Questions Asked in Railway Exam

April 6, 2016    

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Hi friends, I am Madhu M. Here I am sharing the questions asked in RRB Exam dated 4th April 2016 (2nd Shift). Happy Reading :)
  1. 2ND highest peak – k2
  2. World Bank approved 1.5 billion US dollar loan to support  ? Clean India Campaign
  3. Which coating is used for non stick ? Teflon
  4. National game of India ? field hockey
  5. Which animal is found in world wildlife logo ? panda
  6. Which Indian  women won first gold medal in 2014 Asian games ?
  7. Which of the following is non peripheral device of a computer ?
  8. What is IPTL
  9. What is the southernmost point of mainland India ?
  10. Who is the remembered for programmable computer? ( something like that not too sure )
  11. When president and vice president are not there who will take over ?
  12. What is the study of physics ( heat and temp and their relation to work and energy ) ?
  13. Who is Benazir Bhutto ? (11 th pm of pak )
  14. Where did vascoda gama landed ?
  15. What does the nucleolus of hydrogen have ?
  16.  Rocks formed from volcano are called
  17. Who is ruckmani devi arundale
  18. Who played the role of sita in Ramayana in tv serial 1986-88
  19. Which American president visited india 1st time for republic day
  20. Who is Sálim Moizuddin Abdul Al
  21. Plants emit oxygen where does the oxygen comes from ?
  22. auroville is in which state
  23. the word sulphur comes from?
  24. Stand up india is for ?
  25. Battle of plassey on which river
  26. Some like rabi corps and wheat is  kharif crop ?
  27. Who invented modern pencil?
That's all i could remember
All the best for others (concentrate on trigonometry and over all exam was easy of u concentrate on gk )
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Questions Asked in Railway Exam 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 6, 2016 sponsored links Hi friends, I am Madhu M . Here I am sharing the questions asked in RRB Exam dated 4th April 2016 (2nd Shift). Happy Rea...

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