Questions asked in RRB(Railway Recruitment Board) Exam 3rd shift - 31.03.16

April 1, 2016    

Dear Readers, we are sharing some of questions that was asked in RRB(Railway Recruitment Board) Exam3rd shift- 31.03.16 that provided by our readers.

1. Mycologyo is study of- Study of fungi

2. “Live as if you were to die tomorrow” told by- Mahatma Gandhi

3. “Life on My Terms: From the Grassroots to the Corridors of Power” is an autobiography of- Sharad Pawar

4. PM born after Independence- Narendra Modi

5. Who is Chanda Kochhar- MD & CEO of ICICI bank

6. Language spoken in Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka- Tamil

7. Who discovered Pencillin- Alexander Fleming

8. Involuntary muscles are not found in- Hand

9. Indian village where people speak in Sanskrit- Mattur

10. What is Guru Shikhar- A peak in the Arbuda Mountains of Rajasthan

Questions asked in RRB(Railway Recruitment Board) Exam 3rd shift - 31.03.16 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 1, 2016 Dear Readers, we are sharing some of questions that was asked in RRB(Railway Recruitment Board) Exam3rd shift- 31.03.16 that provided by ou...

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