Data Analysis (Part-3) For SBI PO

June 15, 2016    

data analysis

Refer to the following data to answer the questions that follow:

The result of an exam is given below:
Out of 2000 students who appeared
(i) 1316 failed in Telugu
(ii) 332 failed in Telugu and Punjabi
(iii) 744 failed in Punjabi, 868 failed in Telugu and Bengali
(iv) 1180 failed in Bengali, 252 failed in Bengali and Punjabi
1. The number of students who failed in all the three subjects is
2. The number of students who failed in Bengali but not in Punjabi is
3. The number of students who failed in Telugu but not in Bengali is
4. The number of students who failed in Punjabi but not in  Telugu is
5. The number of students who failed in Telugu or Bengali but not in Punjabi is
number of students who failed in all the three subjects is
 = 2000-1316-744-1180+868+252+332 =212
number of students who failed in Bengali but not in Punjabi is = 1180-252=928
number of students who failed in Telugu but not in Bengali is = 1316-868=448
number of students who failed in Punjabi but not in  Telugu is
number of students who failed in Telugu or Bengali but not in Punjabi is
= 2000-744=1256
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Data Analysis (Part-3) For SBI PO 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 15, 2016 Refer to the following data to answer the questions that follow: The result of an exam is given below: Out of 2000 students who appeare...

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