Today’s Word from The Hindu
1. Cohort
Meaning: partner in activity
Synonym: companion, comrade, disciple
Antonym: enemy, foe, opponent
Sentence:The cohort on duty was drawn up under arms at the palace gates
2. Lurch
Meaning: move toward with jerk
Synonym: flounder, heave, bumble
Antonym: stay, steady, meet
Sentence:The blow came with a lurch of the vessel and Mayo fell flat on his back.
3. Curing
Meaning: Helping cure
Synonym: healing, sanative
Antonym: harmful, damaging
Sentence:The flavor is due partly to soil and climate, and partly to skill in curing
4. Austere
Meaning: severe in manner
Synonym: exacting, formal, cold
Antonym: flexible, bland, calm
Sentence:Quickly the light died out of his face, leaving it stern and austere.
5. Slugfest
Meaning: fight
Synonym: altercation, brawl,
Antonym: agreement, harmony, peace,
Sentence:The fight brought back memories of the classic 1976 Lyle-Foreman slugfest
6. Refuted
Meaning: Prove false
Synonym: counter, disprove, expose
Antonym: agree, aid, allow
Sentence:You can refute my statement, if you like, and accuse me of attacking you.
7. Parley
Meaning: negotiation
Synonym: confab, debate, talk
Antonym: Quite, silence
Sentence:Aparley is in progress and the invaders may withdraw
8. Apostate
Meaning: Traitor
Synonym: Backslider, defector, deserter
Antonym: adherent, loyalist, faithful
Sentence:after fifty years as an apostate he returned to the faith
9. Infidel
Meaning: nonbeliever
Synonym: atheist, libertine
Antonym: believer
Sentence:Churches were running out of room, and infidels begged the religious community to pray to their God to save them.
10. Tyranny
Meaning: Dictatorship
Synonym: cruelty, despotism, fascism
Antonym: Democracy
Sentence:They fled from your tyranny, and grew by your neglect of them.
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