epic
  • Long speeches given by a character in a story, movie, play, etc., or by a performer - Monologue
  • Long, complicated, and annoying process, descriptions - Rigmarole
  • Long, narrow boxes, typically of wood, in which a dead body is buried or cremated - COFFIN
  • Long, thin sticks used by a magician or during magic tricks - WAND
  • Long, usually serious speeches that a character in a play make to an audience and that reveal the character's thoughts - SOLILOQUY
  • Long-term security yielding a fixed rate of Debenture interest, issued by a company and secured against assets - DEBENTURE
  • Looking at someone in an evil or unpleasantly Leer sexual way - LEER
  • Looking for private information about someone Snoop or something - SNOOP
  • Lots of energy and style - Panache
  • Loud and confused noises, strongly expressed Clamour protest or demand from a large number of people - CLAMOUR
  • Loud, confusing mixture of noises that lasts for a Din long time - DIN
  • Loving and admiring oneself and especially one's Narcissism appearance too much - NARCISSISM


  • Made by combining different substances : not natural - Synthetic
  • Made or done without preparation - Impromptu
  • Made to be useful rather than to be decorative or comfortable - Utilitarian
  • Made to look like an exact copy of something in order to trick people - Counterfeit
  • Made up of different things - Sundry
  • Made up of many different people or things - Motley
  • Made up of parts that are different - Heterogeneous
  • Magical liquid that can cure illness or extend life - Elixir
  • Main characters in a novel, play, movie, etc. - Protagonist
  • Main group of people in a Communistgovernment who make decisions about policy - Politburo
  • Main or central part of a city or town - Downtown
  • Major changes or a period of change that causes a lot of conflict, confusion, anger, etc. - Upheaval
  • Make (an idea, belief, etc.) known to many people - Promulgate
  • Making (someone or something) weaker or less effective usually in a secret or gradual way - Undermine
  • Making (someone) feel or look young, healthy, or energetic again - Rejuvenate
  • Making (someone) want to know more about something - Intrigue
  • Making (something) as good or as effective as possible - Optimize
  • Men who want to marry a particular woman - Suitor
  • Managing or using money in a careful or wise way - Thrifty
  • Many changes or problems that happen over time - Vicissitude
  • Marks or qualities that shows what something is or what it could be - Earmark
  • Marks that are left on one's skin after a wound heals : feeling of great emotional pain or sadness that is caused by a bad experience and that lasts for a long time - Scar
  • Materials made of a network of wire or thread : Mesh complex or constricting situation - MESH
  • Materials that are flowing out - Efflux
  • Meals consisting of several dishes from which guests serve themselves - Buffet
  • Meals to which everyone who is invited brings food to share - Pot luck
  • Measures designed merely to humour or placate someone - Placebo
  • Members of a group of people who move from place to place instead of living in one place all the time - Nomad
  • Members of some religions (such as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam) who deliver messages that are believed to have come from God - Prophet
  • Mental illness in which a person becomes very emotional or excited - Mania
  • Mental states in which one is confused and not able to think or speak clearly : state of wild excitement and great happiness - Delirium
  • Metals made by combining two or more metallic elements - Alloy
  • Military groups controlling a governMENT AFTER taking control of it by force - GIMMICK
  • Money given as a reward - BOUNTY
  • Money or food given to poor people - Alms
  • Money or property that is given to you by somebody when they die - Legacy
  • Money that is less than the amount that is needed - Deficit
  • Money that is owed and should have been paid earlier - Arrears
  • Money that is paid in order to free someone who has been captured or kidnapped - Ransom
  • Moral fables, especially one with animals as characters - Apologue
  • Morally good behavior or character - VIRTUE
  • Most important and basic facts or details about something - NittY GittY
  • Most important idea orparts of something - Keynote
  • Most important parts of something (such as a Most important parts of something - Crux
  • Most successful or powerfull group of people - Quintessence
  • Moving about quickly from side to side or up and down - Jiggle
  • Movinig at a speed faster than walking by stepping with each front leg at the same time as the opposite back leg - Trot
  • Moving or acting quickly to do, find, or get Scramble something often before someone else does - scramble
  • Moving or acting too slowly - Dawdle
  • Move or lift (something) so that it is no longer - Ruffle
  • Moving quickly to one side in order to avoid being hit by (someone or something) - Dodge
  • Moving to a new place - Relocate
  • Movements away from a place or situation especially because it is dangerous, unpleasant, etc. : place that is quiet and private - Retreat
  • Movies about crime that uses dark shadows and lighting to show the complicated moral nature of the subject - Noir
  • Mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together - Camaraderie
  • Mysteries that can only be resolved by assembling various pieces of information - Jigsaw


