Directions(Q.1-5): The first(S1) and last sentence(S6) or part of the sentences given below are in correct order, arrange PQRS in the correct sequence.
P. public property and socio-economic destabilisation
Q. a six-year old campaign that has cost the state
R. rather heavily in terms of human lives
S. augurs well for the fulfillment of
S6. the legitimate aspirations of an articulate group of tribals
2.S1. The Bodoland accord is a pragmatic piece
P. following the realisation that confrontation
Q. of compromise
R. in which both the Government and the Bodo leaders
S. have made major concessions
S6. was hurting both parties
3.S1. Considering that the signs
P. in the approach of ABSO and BPAC
Q. of realism
R. the settlement has been rather late in coming
S. were indeed discernible much earlier
S6. thanks to the protracted nature of the negotiations
4.S1. The Union Government’s plans
P. the BJP had made it clear even on the very day the Government announced that the proposed rally would not be allowed
Q. at a minimal cost
R. to prevent the BJP rally have worked
S. considering the circumstances
S6. that it would defy the ban come what may
5.S1. The election results in both Meghalaya and Nagaland
P. to give a decisive verdict
Q. for the fourth time in a row
R. appear to conform to past patterns
S. the people of Meghalaya have failed
S6. in favour of any single party of political formation.
Directions for Questions (6 to 10) :In each of these questions, a part is printed in bold. It may contain an error. If so, find out which of the phrases (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below should replace the part printed in bold in the following sentence to make the sentence grammatically meaningful and correct.
6.When they "start investigating", several irregularities were detected. started investigate
started and investigation
start investigation
started off investigation
7.You "must be stopped" these undesirable activities immediately.
must have been stopped
may have been stopped
might have been stopped
must stop
8.Farmers in our country suffer because of an over dependence on rain and the "threat to natural calamities like floods".
threat of natural calamities
threat against natural calamities
threatened due to natural calamity
natural calamities threatened
9.Automation in agriculture and farm management is considered a boon but in fact, it is not true as "they lid to more unemployment".
it lids to more employment
they lead to more employment
they lead to more unemployment
it leads to more unemployment
10.The agricultural sector "deserves most attention" than the industrial sector in our country.
deserves attention more
deserving more attention
deserves more attention
deserve to be attended more
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