General Awareness Quiz - Set 13

May 28, 2016    

1. ’Abhijnanasakuntalam’ has been reckoned as a masterpiece of
b) kalidasa
c) Asvaghosha
d) Sudraka 

2. Plaster of Paris
a) contracts while setting
b) expands while setting
c) is highly volatile
d) does not suffer any changes in volume while sitting 
3. In 1863, a Swiss businessman and writer founded the Red Cross in Geneva. His name….
a) John Calvin
b) Carl G Jung
c) Paul KLee
d) Jean Henri Dunant 
4. Which, among the following, is not a degenerative disease?
a) Diabetes
c) Myocardial infaction
d) Rabies 
5. The worship of Idols started in India in the………..period.
a) Pre-Aryan
d) Kushan 
6. A 16th century Indian Jurist has started that ‘land is the property of its owner, and Kings have only the right to tax it’. His name……
a) Yajnavalkya
b) Nilakantha
c) Hemadri
d) Vijnaneswara 
7. The European Headquarters of the UN is
d) Zurich 
8. Man is warm-blooded, frog is cold-blooded. Which one of the following is cold-blooded?
b) Peacock
d) Camal 
9. who, among the following, was the proponent of the ‘Bhakti Cult’ from West Bengal?
a) Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
b) Sri Ramanuja
d) Ramananda 
10. ‘ Sri C.V Raman was the first Nobel Laureate in Physics from the Indian sub-continent.
a) Prof. Abdul Salam
b) Dr. SS Bhatnagar
c) Dr. Hargobind Khorana
d) Dr. Abdul Kalam 


1. b) kalidasa
2. b) expands while setting
3. d) Jean Henri Dunant
4. d) Rabies
5. b) Gupta
6. b) Nilakantha
7. b) Geneva
8. a) Snake
9. a) Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
10. a) Prof. Abdul Salam
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General Awareness Quiz - Set 13 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu May 28, 2016 1. ’Abhijnanasakuntalam’ has been reckoned as a masterpiece of b) kalidasa c) Asvaghosha d) Sudraka  2. Plaster of Paris a) contract...

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