  • Names that are wrong or not proper or appropriate - Misnomer
  • Names that someone (such as a writer) uses instead of his or her real name - Pseudonym
  • Narrow passageways between or behind building - Alley
  • Natural likings for and understanding of someone or something - Affinity
  • New activities, projects, business, etc., that typically involve risk - Venture
  • New and experimental ideas and methods in art, music, or literature - Avant-garde
  • Newspapers with small pages (usually half the size of those in larger papers) - Tabloid
  • Newspapers that print a lot of shocking stories about people's private lives rather than serious news - Gutter press
  • No longer active or effective : close to failure - Moribund
  • No longer existing or being used - Defunct
  • No longer used because something newer exists - Obsolete
  • Noisy and overexcited reactions or responses to something - Brouhaha
  • Noisy arguments or disagreements, especially in public - Altercation
  • Noisy arguments or fights - Fracas
  • Not able or willing to believe something - Incredulous
  • Not able to be corrected or changed - Incorrigible
  • Not able to be stopped or changed - Inexorable
  • Not able to communicate with other people - Incommunicado
  • Not acceptable to talk about or do - Taboo
  • Not active, not now developing or causing symptoms - Quiescent
  • Not as important as something else - Subsidiary
  • Not capable of life - Inanimate
  • Not clear in meaning : stated in a way that is general and not specific - Vague
  • Not completely clear or transparent but clear enough to allow light to pass through - Translucent
  • Not connected with spiritual or religious matters - Secular
  • Not deserving serious attention - Frivolous
  • Not doing or involving much physical activities - Sedentary
  • Not easily described : having no special or interesting qualities, parts, etc. : typical and uninteresting - - Nondescript
  • Not easily stopped or pulled apart : very determined to do something - Tenacious
  • Not giving enough thought to other people's feelings or needs - Inconsiderate
  • Not having made a will - Intestate
  • Not having or showing good judgment - Indiscreet
  • Not having or showing good manners, good taste,or politeness - Vulgar
  • Not intended or planned - Inadvertent
  • Not interesting, funny, etc., because of being used too often - Hackneyed
  • Not keeping anything secret or hidden : honest and direct - Upfront
  • Not letting light through : not transparent, difficult to understand of explain - Opaque
  • Not liking to work or be active - Indolent
  • Not lively or interesting : dull or boring - Vapid
  • Not made of physical substances : not able to be touched - Intangible
  • Not necessary or appropriate - Unwarranted
  • Not producing the desired effect - Inefficacious
  • Not showing enough care and attention - Remiss
  • Not strong or stable and likely to break - Rickety
  • Not very developed or advanced - Rudimentary
  • Not very easy to see or notice - Inconspicuous
  • Not willing to tell people about things - Reticent
  • Not within the range of what someone knows or understands - Ken
  • Novels, movies, etc., that are very exciting : a story full of exciting action, mystery, adventure, or suspense - Thriller
  • Number of people who are killed or injured in an accident, disaster, war - Toll


