Find Grammatical Errors with Detailed Explanations

April 19, 2016    

Instruction :-

Every sentences given below is divided into four sections marked A,B,C and D, Read the sentence carefully and mark the section that contains an error. If there is no error in the sentences, mark (E).
  1. None but (A)/a boiling  hot cup of tea can (B)/ bring satisfaction (C)/ to me. (D)/ No error. (E)
  2. He never has and (A)/ never will take (B)/ such strong (C)/ measures. (D)/ No error. (E)
  3. They found themselves (A)/ in competition with (B)/ men who were as good (C)/ of not better than themselves. (D)/ No error. (E)
  4. School offers many opportunities of meeting (A)/ helpful people. reading useful books (B)/ and obtain information about (C)/ a variety of public careers. (D)/ No error. (E)
  5. Luckily, the prisoner agreed (A)/ to accompany the stranger and (B)/ they slowly made their way down (C)/ to the bottom of the cliff. (D)/ No error. (E)
  6. You are not paid to criticise, all you need (A)/ to do is (B)/ to carry out (C)/ my orders. (D)/ No error. (E)
  7. The visiting minister (A)/ was told that (B)/ one of those boy's result (C)/ was commendable. (D)/ no error. (E)
  8. As a sleeping partner, (A)/ he has invested (B)/ a little amount (C)/ of money . (D)/ No error. (E) 
  9. Transport has been arranged (A)/ to stretch (B)/ the students (C)/ in visiting the book fair. (D)/ No error. (E) 
  10. I met a person (A)/ who was (B)/ my professor (C)/ ten years ago. (D)/ No error. (E)
  11. It has been my dearest with (A)/ for the past five years (B)/ to open a school (C)/ for the tiny tots. (D)/ No error. (E)
  12. My servant (A)/ was very good (B)/ but he died last week (C)/ of overwork. (D)/ No error. (E)
  13. He cannot dare to (A)/ go to that place (B)/ without (C)/ my prior permission. (D) No error. (E)
  14. I want to know (A)/ of you have received (B)/ the last information (C)/ about the incident. (D)/ No error. (E)
  15. The Minister of Education (A)/ submitted his resignation (B)/ to the chief Minister (C)/ yesterday evening. (D)/ No error. (E)
  16. The collector granted (A)/ relief payments of Rs.4000/-  (B) each to those (C)/ who injured in the accident. (D)/ No error. (E)
  17. The only good thing (A)/ about these (B)/ pens are (C) their colour and size. (D)/ No error. (E)


1. (A) Write Nothing but in place of None but in section 
2. (A) Write He never has taken in place of He never has in section (A). 
3. (C) Write as good as in place of as good in section (C).
so, the correct sentence will be:
"They found themselves in competition with men who were as good as if not better than themselves."
4. (C) Write obtaining in place of obtain in section (C).

The correct sentences will be:

"school offers many opportunities of meeting helpful people, reading useful books and obtaining information about a variety of public careers.
5. (D) Remove to from section (D).

So, the correct sentences will be:

"Luckily, the prisoner agreed to accompany the stranger and they slowly made their way down the bottom of the cliff.";
6. (B) Remove to from section (B). Need is a modal and is not followed by to. So, the correct sentence will be:
"You are not paid to criticise, all your need do is to carry out my orders."
Note: of 13 modals (will/would, shall/should, can/could, may/might, must, need, dare, ought (to), used (to) only ought and used are followed by to.
7. (C) Write boys' in place of boy's in section (C), Boy's means of one boy,
Boys's means of many boys.   
The use of one of in the sentence indicates that there were many boys and of many boys only one has been refereed to. So, the correct sentence will be:
"The visiting minister was told that one of those boys' result was commendable." 
8. (C) Write a small amount in place of a little amount in section (C). A small amount means, not a considerable or a huge amount. A little is generally used with uncountable nouns e.g. a little milk/ sugar / tea etc.
So, the correct sentences will be:
"As a sleeping partner, he has invested a small amount of money."
9. (D) Write to visit in place of in visiting in section (D). The correct sentence will be:
"Transport has been arranged to facilitate the students to visit the book fair."
10. (B) Write had been in place of was in section (B). The correct sentence will be :
"I met a person who had been my professor ten years ago."

11. (C) Write start in place of open in section (C). When it is first time, we start and not open. So, the correct sentences will be:
"It has been my dearest wish for the past five years to start a school for the tiny tots."
Tiny tots means small kids.
12. (D) Write from a place of of in section (D). In this context, remember the following facts:
Die of ......... a disease.
Die from ....... exertion/overwork.
Therefore, the correct sentence will be:
"My servant was very good, but he died last week from overwork."
Don't say : He died from cancer.
Say: He died of HIV (HIV is a disease).
Don't say : he dies of over-eating.
Say : He died from over-eating.
13. (A) remove to from section (A). In this sentences, dare has been used as a modal. As such, to cannot be used after it. So, the correct sentences will be:
"He cannot dare go to that place without my prior permission."
14. (C) Write latest in place of last in section (C). Information and news are always latest. last information would mean, there will be no information after that. latest means, of the recent time. So, the correct sentences will be:
"i want to know if you have received the latest information about the incident."
Don't say: What is the fresh news of today?
Say : What is the fresh news of today?
15. (D) Write last evening in place of yesterday evening in section (D). Uses like yesterday evening, yesterday morning, today morning, today evening, tomorrow morning, tomorrow evening , tomorrow morning, tomorrow evening etc. are wrong . Please see the following chart for such right uses:

S.No. Don’t say Say
1. Today morning/evening This morning/evening
2. Yesterday morning/evening Last morning/evening
3. Tomorrow morning/evening Next morning/evening

So, the correct sentences will be:
"The Minister of Education submitted his resignation to the Chief Minister last evening."

16. (D) Write who were injured in the accident in place of who injured in the accident in section (D). The correct sentences will be:'
"The collector granted relief payments of Rs. 4000/- each to those who were injured in the accident."
17. (C) Write is in place of are in section (C), The verb should agree with the only good thing and not with these pens. So, the correct sentences will be:
"The only good thing about these pens is their colour and size."
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Find Grammatical Errors with Detailed Explanations 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 19, 2016 Instruction :- Every sentences given below is divided into four sections marked A,B,C and D, Read the sentence carefully and mark the se...

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