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Idioms related to Make
- He made straight for the door (went towards)
- She made one of his old shirts into a blouse (transformed)
- The burglars made off quickly when the man appeared (went away)
- That dog has made off with my shoe (carried away)
- I don't know what to make of her (can't understand her)
- He made a lot on that deal (profited financially by)
- Can you make out what this word means ? (understand)
- The doctor made out the prescription (wrote)
- He is a liar; he made the whole story up (invented, fabricated)
- She makes up too heavily (uses cosmetics)
- After a quarrel you must kiss and make up (be reconciled)
- reconciled meaning - restore friendly relations between
- We need one more person to make up the four at bridge (complete)
- The chemist made up the prescription (compounded the medicine)
- Here is the book to make up for the one you lost (compensate for)
- The secretary made up to her employer in order to get promotion (sought favour with)
Idioms related to Put
- He put down the rebellion with a firm hand (suppressed)
- Let me put your address down n my notebook (write)
- I put in a lot of work on that article (did)
- He is gong to put in for a higher salary (apply for)
- We must put off the picnic until next week (postpone)
- The bad smell in that restaurant really puts me off (repels)
- repel meaning - to force something or someone to move away
- She puts on a very superior expression (assumes)
- Put the light out before you go to bed (extinguish)
- She seemed rather put out by your letter (distressed, disconcerted - usually in passive only)
- Will it put you out if we come today (inconvenience) ?
- Will you put me through to this number (connect by telephone) ?
- I am sorry to put you to all this trouble (give - Usually with words like trouble, inconvenience, expense)
- They have put up the price of bread again (raised)
- I can't put up with that terrible noise (endure)
- His sister puts him up to a lot of mischief (incites)
- incite meaning - to encourage someone to do or feel something unpleasant or violent
Idioms related to Run
- She ran away with an actor (eloped with)
- These holidays do run away with the money (consume, take)
- I ran across my niece yesterday (met by chance)
- She looks very pale and run down (in poor health - passive only)
- He is always running other people down (disparaging)
- disparage meaning - to criticize someone or something in a way that shows you do not respect or value him, her, or it
- Please pass this car it's running in (consolidating working in parts)
- I ran into an old friend this morning (met suddenly)
- My mother-in-law runs on so much (talks continuously)
- She was run over by a car (knocked down)
- Turn off the tap or the bathwater will run over (overflow)
- He ran through all his money in a week (spent rapidly)
- My wife runs up too many bills (accumulates)
- I ran up against another old friend (met by chance. Like, run into and run across)
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