Dear Readers, we are sharing some of questions that was asked in RRB(Railway Recruitment Board) Exam 1st shift- 16.04.16 that provided by our readers.

General Awareness Questions in Railway RRB April 16th 2016 – Shift I
1.Mouse is invented by- Douglas Engelbart
2.Who has won the sangita kalanidhi award for 2015 -Sanjay Subrahmanyan
3. Which bacteria converts milk to curd -Lactobacillus bacteria
4.Right to freedom and liberty in which article of constitution -Article 21
5..Longest bridge of world is in which country- China
6.Largest princely state during Indian Independence- Hyderabad
7.Railway budget 2016 presented by -Suresh Prabhu
8. .Current chief of election commission -Nasim Zaidi
9.UHT full form- Ultra High Temperature
10. Maximum silk in India produced by -Karnataka
11.Saina Nehwal- Badminton
12.Rani laxmi bai died at which place -Gwalior
13.Brain of computer -C.P.U.
14.Muhammad Bin Tughlaq transferred from Delhi to -Daultabad
15.Largest silk producer state of India- Karnataka
16. Highest bridge on which river- Bhagirathi
17.Nirogen fixing bacteria -Microorganisms
18.Who was appointed as M.D and CEO of central Mine planing &Design institute Ltd (CMPDI)-Shekhar Saran
19. Who Chinese came to India during Guptas period -Fa Hien
20.Fullform of SPM -Scanning Pobe Microscope
21. Chemical name of Laughing gas -Nitrous oxide
22. First chocolate made by -Harnan Cortes
23.No.of bones in human adult -206
24.Who is CEO of Flipkart- Binny Bansal
25.Android uses which programming language-
26. .Supreme Commander of Indian Defence Services - President
27. .Goecha La pass is in which state -Sikkim
28.Gas in which we live in breathe -Carbon dioxide
29. Which is Digital State of India -Kerala
General Awareness Questions in Railway RRB April 16th 2016 – Shift I
1.Mouse is invented by- Douglas Engelbart
2.Who has won the sangita kalanidhi award for 2015 -Sanjay Subrahmanyan
3. Which bacteria converts milk to curd -Lactobacillus bacteria
4.Right to freedom and liberty in which article of constitution -Article 21
5..Longest bridge of world is in which country- China
6.Largest princely state during Indian Independence- Hyderabad
7.Railway budget 2016 presented by -Suresh Prabhu
8. .Current chief of election commission -Nasim Zaidi
9.UHT full form- Ultra High Temperature
10. Maximum silk in India produced by -Karnataka
11.Saina Nehwal- Badminton
12.Rani laxmi bai died at which place -Gwalior
13.Brain of computer -C.P.U.
14.Muhammad Bin Tughlaq transferred from Delhi to -Daultabad
15.Largest silk producer state of India- Karnataka
16. Highest bridge on which river- Bhagirathi
17.Nirogen fixing bacteria -Microorganisms
18.Who was appointed as M.D and CEO of central Mine planing &Design institute Ltd (CMPDI)-Shekhar Saran
19. Who Chinese came to India during Guptas period -Fa Hien
20.Fullform of SPM -Scanning Pobe Microscope
21. Chemical name of Laughing gas -Nitrous oxide
22. First chocolate made by -Harnan Cortes
23.No.of bones in human adult -206
24.Who is CEO of Flipkart- Binny Bansal
25.Android uses which programming language-
26. .Supreme Commander of Indian Defence Services - President
27. .Goecha La pass is in which state -Sikkim
28.Gas in which we live in breathe -Carbon dioxide
29. Which is Digital State of India -Kerala
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