  • Objects (such as a ring or stone) that is believed to have magic powers and to cause good things tohappen to the person who has it - Talisman
  • Objects or pictures used to suggest a thing that cannot be shown : person or thing that represents an idea - Emblem
  • Object, pieces of evidence or some informations that help the police solve a crime - Clue
  • Objects, activities, or ideas that are used as symbols of something else - Metaphor
  • Objects or materials that are collected because they are related to a particular event, person, etc. : things collected as souvenirs - Memorabilia
  • Objects that are used to do a particular activity : objects of a particular kind - Paraphernalia
  • Occurring between members of the same country, group, or organization - Internecine
  • Of, belonging to, or seeming to come from an early time in the very ancient past - Primitive
  • (Of a person) not identified by name; of unknown name - Anonymous
  • Offence of marrying someone while already married to another person - Bigamy
  • Official agreements that are made between two or more countries or groups - Treaty
  • Official announcements about a usually very important piece of news - Communiqué
  • Open opposition toward a person or group in authority - Rebellion
  • Open to more than one interpretation : not having one obvious meaning - Ambiguous
  • Operations in which police or other forces surround a building and cut off supplies, with the aim of forcing an armed person to surrender - Siege
  • Opinions or beliefs of the majority - Vox populi
  • Opponents or enemies that are very difficult to defeat - Nemesis
  • Opponents that are easy to defeat - Pushover
  • Orders that must be followed - Diktat
  • Organized search for a person and especially for a criminal - Manhunt
  • Original copies of a play, book, piece of music, etc., before those have been printed - Manuscript
  • Ornaments or small pieces of jewellery thought to give protection against evil, danger, or disease - Amulet
  • Out of control with anger or excitement; wild or frenzied - Berserk
  • Outdoor meals or parties when food is cooked in this way - Barbecue
  • Outlines or outer edges of something - Contour
  • Outside edges of an area : the area that surrounds a place or thing - Periphery


  • Persons who are in charge of or takes care of something - Warden
  • Persons who are kept in a prison or mental hospital - Inmate
  • Persons who are killed or who suffer greatly for a religion, cause, etc. - Martyr
  • Persons who are not loyal to his or her own country, friends, etc. - Traitor
  • Persons who are not welcome or wanted in a place - Intruder
  • Persons who are running away to avoid being captured - Fugitive
  • Persons who are sent by one government to represent it in dealing with another government - Envoy
  • Persons who are skilled in magic or who has magical powers : a sorcerer or a magician, a person who is very good at something - Wizard
  • Persons who are unfairly blamed for something that others have done - Scapegoat
  • Persons who are very enthusiastic about something - Fiend
  • Persons who are walking in a city, along a road, etc. - Pedestrian
  • Persons who know a lot about something (such as art, wine, food, etc.) : an expert in a particular subject - Connoisseur
  • Persons who lack experience and knowledge - Greenhorn
  • Persons who leave onepolitical, religious, etc. group to join another that has very different views : someone or something that causes trouble and cannot be controlled - Renegade
  • Personswho like or admire women. - Philogynist
  • Persons who like seeing and talking or writing about something that is considered to be private - Voyeur
  • Parts of checks, tickets, etc., that can be kept as a record when it is torn off - Counterfoil
  • Parts of cities in which members of a particular group or race live usually in poor conditions - Ghetto
  • Parts of theatres, concert halls, etc. in which the audiences sit - Auditorium
  • Parts of the earth's surface that are directly above the place where an earthquake starts - Epicenter
  • Parts of your mind that tell you whether your actions are right or wrong - Conscience
  • Parts or elements of something - Facet
  • Partial or total loss of memory - Amnesia
  • Partial refunds to someone who haspaid too much for tax, rent, or a utility - Rebate
  • Particular subjects or issues that are discussed often or repeatedly - Theme
  • Particular types or categories of literature or art - Genre
  • Particular ways of thinking : a person's attitude or set of opinions about something - Mindset
  • Particular ways of walking - Gait
  • Passages between rows of seats in a building such as a church or theatre, an aircraft, or train - AISLE
  • Paying money to get a publication or service regularly - SUBSCRIBE
  • People in the future - POSTERITY
  • People of high social status - GENTRY
  • People who are extremely poor - DESTITUDE
  • People who are famous, wealthy, and attractivi - GLITTERATI
  • People who can vote in an election - ELECTORATE
  • Performances of something - RENDITION
  • Periods immediately before an action or event - RUN UP
  • Periods of 1,000 years - MILLENNIUM
  • Periods of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activities are reduced - RECESSION
  • Periods of time during which someone does not work at his or her regular job and is able to rest, travel, do research, etc. - SABBATICAL
  • Periods of time that are very important in history - EPOCH
  • Periods of time when people stay awake, especially at night, in order to watch a sick person, say prayers, protest, etc - VIGIL
  • Periods of time when something (activities or programs) are stopped - HIATUS
  • Periods when days ending and nights beginning - TWILIGHT
  • Periods when many more babies are born than usual - BABY BOOM
  • Periods when something do not increase or advance any further - PLATEAU
  • PermAnent administrative offices departmeric;, especially governmental ones - SECRETARIATE
  • Persons or things regarded as an exact copy of another - CLONE
  • Persons or things that attract a lot of attention or interest - CYNOSURE
  • Persons or things that cause a change - CATALYST
  • Persons or things that do not go or move as quickly as others - LAGGARD
  • Persons or things that are connected with or related to another, often in a way that one would not expect - BEDFELLOW
  • Persons or things that are extremely important or large in size - COLOSSUS
  • Persons or things that are the direct opposite of someone or something else - ANTHITHESIS
  • Persons or things that are the most important part of an organization, a plan, etc, because everything else depends on them or it - LINCHPIN
  • Persons or things that one particularly dislike - BETE NOIRE
  • Persons or things that take the place of someone or something else - SUBSTITUTE
  • Persons or things that take the place or perform the duties of someone or something else - SURROGATE
  • Persons or things which provide stability or confidence in an otherwise uncertain situation - ANCHOR
  • Persons that somebody spend a lot of time with - Crony
  • Persons who accompany and look after another persons or group of people - CHAPERONE
  • Persons who actively oppose or are hostile to someone or something : an adversary - ANTAGONIST
  • Persons who actively use the Internet especially in a proper and responsible way - NETIZEN


