Data Interpretation for SBI

May 14, 2016    

Directions: (1- 5 ) :- The following pie-chart shows the percentage distribution of the expenditure incurred in publishing a book. Study the pie-chart and the answer the questions based on it.
Various Expenditures (in percentage) Incurred in Publishing a Book

1. If for a certain quantity of books, the publisher has to pay Rs. 30,600 as printing cost, and then what will be amount of royalty to be paid for these books?
1. Rs. 19, 450
2. Rs. 21, 200
3. Rs. 22, 950
4. Rs. 26, 150
5. None of these

2. What is the central angle of the sector corresponding to the expenditure incurred on Royalty ?
1. 15°
2. 24°
3. 54°
4. 48°
5. None of these

3. The price of the book is marked 20% above the C.P. If the marked price of the book is Rs 180 , then what is the cost of the paper used in a single copy of the book?
1. Rs. 36
2. Rs. 37.5
3. Rs. 42
4. Rs. 44.25
5. None of these

4. If 5500 copies are published and the transportation cost on them amounts to Rs. 82500, then what should be the selling price of the book so that the publisher can earn a profit of 25%?
1. Rs. 187.50
2. Rs. 191.5
3. Rs. 175
4. Rs. 180
5. None of these

5. what % Royalty on the book is less than the printing cost?
1. 5%
2. 33 1/5 %
3. 20 %
4. 25 %
5. None of these

1. : (3)
Let the amount of Royalty to be paid for these books be Rs. r.
Then, 20 : 15 = 30600 : r
r = Rs. 22,950

2. : (3)
Central angle corresponding to Royalty = (15% of 360)º
[(15/100) *360] = 54

3. : (2)
Clearly, marked price of the book = 120% of C.P.
Also, cost of paper = 25% of C.P
Let the cost of paper for a single book be Rs. n.
Then, 120 : 25 = 180 : n
n = Rs. 37. 50

4. : (1)
For the publisher to earn a profit of 25%, S.P. = 125% of C.P.
Also Transportation Cost = 10% of C.P
Let the S.P. of 5500 books be Rs. x.
Then, 10 : 125 = 82500 : x.
x = Rs. [(125 x 82500) x 10]= Rs. 1031250
S.P. of one book = Rs. (1031250/ 5500)= Rs. 187.50

5. : (4)
Printing Cost of book = 20% of C.P.
Royalty on book = 15% of C.P.
Difference = (20% of C.P.) - (15% of C.P) = 5% of C.P.
Percentage difference = [ (Difference/Printing) * 100%
= [ ( 5% of C.P./Printing Cost ) x 100%]
= 25%

Data Interpretation for SBI 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu May 14, 2016 Directions: (1- 5 ) :- The following pie-chart shows the percentage distribution of the expenditure incurred in publishing a book. Study the...

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