General Awareness Quiz

April 21, 2016    

1. Red-rot and Ergot disease are associated with the Production of:
A. Bajra and wheat
B. Groundnut and sugarcane
C.Wheat and groundnut
D.Sugarcane and Bajra

2. Who among the following received Nobel prize for unraveling the helical structure of Protein ?
A. Linus pauling
B. Maurice Wilkins
C. Sanger
D. Watson and Crick

3. Which one of the following kinds of organism causes maleria ?
A. Bacterium
B. Fungus
C. Protozoan
D. Virus

4. Which among the following is poorest source of Fat ?
A. Curd
B. Egg
C. Fish
D. Milk

5. The release of which one of the following into Ponds and wells helps in controlling mosquitoes ?
A. Crab
B. Gambusia Fisha
C. Dogfish
D. Snail

6. Which one of the following crop improvement technique is based on the concept of Cellular Totipotency in plants
A. Polyploid
B. Tissue Culture
C. Induced Culture
D. Hybridisation

7. The high milk yielding breed of cow developed in India through cross breeding is ?
A. Haryana
B. Red sindhi
C. Murrah
D. Holstein-Friesian

8. Zoological Survey of India Planned to Establish Five DNA Laboratories in India. Which one of the following cities is not included in its planned list?
A.New Delhi
B. Chennai
C. Kolkata
D. Pune

9. If the drinking water supply pipeline is damaged and is contaminated with domestic sewerage. which one of the following disease is most likely to occur ?
A. Measles
B. Typhoid
C. Tuberculosis
D. Diphtheria

10. Which scientist disapproved the theory of spontaneous generation and performed the experiment to show "Life begets life" ?
A. Alexander flemin
B. Joseph Lister
C. Louis pasteur
D. Linus Pauling

Answers will be provided soon

General Awareness Quiz 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 21, 2016 1. Red-rot and Ergot disease are associated with the Production of: A. Bajra and wheat B. Groundnut and sugarcane C.Wheat and groundnu...

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