Miscellaneous Quiz for SSC Exam

April 23, 2016    

1. YaminiKrishnamurthi is an accomplished exponent of?
A. Kuchipudi
B. Bharatnatyam
C. Kathak
D. Odissi

2. Mr. Meera Sahib Fatima Beevi is distinguished as the first lady?
A. Governor of a state
B. Judge of the supreme court
C. Gold medal winner in sports
D. Prime minister of Bangladesh

3. Who among the following Indian prime minister received “NISHAN –E-PAKISTAN” the highest civilian award in Pakistan?
A. Morarji desai
B. Rajiv Gandhi
C. Atal Bihari Vajpayee
D. Indira Gandhi

4. The brother Sumakant and RamakantGundecha are?
A. Dhrupad vocalists
B. Kathak dancers
C. Sarod masters
D. Table players

5. The late nirmaladeshpande was a famous?
A. Diplomat
B. Astrologer
C. Social activist
D. Film-star

6. Freud is associated with?
A. Detective Harvey
B. Physiology and medicine
C. Psychology
D. Leprosy control

7. Who among the following was the first Indian woman to scale the Mount Everest?
A. Bachendri pal
B. Santhosh Yadav
C. Dicky dolma
D. None of these

8.Jamini Roy distinguished himself in the field of?
A. Badminton
B. Painting
C. Theatre
D. Sculpture

9. Name of S.Chandrashekhar is associated with which of the following subjects?
A. Cosmology
B. Chemistry
C. Fluid mechanics
D. Astrophysics

10. Salim Ali was an eminent?
A. Urdu poet
B. Ornithologist
C. Ghazal singer
D. None of the above

Miscellaneous Quiz for SSC Exam 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 23, 2016 1. YaminiKrishnamurthi is an accomplished exponent of? A. Kuchipudi B. Bharatnatyam C. Kathak D. Odissi 2. Mr. Meera Sahib Fatima ...

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