G.K Questions Asked in RRB CBT Exam 19 April

April 20, 2016    

Dear Readers,

We have received the following questions from our readers and candidates who have appeared for the exam on 19 April. If you have any more questions from the exam, then do share it in the comment section.

1. Who was Man of the series in Asia cup, 2016?
Ans. Shabbir Rahman.

2. What is ADSL? 
Ans. Asymmetric digital subscriber line.

3. When is the next occurring year of Halley comet? 
Ans. 2061.

4. Indian State with the maximum number of boundaries? 
Ans. Uttar Pradesh.

5. Which Party has won second largest MP seats in Lok Sabha elections 2014? 
Ans. Indian National Congress.

6. What was India’s Tiger population as per 2014 data?
Ans. 2226.

7. What was SBI previously called? 
Ans. Imperial Bank of India.

8. Pluto was discovered in which year? 
Ans. 1930.

9. What was the theme of The World Wetlands Day? 
Ans. Sustainable Livelihoods.

10. Kakori train robbery happened near? 
Ans. Lucknow.

11. Goodwill Ambassador of UNDP? 
Ans. Michelle Yeoh.

12. Make in India week?
Ans. 13th-18th February 2016

13. Who is the Central Defence minister?
Ans. Manohar parikkar

14. Which gas is mostly found in refrigerators?
Ans. CFCs ( Chloro flouro Carbons)

15. Hawa mahal is made up of ___?
Ans. Pink coloured sand stone

16. Car stops when applied brakes due to ______ force?
Ans. Frictional

17. ".docx" is an extension of _____?
Ans. MS-word

18. A Game in which we touch the opponent and opponent’s player get out.
Ans. Kabaddi

19. Golconda port was constructed during which dynasty rule?
Ans. Kakatiya dynasty

20. Who got  Dadasaheb phalke award 2015?
Ans. Shashi kapoor

21. Taxonomy is related to ______.
Ans. Classification

22. Name the 3rd Emperor of Mughal Empire? 
Ans. Akbar-e-Azam

23. When is world wetland day celebrated? 
Ans. 2nd February

24. Manusmiriti is written in which language? 
Ans. Sanskrit

25. On which date is Women’s Day celebrated? 
Ans. 8th March

26. In which year Gita was converted to English? 
Ans. 1787

27. What is the process of purification of sea water called as? 
Ans. Desalination

28. Name the scientiest who discovered Pluto? 
Ans. Clyde Tombaugh

29. Full name CT in CT scan
Ans. Computerized Tomography

30. Plastics are made up of ______.
Ans. Organic polymers( chain of carbon atoms)

31. Main material in glass ?
Ans. Silica

32. What is present capital of Vijayanagaram ?
Ans. Hampi

33. Full form of MRI?
Ans. Magnetic Resource Imaging

34. What is capital of Pakistan?
Ans. Islamabad

35. What is currency of Bangladesh?
Ans. Taka

36. Best picture in 88th oscar awards is _____.
Ans. Spotlight

37. Where is Mecca located?
Ans. Saudi Arabia

38. Bardoli Satyagraha was led by whom?
Ans. Sardar Patel

39. World's first woman cosmonaut in the world?
Ans. Valentina Tereskova

40. I work @ home is by which bank?
Ans. ICICI bank

41. Green tribunal is related with??
Ans.Environment conservation and protection

42. In 1998 Who was awarded with Arjun award?
Ans.Baichung Bhutia

G.K Questions Asked in RRB CBT Exam 19 April 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 20, 2016 Dear Readers, We have received the following questions from our readers and candidates who have appeared for the exam  on 19 April . ...

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