G.K Questions Asked in RRB CBT Exam(5th March)

April 6, 2016    

Dear Readers,

We have received the following questions from our readers and candidates who have appeared for the exam yesterday(for all shifts). If you have any more questions from the exam, then do share it in the comment section.

1. What is the national game of USA? 
Ans. Baseball

2. How many  world heritage sites have been identified by UNESCO in India?  
Ans. 32

3. In which year the first Indo-Pakistan war took place? 
Ans. 1965

4. Find the odd one out? (Yahoo.com, Facebook.com, Whatsapp and one more option).
Ans. Whatsapp

5. Panipat refinery belongs to which state? 
Ans. Haryana

6. Dadabhai Naoroji worked as a professor in which university?
Ans. University of London

7. Law of Inertia was given by?
Ans. Sir Issac Newton

8. How many gold medals did India got in 12th South Asian Games?
Ans. 188

9. Bio Diesel Locomotive is coming in which Railway Zone? 
Ans. Hubli Division

10. What is the full form of ISI?
Ans. Inter-Services Intelligence

11. Vasco Da Gama arrived at India in which coast? 
Ans. Malabar Coast

12. East Coast Railway is located at?
Ans. Orissa

13. What is toxicology? 
Ans. Study of adverse effects of chemicals on living bodies.

14. CTRL+Z is used for? 
Ans.To undo

15. Device used for file transfer and communication in short distance?
Ans. Bluetooth

16. Who is the anti-corruption member in ICC from India?
Ans. Rahul Dravid

17. Anti Leprosy Day is observed on? 
Ans. January 30

18. Who is the father of White Revolution? 
Ans. Verghese Kurien

19. Name the soldier who was martyred in Siachen avalanche?
Ans. Lance Naik Hanumantha

20. Satellite ASTROSAT was first launched in? 
Ans. Sept. 28, 2015

21. Which device would you use to connect to internet wirelesly? 
Ans. Router

22. Which language was used by Mughal emperors in that period (Persian, Urdu, Bengali and one more option)? 
Ans. Persian

23. Most populous state in India as per 2011 census?
Ans. Uttar Pradesh

24. 1024 GB is equal to?
Ans. 1 Terabyte

25. PDF full form? 
Ans. Portable Document Format

26. What is range of Ultrasonic sound frequency? 
Ans. 18-22 KHz.

27. Around which river have coal mines recently been in the news (Godavari, Mahi, Damodar and one more option)? 
Ans. Damodar

28. Which team recently won the Under 19 Cricket T20 World Cup? 
Ans. West Indies

29. Which river doesn’t flow into the Arabian sea (Mahanadi, Mahi, Tapi, Periyar)? Ans. Mahanadi

30. Who visited India in 2015? 
Ans. Japan PM Shinzo Abe

G.K Questions Asked in RRB CBT Exam(5th March) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 6, 2016 Dear Readers, We have received the following questions from our readers and candidates who have appeared for the exam yesterday(for all...

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