Vocabulary from Indian Express Editorial dated 14/04/2016

April 15, 2016    

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Hello Friends,
Pratik Ankar here. I am sharing vocabulary from Indian Express editorial dated 14/04/2016.
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Correct me if I got wrong somewhere. Sorry, I sent it late due to my health issue.

What Dalits Want Section

  • Fraternity (Noun) – Friendship and mutual support in a group. भाईचारा, बंधुता.
  • Liberty (Adjective) - Continuing for a long time. आजादी, स्वतंत्रता, स्वाधीनता.
  • Solidarity (Noun) – Agreement between and support from the members of a group, especially a political group. समन्वय, एकजुटता, ऐक्यभाव.
  • Persistent (Adjective) – Lasting for a long time or difficult to get rid of. अनवरत, निरंतर, लगातार, दीर्घस्थायी.
  • Distorted (Adjective) – Changed from the usual, original, natural or intended from. दूषित, विकृत.
  • Discriminatory (Adjective) – Unfairly treating a person or particular group of people differently from others. पक्षपाती, विभेदकारी.
  • Manifestation (Noun) – A sign of something existing or happening. अभिव्यक्ति, दिखाना, प्रकाशन, जाहिर करना.
  • Transmigration (Noun) – Soul pass into a different body after death. देहांतरण, स्थान-परिवर्तन.
  • Stumble (Verb) – To step awkwardly while walking or running and fall, begin to fall. गिर पड़ना, ठोकर खाना, लडखडाना.
  • Outlive (Verb) – To live or exist longer than someone or something. से ज्यादा जीना, अधिक ठहरना.
  • Lock, stock and barrel (Phrase) – Including all or every part of something. बेच बाँच कर.
  • Promulgate (Verb) – To spread belief or idea among a lot of people / to announce something publicly (especially new law) लागु करना, प्रसिद्ध करना, एलान करना.
  • Assertion (Noun) – A statement that you strongly believe is true. अभिकथन, निश्चित वाक्य.
  • The intelligentsia (Noun) – Very educated people in a society, especially those interested in arts and in politics. सुशिक्षित समाज.
  • Par (Noun) – Equal. बराबर.
  • Peril (Noun) – Great danger or something that is very dangerous. खतरा, आपदा.

