English Quiz for SSC CGL 2016, CPO

May 6, 2016    

Directions (Q.No. 1-10): Sentences are given with underlines to be corrected with an appropriate alternative. Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four.

1.Rote learning had little valued now as better understanding of the syllabus is essential.
(a) had belittled value
(b) had little value
(c) has little value
(d) no correction required

2.Directly the meeting commenced then the Board called for strict action against the union leader.
(a) No sooner had the meeting commenced than
(b) As soon as the meeting commenced when
(c) Hardly did the meeting commence
(d) no correction required

3.The two robbers distributed the loot between themselves.
(a) among themselves
(b) amongst themselves
(c) with themselves
(d) no improvement

4.The decent from the mountain peak was faster than the ascent.
(a) descent
(b) decline
(c) decrease
(d) no improvement

5.It was she, not me, who created chaos and confusion.
(a) she, not I,
(b) her, not me
(c) her, not I,
(d) no improvement

6.Our organization has many large number of skilled workers.
(a) a large number
(b) large numbers
(c) very large number
(d) no correction required

7.The Municipal Department were never bothering to curb rising cases of Malaria.
(a) Was never bothered to
(b) Never bothered to
(c) Was never bothering to
(d) no correction required

8.Finishing his breakfast, he started working on the project that needed immediate action.
(a) His breakfast finished
(b) His breakfast having finished
(c) Having finished his breakfast
(d) no correction required

9.We must choose the alternative that is viable and consumes less time and energy.
(a) is viable and consuming lesser
(b) being viable and consumes less
(c) has viable and consuming less
(d) no correction required

10.The urchin died from cancer.
(a) with
(b) of
(c) by
(d) no improvement

Answers will be updated soon..

English Quiz for SSC CGL 2016, CPO 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu May 6, 2016 Directions (Q.No. 1-10): Sentences are given with underlines to be corrected with an appropriate alternative. Four alternatives are sugge...

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