1. Name the great Indian revolutionary who was a professor of Sanskrit and Philosophy and died as a Sanyasi in Philadelphia ?
(A) Lala Hardayal
(B) Bhai Parmanand
(C) Madan Lal Dhingra
(D) Shyamji Krishna Varma
2. In which place February 21, 1915 was fixed as the date for an armed revolt by the Ghadarites
(A) Bombay
(B) Madras
(C) Punjab
(D) Bengal
3. The Hindustan Socialist Republican Association Movement ended with the death of—
(A) Ramprasad Bismil
(B) Chandra Shekhar Azad
(C) Surya Sen
(D) Bhagat Singh
(D) Bhagat Singh
4. Which revolutionary said the following, ‘‘We shall be born again, shall meet again and shall jointly fight once again for the cause of the motherland as comrades-in-arms’’ ?
(A) Chandra Shekhar Azad
(B) Ramprasad Bismil
(C) Rajendra Lahiri
(D) Ashfaquallah Khan
5. Which association sprang us in Bengal during the Swadeshi Movement ?
(A) Anushilan Samiti
(B) Swadeshi Samiti
(C) Krantikari Samiti
(D) Jugantar Samiti
6. Which of the following was not hanged in connection with the Kakori Conspiracy Case ?
(A) Bhagat Singh
(B) Ashfaqullah Khan
(C) Rajendra Lahiri
(D) Roshan Singh
7. The differences between the Moderates and the Extremists led to a split in Congress at its session held in 1907 at—
(A) Surat
(B) Calcutta
(C) Nagpur
(D) Madras
8. Who among the following was known as the Grand Old Man of Indian politics ?
(A) Bipin Chandra Pal
(B) Dadabhai Nauroji
(C) Surendra Nath Bannerjee
(D) Rasbehari Bose
9. The most revolutionary secret organization of Bengal was—
(A)Azad Bharat
(B) Mitra Mela
(C) Ghadar Party
(D) Anushilan Samiti
10. I.N.A. (Indian National Army) trial took place in the—
(A) Calcutta High Court
(B) Supreme Court
(C) Federal Court
(D) Red Fort
Answers will be updated soon..
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