Hypocrisy on Jayanti Section

  • Paean (Noun) – A song, film or piece of writing that praises someone or something enthusiastically. जयगीत, जयगान.
  • Hypocrisy (Noun) – The practice of claiming to have higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case. बनावट, छल.
  • Revocation (Noun) – The act of stating officially that an agreement, right or legal document is no longer effective. खंडन, निरसन.
  • Reprimand (Verb) – To express to someone your strong official disapproval of them. फटकार, धिक्कार.
  • Repose (Noun/Verb) – The state of resting or lying down/ Rest or lie. आराम, विश्राम.
  • Salvation (Noun) – A way of being saved from danger, loss ,or harm. रक्षा, बचानेवाला.
  • Naught (Number) – Nothing. व्यर्थ, तुच्छ, शुन्य.
  • Elaborate (Adjective) – Containing a lot of careful detail or detailed parts. सविस्तार, विस्तृत.
  • Reverence (Noun) – A feeling of respect or admiration for someone or something. सम्मान, इज्जत, आदर.
  • Servile (Adjective) – Too eager to serve and please someone else in a way that shows you don’t have much respect for yourself. दसो जैसा, चाटुकार.
  • Oppressive (Adjective) – Cruel or unfair. कठोर, अत्याचारी.
  • Rampant (Adjective) – Unrestrained and Violent. अनियंत्रित, उग्र.
  • Radical (Adjective) – Believing or expressing the belief that there should be great or extreme social or political change. प्रजातन्त्रवादी.
  • Trample (Verb) – To step heavily on something or someone, causing damage or injury. कुचलना, रौंदना.
  • Impunity (Noun) – Freedom from punishment or from the unpleasant results of something that has been done. छुटकारा, दंड से मुक्ति.
  • Squander (Verb) – To waste money or supplies, or to waste opportunities by not using them to your advantage. नष्ट करना, व्यर्थ करना, गवां देना.
  • Intricate (Adjective) – Having a lot of small parts or details that are arranged in a complicated way and are therefore sometimes difficult to understand, solve, or produce. असरल, कठिन, जटिल.
  • Cunning (Adjective) – Pretty and Attractive. खूबसूरती से.
  • Alibi (Noun) – An excuse for something bad or for failure. बहाना.
  • Vague (Adjective) – Not clearly expressed, known, described or decided. अस्थिर, अस्पष्ट, अज्ञात.
  • Neoliberal (Noun) – Someone who supports a large amount of freedom for markets, with little government control or spending and low taxes. नव उदारता.
  • Reckoning (Noun) – A calculation that your make. अनुमान, हिसाब.
  • Entail (Verb) – To make something necessary or to involve something . के लिए आवश्यक होना, अपरिहार्य होना.
  • Decimation (Noun) – The act of killing something in large number or reducing something severely. तबाही, बर्बादी, नाश करना.
  • Annihilation (Noun) – To destroy completely so that nothing is left. सर्वनाश, विध्वंस.
  • Prophesy (Verb) – To say that you believe something will happen in the future. भविष्यवक्ता, भविष्यवाणी करना.
  • Inadvertently (Adjective) – Not intentional. अनजाने से.
  • Naivete (Noun) – Lack of sophistication or wordiness.  भोलापन, सरलता.
  • Stupor (Noun) – A state in which a person is almost unconscious and their thoughts are not clear. सुन्नपन.

Whose Ambedkar Section.

  • Flout (Verb) – To intentionally not obey a rule, law or custom. अनादर करना, चिढाना.
  • Etch (Verb) – To cut a pattern, picture, etc. into a smooth surface especially on metal or glass, using acid or a sharp instrument. धातु अथवा कांच पर तेजाब डालकर छपा या खोदना.
  • Axiom (Noun) – A state or principal that is generally accepted to be true, but need not be so. सिद्धांत, सिद्धप्रमाण.
  • Consensus (Noun) – A generally accepted opinion or decision among a group of people. ऐक्य, मेल, सर्वसन्मति.
  • Transcend (Verb) – To go further, rise above. चढ़ना, बढ़कर होना, ऊँचा होना.
  • Virtuous (Adjective) – Having good moral and behavior. अच्छा, नेक.

Achhe Din Section

  • Euphoria (Noun) – Extreme happiness, sometimes more than is reasonable in a particular situation. उत्साह, सुखाभास.
  • Linger (Verb) – To take a long time to leave or disappear. विलम्ब करना.

Mahatma Was Right Section

  • Hitherto (Adverb) – Until now or until a particular time. अबतक.
  • Sardonically (Adverb) – Showing little respect in a humorous but unkind way, often because you think that you are too important to consider or discuss a matter. घृणापूर्वक.
  • Fitful (Adjective) –Often stopping and starting and not happening in a regular or continuous way. अनियमित, अस्थिर.
  • Scuttle (Verb) – To move quickly, with small, short steps, especially in order to escape. भाग जाना, दौड़ना.
  • Agrarian (Adjective) – Relating to the land, especially the use of land for farming. कृषि सम्बन्धी, भूमि सम्बन्धी.
  • Chariot (Noun) – A two wheeled vehicle that was used in ancient times  for racing and fighting and was pulled by a horse or horses. रथ, गाड़ी.
  • Chasten (Verb) – To make someone understand that they have failed or done something wrong and make them want to improve. शुद्ध करना, दंड देना.
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Vocabulary from Indian Express Editorial dated 14/04/2016 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 15, 2016 sponsored links Hello Friends, Pratik Ankar here. I am sharing vocabulary from Indian Express editorial dated 14/04/2016 . Get the e...

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