English Vocabulary from "The Hindu" - 19th April 2016

April 21, 2016    

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Hai  Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu dated April 19th 2016. Happy reading :)
Note : Click on the Topic Titles to read the Editorials
Topic 1 : "Grounding Vijay Mallya"
  • Heed - to ​pay ​attention to something (​especially ​advice or a ​warning)
  • Enforcement - to make ​people ​obey a ​law
  • Summons - an order to appear before a judge
  • Money laundering - the ​crime of ​moving ​money that has been ​obtained ​illegally through ​banks and other ​businesses to make it ​seem as if the ​money has been ​obtained ​legally
  • Probe - an ​attempt to ​discover ​information by ​asking a lot of ​questions
  • Prompt - an ​action done ​quickly, without ​delay
  • Non-compliance - not obeying a ​rule or ​law
  • Revocation - cancelling something with authority
  • Baron - an important or powerful person in a specified business or industry
  • Revoked - officially cancelled
  • Impound - seize
  • Portray - to ​represent someone
  • Victim - a person harmed as a result of a crime / accident
  • Calumny - the making of false statements about someone in order to damage their reputation
  • Asserts - to say that something is ​certainly ​true
  • Intention - aim / plan
  • Abscond - to go away ​suddenly and ​secretly in ​order to ​escape from ​somewhere
  • Allegation - a ​statement, that someone has done something ​wrong or ​illegal
  • Liabilities - debts
  • Quantified - to ​measure or ​judge the ​size or ​amount of something
  • Elbow room - freedom to do what you ​want
  • Shrinking - becomeing smaller in size or amount
  • Consequences - results / effects
  • Perception - a ​belief or ​opinion
  • Profligate - spending ​money in a way that ​wastes it and is not ​wise
  • Malfeasance - an ​example of ​dishonest and ​illegal ​behaviour
  • Flamboyant - very ​confident in ​behaviour, and ​liking to be ​noticed by other ​people
  • Wilful - intentional
  • Defaulter - someone who does not ​pay ​interest or other ​money that they ​owe
  • Credibility - the quality of being trusted and believed in
  • Authentic - real / true
  • Ease - make something less serious / difficult / painful etc
  • Recourse - a source of help in a difficult situation
Topic 2 : "Are negative rates the new normal ?"
  • Strategy - a plan of action designed to achieve a long-term aim
  • Deliberation - long and careful consideration or discussion
  • Monetary - relating to money or currency
  • Impatience - easily ​annoyed by someone's ​mistakes or because you have to ​wait
  • Robust - ​strong
  • Preceded - come before (something) in time
  • Meltdown - a ​complete ​failure, ​especially in ​financial ​matters
  • Gradually - slowly (step by step)
  • Sober - serious and calm
  • Modest - not ​large in ​size or ​amount, or not ​expensive
  • Commodity - a product that can be ​traded, ​bought, or ​sold
  • Cautious - careful to avoid problems or dangers
  • Stance - a way of ​thinking about something, ​especially ​expressed in a ​publicly ​stated ​opinion
  • Scepticism - doubting that something is ​true or ​useful
  • Reliance - dependence on or trust in someone or something
  • Prolonged - continuing for a long time or longer than usual / lengthy
  • In line with something - similar to / at the same ​level as something
  • Uneasily - slightly ​worried or ​uncomfortable about a ​particular ​situation
  • Pursuit - the ​act of ​trying to ​achieve a ​plan, ​activity, or ​situation, usually over a ​long ​period of ​time
  • Explicit - stated clearly and in detail
  • Proponent - a ​person who ​speaks ​publicly in ​support of a ​particular ​idea or ​plan of ​action
  • Induce - to make someone to do something
  • Spur - to encourage something happen faster
  • Inflation - a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money
  • Implications - the conclusion that can be drawn from something although it is not directly stated
  • Adverse - harmful (preventing success / development)
  • Viability - ability to ​continue to ​exist / succeed
  • Manoeuvre - a movement or series of moves requiring skill and care
  • Curiously - strangely
  • Plunge - to (​cause someone or something to) ​move or ​fall ​suddenly
  • Emphasising - to show that something is very ​important or ​worth giving ​attention to
  • Stimulus - something that ​causes ​growth or ​activity
  • Stability - a ​situation in which something is not ​likely to ​move or ​change
  • Tentative - not sure / fixed
  • Persist - continue in an opinion, even though there is difficulty or opposition
  • Refrain - stop yourself from doing something
  • Devaluation - official lowering of the value of a country's currency
  • Concerted - coordinated (jointly arranged or carried out)
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English Vocabulary from "The Hindu" - 19th April 2016 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 21, 2016 sponsored links Hai  Friends I'm Kani . Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu dated April 19th...

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