Hindu Word Meaning for SSC CGL 2016, SSC CPO, SSC CHSL

May 4, 2016    

Today’s Word from The Hindu

Meaning- starting, stopping, and starting again : not constant or steady
Synonym-continual, on-and-off, periodic
Antonym - eternal, everlasting, interminable, perpetual
Sentence-The patient was having intermittent pains in his side.

Meaning-a person who leaves one group, religion, etc., and joins another that opposes it
Synonym-apostate, defector, deserter,
Antonym -disciple, follower, supporter
Sentence-They were renegades who thought they had permission to steal from the rich. 

Meaning-a soldier who is paid by a foreign country to fight in its army : a soldier who will fight for any group or country that hires him
Synonym-acquisitive, avaricious, avid, coveting,
Antonym -non materialistic; altruistic,
Sentence-His motives in choosing a career were purely mercenary.

Meaning-not very good
Synonym-common, fair, indifferent, medium,
Antonym - excellent, exceptional, exquisite, fabulous, fantastic, 
Sentence-The dinner was delicious, but the dessert was mediocre.

Meaning- to take (something, such as a vehicle or building) by force especially for military purposes
Synonym-convert, expropriate, pirate,
Sentence-The soldiers commandeered civilian vehicles to help transport the injured

Meaning-suitable or appropriate,pleasant and enjoyable, very friendly
Synonym-pleasant, darling, delectable, delicious
Antonym -abominable, disgusting, distasteful, obnoxious,
Sentence-The town is a congenial place for raising children.

Meaning-of or relating to social events where people can eat, drink, and talk in a friendly way with others
Synonym-companionable, extroverted
Antonym -misanthropic; aloof, cold, cool, detached, distant
Sentence-the hiking club attracts a wide range of convivial people who share a love of the outdoors>

Meaning-of or relating to the country or country life
Synonym-rural, country, pastoral, rustic 
Antonym -urbanized; metro, metropolitan, municipal;
Sentence-a bucolic region where farms are still common

Meaning- in perfect condition : completely clean, fresh, neat, etc., not changed by people : left in its natural state
Synonym-brand-new, mint, fresh
Antonym - broken, bruised, damaged, defaced, defiled, disfigured,
Sentence-My office is a mess but her office is always pristine.

Meaning-to publish the name of as condemned to death with the property of the condemned forfeited to the state
Synonym-interdict, outlaw, prohibit, forbid
Antonym -sanction; authorize, license
Sentence-regulations proscribe the use of electronic devices on board a plane while it is landing

Hindu Word Meaning for SSC CGL 2016, SSC CPO, SSC CHSL 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu May 4, 2016 Today’s Word from The Hindu 1.Intermittent Meaning- starting, stopping, and starting again : not constant or steady Synonym -continua...

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