  • Qualities of always behaving in the same way or of having the same opinions, standard, etc - constituency
  • Qualities of being faithful to one's husband, wife, or sexual partner - fidelity
  • Qualities of being honest and fair - integrity
  • Qualities of being very similar or equal - symmetry
  • Qualities of being very unwilling to spend money - parsimoney
  • Qualities that causes people to feel sympathy and sadness - pathos
  • Qualities that makes one person or thing different from another - trait
  • Quantities of work that should have been done already, but has not yet been done - backlog
  • Quick looks or glance - dekko
  • Quick series of soft, light sounds caused when things (such as leaves or pieces ofpaper) rub against each other - rustle
  • Quiet and peaceful - tranquil
  • Quiet and polite, not showy or flashy - demure
  • Quotations from or references to a book, paper, or author, especially in a scholarly work - citation


  • (Route or journey) longer than the most direct way - Circuitous
  • Raised platforms for a speaker, performer, or the leader of an orchestra - Podium
  • Raised platforms in a large room or hall that people stand on when performing or speaking to an audience - Dais
  • Range or series of related things - Gamut
  • Ready and excited to start to do something - Raring
  • Reasons or explanations for something - Rationale
  • Reasons that you give to hide your real reason for doing something - Pretext
  • Records of events year by year - Annals
  • Refers to the fact that something has been done or repeated so often that it has become annoying or tiresome - Ad nauseam
  • Referring to sex in a rude but humorous way - Ribald
  • Refusing (something, such as an offer or suggestion) in a rude way - Rebuff
  • Refusing to be persuaded or to change one's mind - Adamant
  • Regular period of sleep or rest in the afternoon in some hot countries - Siesta
  • Regular, repeated patterns of sounds or movements - Rhythm
  • Reinforced underground shelters, typically for use in wartime - Bunker
  • Returning to an earlier and usually worse state or condition - retograde
  • Rich persons who have at least a million dollars, pounds - millioniaries
  • Rights or benefit that is given to some people and not to others - priviledge
  • Rights or the capacity to bring an action or to appear in a court - local standi
  • Rights or privileges - prerogative
  • Rights to choose what should be done in a particular situation - discretion
  • Rights to vote in an election - suffrage
  • Ritual suicides by cutting open one's stomach with a sword - hara - kiri
  • Robots with a human appearance - android
  • Rooms in a public building where outdoor clothes or luggage may be left - clockroom
  • Rough or noisy - rowdy
  • Roughly made model of a person that is made in order to be damaged or destroyed as a protest - effigy
  • Roughly orquickly thrust (a sharp or pointed object) someone or something - jab
  • Routine tasks, especially a household one - chores
  • Rules orprinciples that most people believe to be true - axiom
  • Rules that say how people should behave - precept
  • Rules about the proper and polite way to communicate with other people when one is using the Internet - netiquette


