English Vocabulary from "The Hindu" - 13th April 2016

April 13, 2016    

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Hai Friends I'm Kani. Due to some unavoidable personal reasons, I was unable to share Vocabulary posts for past 20 days. I know how important these posts to you. I am happy to announce that I have resumed my work, and from today onwards you will get regular vocabulary updates. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu dated April 13th 2016. Happy Reading :) 

Note : Click on the title to read the Editorial

Topic 1 : " The power of one against many"
  1. First-past-the-post - Voting system where candidate receiving more votes.
  2. Conscious - Fully aware of.
  3. Mindful - Attentive or Careful.
  4. Allies - Supporting parties in election.
  5. Spurn - To reject by thinking that they are unworthy of notice.
  6. Strategy - A plan for obtaining a specific goal.
  7. Capitalise - To take advantage of.
  8. Significantly - Importantly.
  9. Semblance - The slightest appearance or trace.
  10. Viability - The capacity to be sustained.
  11. Emulating - Imitating with effort to equal.
  12. Mentor - An influential senior or supporter.
  13. Confined - Being in a particular place.
  14. Prohibition - Prevention.
  15. Tailing - Watching closely behind someone about where they go and what they do.
  16. Virtue - More excellence / Thinking and doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong.
  17. Polarisation - A sharp division.
  18. Banking in - Expecting it to happen (here)

Topic 2 : "Keeping tigers in the green zone"
  1. Tremendous - Extraordinarily great in size.
  2. Credible - Trustworthy / Worthy of belief.
  3. Estimate - To form an approximate judgement or Opinion.
  4. Elusive - Something or someone taht is difficult to find.
  5. Flawed - Mistakes / Having imperfection.
  6. Persist - Continues to exist.
  7. Terrible - Very bad.
  8. Intensive - Concentrating a lot of effort in order to achieve a lot in a short time.
  9. Wiped out - Destroyed.
  10. Chastened - Feel regret for bad behaviour.
  11. Dismal - Lowering or which is bad in Depressing way.
  12. Inviolate - Free from violation / Undisturbed.
  13. Crackdown - Strong official action that is taken to punish people who break laws.
  14. Poaching - Illegal practice of hunting.
  15. Conspicuous - Easily seen or noticed.
  16. Instance - Example.
  17. Dreadful - Causing great fear.
  18. Contradictory - Logically opposite.
  19. Mitigating - To make less severe.
  20. Benign - Favourable / Showing gentleness or kindness.
  21. Vital - Important / Necessary.
  22. Bureaucratic hurdles - Involving complicated rules and procedures which can cause long delays.
  23. Transparency - Easy to see or understand.

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English Vocabulary from "The Hindu" - 13th April 2016 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 13, 2016 sponsored links Hai Friends I'm Kani . Due to some unavoidable personal reasons, I was unable to share Vocabulary posts for past 20 ...

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