The major highlights of the Census 2011 (Provisional figures) are as under:

April 23, 2016    

Census 2011 is the 15th Census of India since 1872. The motto of census 2011 was 'Our Census, Our future'.

Census 2011

Sectors of Census
  1. Population
  2. Density
  3. Sex ratio
  4. literacy
  5. urbanisation
Population Growth rate- 17.64
Males- 17.19
Note-1. In states meghalaya has maximum growth rate and in Union Territory Dadar and nagar haveli.
 2 In states Minimum growth for Nagaland and in Union Territory lakshdeep.

i. The population of India has increased by more than 181 million during the decade 2001-2011.(121 crore)
ii. Uttar Pradesh (199.5 million) is the most populous State in the country followed by Maharashtra with 112 million.
The percentage decadal growth rates of the six most populous States have declined during 2001-2011 compared to 1991-2001: 
Five largest Populous State of the Country
1. Uttar Pradesh
2. Maharashtra
3. Bihar
4. West Bengal
5. Andhra Pradesh
Highest Populous State - Uttar Pradesh
Five least Populous State of the Country
1. Lakshadweep
2. Daman & Diu
3. D & N Haveli
4. A & N islands
5. Sikkim
Least Populous UT - LakshadweepSikkim is the least populous state.
Density of Population (person per sq km)
Density of Population in India
Highest Density in Union territory
Delhi (11297)
Lowest Density in State
Arunachal Pradesh (17)
Sex Ratio (Females per 1000 Males)
Sex ratio in India
Child (0-6 years) sex ratio
Highest sex ratio in state
Kerala (1084)
Lowest sex ratio in UTs
Daman & Diu (618)
Highest child (0-6) sex ratio in state
Mizoram (971)
Lowest child (0-6) sex ratio in state
Haryana (830)
Literacy Rate in India
Total Person Literacy Rate
Highest Literacy Rate in state
Kerala - 93.11%,
Lowest Literacy Rate in state
Bihar -  63.82%.
 Note- Highest populated Union Territory is delhi and least lakshdeep.
Highest Population density in States is - Bihar
Highest Population density in Union Territory- Delhi

Note: i. This is the highest sex ratio recorded since Census 1971 and a shade lower than 1961. Increase in sex ratio is observed in 29 States/UTs.

ii. Literacy rate has gone up from 64.83 per cent in 2001 to 74.04 per cent in 2011 showing an increase of 9.21 percentage points.

iii. Uttar Pradesh (199.5 million) is the most populous State in the country – population is more than the population of Brazil.      

The major highlights of the Census 2011 (Provisional figures) are as under: 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 23, 2016 Census 2011 is the 15th Census of India since 1872. The motto of census 2011 was 'Our Census, Our future'. Sectors of Censu...

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