  • Sad moods or feelings - melancholy
  • Said to somebody who is leaving on a journey, to wish them a good journey - bon vyoage
  • Sailors who attacked ships at sea and stole from them : the person who acts in a recklessly adventurous and often unscrupulous way, especially in business - baccaneer
  • Saying or writing very harsh and critical things about (someone or something) - vilify
  • Saying that (something) is smaller, less important, etc., than it really is - understate
  • Saying that something you said or wrote is not true or correct - retract
  • Saying that you are not responsible for (something) : to deny that you know about or are involved in (something) - disavow
  • Scenes full of noise and confusion - bedlam
  • Searching for something especially by moving and looking through the contents of a place - rummage
  • Searching through waste, junk, etc., for something that can be saved, used or eaten - scavenge
  • Seats for passengers on a motorcycle - pillion
  • Secret agreements especially in order to do something dishonest or to trick people - collusion
  • Secret or disguised ways of writing : a code - cipher
  • Secretly try to ruin or destroy a government, political system, etc. - subvert
  • Sections or tables of subsidiary matter at the end of a book or document - Appendix
  • Seeming like real life because it is very clear, bright, or detailed, very bright in color - Vivid
  • eeming to be seen everywhere - Ubiquitous
  • Selling (a business, property, etc.) especially to pay off debt - Liquidate
  • Sending (a person who has been accused of a crime) to another state or country for trial - Extradite
  • Sending away (some of a company's work) to be done by people outside the company - Outsource
  • Series of changes - Flux
  • Series of three novels, movies, etc., that are closely related and involve the same characters or themes - Trilogy
  • Sets of clothes that are worn together : group of people working together in the same activity - Outfit
  • Sets of ideas that somebody believes in and tries to persuade others to accept - Gospel
  • Sets of principles concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty - Aesthetics
  • Sets of tools or supplies that a person uses for a particular purpose or activity - Kit
  • Severe mental orphysical pain or suffering - Anguish
  • Severe snowstorms with high winds : large quantity of things that may seem to be attacking you - Blizzard
  • Sexually attracted to people of the same sex - Homosexual
  • Shared by, including or typical of a whole group of things : not specific - Generic
  • Shiny quality of a surface that refleqs light - Luster
  • Someone who predicts things that will happen in the future
  • Someone who saves something or someone from danger, harm, failure, etc.
  • Someone who supports a part icular cause, belief, etc
  • Someone who talks about something withgreat enthusiasm
  • Someone who teaches or gives help and advice to a less experienced and often younger person
  • Someone who tends to criticize, reject, or ignore people who come from a lower social class and have less education, etc.
  • Someone who travels to a holy place
  • Someone who tries to get an advantage or something valuable from a situation without thinking about what is fair or right
  • (Something unwelcome) flourishing or spreading unchecked, unrestrained in action or performance
  • Something (such as a business) that develops from something larger
  • Something (such as a force, campaign, or movement) that is extremely large and powerful and cannot be stopped
  • Something (such as a greeting) that people say in order to be polite
  • Something (such as a situation) that is made up of two opposite things and that seems impossible but is actually true or possible
  • Something (such as a special ceremony) that is intended to honor an important event or person from the past


  • Tending to be quiet : not speaking frequently - Taciturn
  • That can be done : that will be successful - Viable
  • The last of a series - Omega
  • The same book or piece of writing as the one that has just been mentioned - Ibid
  • The thing added to something else as a supplementary rather than an essential part - Adjunct
  • The thing or a person that has no chance of success - Noose
  • The thing that existed before or logically precedes another - Antecedent
  • The thing that hides or covers somebody/something - Cloak
  • The thing that is added or attached to something larger or more important - Appendage
  • The thing that is inappropriate, especially a remark or expression - Infelicity
  • The thing that is most important to someone or something - Raison detre
  • The time at which something begins - Inception
  • The time that something of quality was produced - Vintage
  • The traditional knowledge, beliefs, and stories that relate to a particular place, subject, or group - Lore
  • The treatment to improve the appearance and health of the feet or toenails - Pedicure
  • The trusted follower or supporter who performs unpleasant, wrong, or illegal tasks for a powerful person - Henchman
  • The two-hundredth anniversary of a significant event - Bicentenary
  • Theories or a group of ideas about how something should be done, made, or thought about - Paradigm


