G.K Questions Asked in RRB CBT Exam(9, 10 and 11 April)

April 12, 2016    

Dear Readers,

We have received the following questions from our readers and candidates who have appeared for the exam on 9, 10 and 11 April. If you have any more questions from the exam, then do share it in the comment section.

1. Current captain of women’s hockey team?
Ans. Ritu Rani.

2. 2015 Nobel Prize for literature?
Ans. Svetlana Alexievich.

3. SONAR full form?
Ans. Sound Navigation And Ranging.

4. Which is first unmanned satellite launched by ISRO??
Ans. Chandrayaan-1.

5. Which site launched 'Make in India emoji'?
Ans. Twitter

6. Minimum age of P.M.?
Ans. 25 years

7. Nitrogen % in atmospher?
Ans. 78%

8. First Indian go into space
Ans. Rakesh Sharma

9. Source of Narmada river?
Ans. Amarkantak

10. World AIDS day?
Ans. 1st Dec.

11. Which is not a fundamental right?
Ans. Right to Die for Country

12. US Open women's double winner 2015?
Ans. Sania Mirza and Martina Hingis

13. Indira Gandhi Tulip Garden Situated at?
Ans. Srinagar

14. Kanha National Park situated at?
Ans. Madhya Pradesh

15. Capital of Andhra Pradesh?
Ans. Amravathi

16. State with Lowest Population Density?
Ans. Sikkim

17. World Snooker Championship 2015 Winner?
Ans. Stuart Bingham.

18. Summer Olympic 2016 Venue?
Ans. Rio de Janeiro.

19. Hindi Diwas celebrated on?
Ans. 14th Sept.

20. Country winning most Oscar in Foreign Film Category?
Ans. Italy.

21. Self Help Group in A.P. Started by which Internet giant?
Ans. Google

22. First state to connect all the Panchayat's via internet?
Ans. Kerala

23. Bhagat Singh killed John Saunder's to avenge?
Ans. To take the revenge of Death of Lala Lajpath Rai

24. Study Of Map is termed as?
Ans. Cartography

25. Study Of spiders is called?
Ans. Arachnolgy

26. Dada Saheb Falke award is related to?
Ans. Cinema

27. Unit of Pressure?
Ans. Pascal(Newton per meter square)

28. RL WL is short form of?
Ans. Remote Location WaitList

29. Which metal is obtained from Amalgum?
Ans. Mercury

30. Ajay Jairam is related to which sports
Ans. Badminton.

31. Which of the following is not inert gas?
Ans. Hydrogen

32. The capital of India was shifted form which place to Delhi?
Ans. Kolkata

33. Who is the BCCI cricketer of the year 2015?
Ans. Virat Kohli

34. Who built Red fort of Agra?
Ans. Akbar

35. Largest cell in human body?
Ans. Ovum

For more questions, click here.

G.K Questions Asked in RRB CBT Exam(9, 10 and 11 April) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 12, 2016 Dear Readers, We have received the following questions from our readers and candidates who have appeared for the exam on 9, 10 and 11 A...

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