English Quiz SSC CGL 2016

June 17, 2016    

For the first time SSC examination will be held in Computer Based pattern and managing time will be one of the important factor while solving the questions. So in order to make students familiar with such a situations we are providing questions in a time based manner , which will help students to manage the time properly.

Directions (Q.1-5) The sentences given in each question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labeled with a letter. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph. 

1. (A). Inspired by the success of experiments related to the cooperative movement in Britain and the co-operative credit movement in Germany, such societies were set up in India that provide credit to small scale industrialists, salaried employees, and other urban and semi-urban residents. 
 (B) Co-operative societies are based on the principles of cooperation, mutual help, democratic decision making, and open membership.
 (C) Cooperatives represented a new and alternative approach to organization as against proprietary firms, partnership firms, and joint stock companies which represent the dominant from of commercial organization.
 (D) The origins of the urban co-operative banking movement in India can be traced to the close of nineteenth century.

2. (A) However, the relevant provisions of the IRC were not available for production beyond 2007. 
 (B) The alternative fuel production tax credit for refined coal was the largest tax expenditure related to coal use during FY 2007 
 (C) However, coal was estimated to be relatively small recipient of tax expenditures in FY 2010, with an estimated value of $561 million in FY 2010, down from $3.3 billion in FY 2007. 
(D) Over 90 percent of coal is consumed by the electricity sector. Coal-fired generation accounted for 45 percent of total electricity generation in 2010.

3. (A) Neither the tenant farmer nor the land lord who owns/cultivates a small holding can afford to invest in technology, creation of infrastructure like irrigation systems in his farm land. 
(B) If significant growth has to be achieved in agriculture sector, technology, infrastructure and other linkages have to be developed that can lead to increased production and productivity. 
(C) High growth in Sector cannot be brought in by micro level initiatives alone without providing them necessary infrastructure and logistical inputs. 
(D) Such linkages could be facilitated by corporates through Public Sector or Private Sector participation who in turn derive their financial resources from Banks.

4. (A) Areas for plantation in forest and non-forest lands will be carefully identified for the purpose 
(B) Planning Material will be arranged under the National Bamboo Mission and there will be centralized nurseries (public/private) and decentralized nurseries (mahila and kisan nurseries). 
(C) The plantation activities will be undertaken in compact areas so that the impact of the mission becomes visible. 
(D) Quality planting material will be raised through tissue culture units in the public sector.

5. (A) Florida coastline in the contiguous United States, encompassing approximately 1,350 miles (2,170 km), and is the only state to border both the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. 
(B) Much of Florida is situated on a peninsula between the Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic Ocean and the Straits of Florida. The climate varies from subtropical in the north to tropical in the south 
(C) Its geography is marked by a coastline, by the omnipresence of water and the threat of hurricanes. It’s symbolic animals like the American alligator, crocodile, panther and the manatee, can be found in the Everglades, one of the most famous national parks in the world. 
(D) Much of the state is at or near sea level and its terrain is characterized by sedimentary.

Directions (Q.6-10) : In the following questions, a part of the sentence is printed in bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold part at (a), (b), (c) and (d), which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative.

 6. All of us must try to consciously stopping worrying about it.
to stop consciously worrying
conscious to stop worry
and consciously stop worries
stop worrying
(base form of the verb ‘stop’ will be used.)

7. He generally reaches home by this time but the road may have blocked.
the roads might blocked
the road may be blocked
may be the roads have blocks
may the road have been blocked
(to show possibility, use ‘may be’)

8. I was so thrilling by his enchanting actions that I forgot to thank him.
was so thrilling at
had so thrilled by
was so thrilled by
had been so thrilling by
(sentence is in past tense, hence use past tense verb)

9. The visitors admired my paintings but they seem to have disliking my sculptures.
seemed to have disliking
seem to be disliked
seemed disliking
seemed to have disliked
(sentence is in past tense, hence use past tense verb)

10. It is fortunate that he have been behaving well.
has to be behaved
has to behave
would have behaved
has been behaving
(Use singular verb with singular subject)


English Quiz SSC CGL 2016 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 17, 2016 For the first time SSC examination will be held in Computer Based pattern and managing time will be one of the important factor while solvi...

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