History Quiz for SSC CGL 2016

June 21, 2016    

For the first time SSC 2016 examination will be held in Computer Based pattern and managing time will be one of the important factor while solving the questions. So in order to make students familiar with such a situations we are providing questions in a time based manner , which will help students to manage the time properly.

1.During which Gupta king’s reign did the chinese traveller Fahien visit India ?
Chandragupta I
Chandragupta II

2.Consider the following literary works : 
I. Kumar Sambhavam
II. Mudrarakshasa 
III. Raghuvamsa
IV. Ritusamhara 
Which of these were the works of Kalidasa ?
I, II and III
II, III and IV
I, III and IV
I, II and IV

3.Which one of the following was the official language of Gupta period ?

4.Who was the founder of the Gupta dynasty ?
Chandragupta I

5.The rock-cut temples of Mahabalipuram were built under the patronage of the—
Chola kings
Pandya kings
Pallava kings
Satavahan kings

6.Which of the following is called ‘The Bible of Tamil Land’ ?

7.Who was the founder of Pattini cult related to worship of goddess of chastity – Kannagi?
None of the above

8.Who was the founder of Puhar (Kaveripattanam)?
None of the above

9.The famous Idol of Gomteshwar and famous jain temple is situated at—

10.‘Ramayan’ the Tamil version of the great epic Ramayana was made by—
Ilango Adigal
None of the above


History Quiz for SSC CGL 2016 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 21, 2016 For the first time SSC 2016 examination will be held in Computer Based pattern and managing time will be one of the important factor while ...

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