  • Unusual habits or way of behaving, something strange that happens by chance - Quirk
  • Unusual or excessive concern about one's health - Hypochondria
  • Unusual ways in which a particular person behaves or thinks - Idiosyncrasy
  • Urging or requesting (someone) solemnly or earnestly to do something - Adjure
  • Using (something) in a foolish or wasteful way - Squander
  • Use of deception or subterfuge to achieve one's purpose - Chicanery
  • Use of machines to do work that was previously done by people - Automation
  • Use of many words where fewer would do, especially in a deliberate attempt to be vague or evasive - Circumlocution
  • Use of tricks especially to hide, avoid, or get something - Subterfuge
  • Use of words that mean the opposite of what one really wants to say especially in order to insult someone, to show irritation, or to be funny - Sarcasm
  • Use of words to exchange thoughts and ideas - Discourse
  • Used in reference to luxurious accommodations - Ritz
  • Used to describe something that exists but that is not officially accepted or recognized - De facto
  • Used to express excitement or joy - Yahoo
  • Used to express excitement when a discovery has been made - Eureka
  • Used to indicate that a named person is also known or more familiar under another specified name - Alias
  • Used to refer to a process in which actors are chosen for a film/movie, etc. if they have sex with the person in charge of choosing the artnrc - Casting couch


  • (Victory) won at too great a cost - Pyrrhic
  • Valuable stolen goods, especially those seized in war - Booty
  • Various forms in which the atoms of a chemical element can occur - Isotope
  • Very angry or violent disagreement between two or more people or groups - Strife
  • Very bad : causing great fear or worry - Dire
  • Very bad or frightening experience or situation - Nightmare
  • Very big and powerful companies or organizations - Behemoth
  • Very careful about behaving properly and doing things in a correct and accurate way - Punctilious
  • Very careful about doing something in an extremely accurate and exact way - Meticulous
  • Very close to being something without actually being it - Virtual
  • Very comfortable and expensive - Opulent
  • Very complicated and difficult to understand - Turgid
  • Very determined or loyal - Diehard
  • Very different, strange, or unusual - Exotic
  • Very dirty and unpleasant, immoral or dishonest - Squalid
  • Very dirty or untidy state or condition - Mess
  • Very eager or curious to hear or see something - Agog
  • Very excited or upset - Overwrought
  • Very famous or successful person - Luminary


  • Ways of life, an attitude, an idea, etc. that has become very popular, system of religious beliefs and rituals - Cult
  • Ways of protecting oneself against the loss of something - Hedge
  • Way that a person thinks about things - Outlook
  • Ways that a room or the inside of a building is decorated - Decor
  • Ways that prevents other people from finding out who you are - Incognito
  • Wealthy persons who give money and time to help make life better for other people - Philanthropist
  • Well-known phrases that express a general truth about life or a rule about behaviour - Maxim
  • Wild and drunken celebrations - Bacchanal
  • Wild and noisy celebrations - Revelry
  • Willing to do dishonest things in return for money - Venal
  • Wise, skilled, and respected government leaders - Statesman
  • Without a future date being arranged - Sine die
  • Women who control a family, group, or government - Matriarch
  • Women who have control or power over others - Mistress
  • Women who are paid to care for a young child usually in the child's home - Nanny
  • Women who are thought to have magic powers - Witch
  • Women who use their sexual charm to make men do what they wants - Vamp
  • Women who work in a bar, serving drinks - Bartender
  • Women whose job are to be in charge of children or other women - Matron


  • Young children who are just learning to walk – toddler
  • Young women who is not married – damsel
  • Young Person who are usually talented in some way – prodigy
  • Young person who are taught and helped by someone who has a lot of knowledge and experience - protege
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One Word Substitution list PDF 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 4, 2016 A   A judge's private room, without the press or the public being present - In camera A period of time in the past that was idyl...

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