Computer Quiz for SBI, IBPS and Other Exams

June 19, 2016    

1. To analyze an atomic statement, a logic called ________ logic is used.
a) Propositional
b) Predicate
c) Boolean
d) All of these
e) None of these

2. Computer read which type code?
a) Character
b) English letter
c) Binary code
d) Integer
e) None of these

3. In recent years, people can approach government department or offices through internet the mechanism is known as__________.
a) Internet Government
b) E-Governance
c) Web Government meeting
d) All of the above
e) None of these

4. Bing is a(n)________.
a) Software
b) Search engine
c) Antivirus
d) Hardware
e) None of these

5. The altering of data so that it is not usable unless the changes are undone is _______.
a) Compression
b) Biometrics
c) Encryption
d) Ergonomics
e) None of these

6. Code uses 7 bits to represent a character in ___________.
d) BCD

7. Normalization is a process of restructuring a relation to_________.
a) Maximize duplication of data to ensure reliability in
b) Minimize duplication of data in a database
c) Make it of uniform size
d) Allow addition of data
e) None of these

8. What is the Full Form of RPC?
a) Remotely Process Communication
b) Routine Procedure Call
c) Remote Processing Call
d) Remote Procedure Call
e) None of these

9. Which of the following is a language translation software?
a) Loader
b) Linker
c) Assembler
d) Compiler
e) None of these

10. What is the difference between a CD-ROM and a CD-­RW?
a) A CD-ROM holds more information than a CD-RW
b) A CD-RW can be written to, but a CD-ROM can only be read from
c) A CD-ROM can be written to and a CD-RW cannot
d) They are the same -just two different terms used by different manufacturers
e) None of these


1. b) Predicate
2. c) Binary code
3. b) E-Governance
4. b) Search engine
5. c) Encryption
6. e) ASCII
7. b) Minimize duplication of data in a database
8. d) Remote Procedure Call
9. c) Assembler
10. b) A CD-RW can be written to, but a CD-ROM can only be read from
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Computer Quiz for SBI, IBPS and Other Exams 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 19, 2016 1. To analyze an atomic statement, a logic called ________ logic is used. a) Propositional b) Predicate c) Boolean d) All of these e)...

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