Geography Quiz for SSC CGL 2016, SSC CPO, Railways and CHSL

June 1, 2016    

For the first time SSC CPO 2016 examination will be held in Computer Based pattern and managing time will be one of the important factor while solving the questions. So in order to make students familiar with such a situations we are providing questions in a time based manner , which will help students to manage the time properly.

1.Which among of the following factors influence the amount of insolation received from sun ? (i) The angle of incidence.
 (ii) Duration of the day. (daily sunlight period) 
(iii) Transparency of the atmosphere.
(i)and (ii)
(ii) and (iii)
None of the above
All of the above

2.Which of the following factors are responsible for the uneven distribution of temperature ?
 (i) Latitude 
(ii) Land and Sea Contrast 
(iii) Relief and Altitude 
(iv) Ocean Currents
(i),(ii) and (iii)
(ii) and (iii)
(iii) and (iv)
All of the above

3.What is inversion of temperature ?
The phenomenon in which temperature decreases with increasing altitude temporarily and locally under certain conditions
The phenomenon in which temperature increases with increasing altitude temporarily and locally under certain conditions
The phenomenon in which temperature increases with decreasing altitude temporarily and locally under certain conditions
None of the above

4.There are four heating processes directly responsible for heating the atmosphere what are they are ?
 (i) Radiation 
 (iii) Convection 
 (iv) Advection
(i) and (ii)
(i), (ii),(iii) and (iv)
(ii) only
(i) and (iv) only

5.Longer the path of sun’s rays, _____ is the amount of reflection and absorption of heat by atmosphere.

6.Bissau is capital of ?

7.Temperature and wave length are ______ related
no relation
none of the above

8.The balance between insolation (incoming solar radiation) and terrestrial radiation is called ?
Heat control
Heat budget
Heat transfer
Heat between

9.Distribution of temperature varies ? 
(i) only
(ii) only

10.Temperature contrasts are relatively ____ in black soil areas than those of sandy soils.


Geography Quiz for SSC CGL 2016, SSC CPO, Railways and CHSL 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 1, 2016 For the first time SSC CPO 2016 examination will be held in Computer Based pattern and managing time will be one of the important factor wh...

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