Banking Quiz

May 3, 2016    

1). Many times we read in the news paper about CASA deposits of Banks . CASA deposits are-----
1. Demand deposits
2. Term Deposits
3. Hybrid deposits
4. Recurring deposits
5. Special schemes of banks
Ans- 3

2). The market in which long term securities such as stocks are bought and sold is commonly known as---
1. Bullion market
2. Commodities Exchange
3. Forex market
4. Capital market
5. Money market
Ans- 4

3) Federal Reserve is a financial organisation of which country?
1. USA
2. Russia
3. Japan
5. Greece
Ans- 1

4) Which of the following assets can be mortgaged?
1. Stock
2. Book debts
3. Land and building
4. National Savings Certificates
Ans- 3

5)  Banking Companies are prohibited under Sec 8 of banking Regulation Act to sell and purchase securities. Yet Banks are selling securities (of the customer) which are under pledge as permitted by:
1.  Indian Contract Act
3.  Government Notification
4. Banking Regulation Act
5. None of these

6. Which of the following regulators regulates credit rating agencies in India?
1) Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
2) Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
3) Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority(IRDA)
4) Forward market commission(FMC)
5) None of these

7. Upper limit prescribed for RTGS transactions is ?
1. Rs 1 lakh
2. Rs 2 lkah
3. Rs 5 lakh
4. No upper limit is prescribed

8. When a bank returns a cheque unpaid, it is called...?
1. payment of cheque
2. dishonour of cheque
3. cancelling of cheque
4. taking of cheque

9. Special Drawing Rights are the rights of countries provided by....?
1. World Bank
2. IMF
3. ADB
4. Federal reserves

10. Which of the following banks has the highest number of branches outside India?
1) HDFC Bank
2) ICICI Bank
3) Bank of Baroda
4) Indian Overseas Bank
5) Punjab National Bank

Banking Quiz 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu May 3, 2016 1). Many times we read in the news paper about CASA deposits of Banks . CASA deposits are----- 1. Demand deposits 2. Term Deposits 3. Hyb...

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