G.K Questions Asked in RRB CBT Exam (2nd April, 1st Shift)

April 2, 2016    

Dear Readers,

We have received the following questions from our readers and candidates who have appeared for the exam today. If you have any more questions from the exam, then do share it in the comment section.

1. Which country got Independence in 2011?
Ans. South Sudan.

2. Who designed the building of the Indian Parliament?
Ans. Sir Edwin Lutyens.

3. The king Ashoka belonged to which dynasty?
Ans. Maurya dynasty.

4. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre took place in which year?
Ans. 1919.

5. In which Olympic year did women participated in all events for first time?
Ans. 2012 London Olympics.

6. Scientific name of Human beings?
Ans. Homo Sapiens.

7. Capital of Gujarat?
Ans. Gandhinagar.

8. In which cells Mitochondria doesn't exists?
Ans. Erythrocytes (red blood cells).

9. NaCl is what (Options: Salt, Water, Sugar and one more option)?
Ans. It's a salt.

10. What is minimum age required to become PM of nation?
Ans. 25 years.

11. Fastest acting anti-rabies injection was developed by which country?
Ans. India.

12. Currency of Korea?
Ans. South Korean Won.

13. X-rays was discovered by?
Ans. Wilhelm Roentgen.

14. River Brahmaputra doesn't flows in which country?
Ans. Myanmar.

15. Which recently discovered creature lives without water for 10 years?
Ans. Kangaroo Rat.

16. Which monument was built by Shah Jahan in Delhi?
Ans. Jama Masjid.

17. Which planet has no satelites?
Ans. Mercury and Venus.

18. From where our Indian Constitution has borrowed Emergency provision?
Ans. Germany.

19. First man who reached outer space?
Ans. Yuri Gagrin.

20. Periodic Table of elements was invented by?
Ans. Dmitri Mendeleev.

21. The term "Wood shot/Hairpin shot" is associated with which sport?
Ans. Badminton.

22. Which country would host 2019 Rugby World Cup?
Ans. Japan.

23. Study of organisms and their environment?
Ans. Ecology.

24. Sri Lanka got Independent in which year?
Ans. 1948.

25. Cultivation of saffron is done in which state?
Ans. Jammu and Kashmir.

26. The image formed on the retina of human eyes is?
Ans. Real and inverted.

27. If we double the resistance of wire, the effect on voltage would be?
Ans. Voltage would get decrease.

Note: Please do share the other questions especially Maths and Reasoning and we will update them.

G.K Questions Asked in RRB CBT Exam (2nd April, 1st Shift) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 2, 2016 Dear Readers, We have received the following questions from our readers and candidates who have appeared for the exam today. If you h...

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